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Dodona : oracle in the mountains of Epirus (q.v.), sacred to Zeus & Dione. Priests interpreted the words of the oracle from the sound of a holy spring & from the wind in a sacred oak tree.

4 result/s found for Dodona

... * * * Page 122 The Death of Socrates by David (detail) Page 123 Page 124 Top: The theatre at Dodona and the mountains of Epirus in the back-ground. In Dodona, Zeus' oracle spoke through the rustling leaves of an age-old sacred oak tree. Right: at Delos, the sacred island of Apollo, a processional way, 7th century BC ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... possibility of these realizations was what the Egyptian priests carried to the islands and the mainland of primitive Greece, together with the statues of their gods, when they founded the mysteries at Dodona, those of the Kabiroi, and probably most others including Delphi. The theos anèr , the divine Man, seems to have been known also by those people who dedicated their lives to becoming what, as they ...

... sparing, Spending the strength that is thine to inherit the doom of another! Goddess of pity who yearnst and who helpest, Durga, our Mother! Brooder in Delphi's caverns, Voice in the groves of Dodona! Goddess serene of an ancient progeny, Dian, Latona! Virgin! ascetic frank or remote, Athene the mighty! Harlot supine to the worlds, insatiate white Aphrodite! Hundred-named art thou, goddess ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... waking, Shadows are these from our souls and who shall discern what they figure? Fears from the heart speak voiced like Zeus, take shape as Apollo. But were they truer than Delphi's cavern voice or Dodona's Moan that seems wind in his oaks immemorable, how should they alter Fate that the stern gods have planned from the first when the earth was unfashioned, Shapeless the gyre of the sun? For dream ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems