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... Jugal, he can talk politics and communism with my colleague Manoj Das, he can talk history with my friend Sisir, and certainly he can perorate on philosophy with Arindam and Kireet, and even with Dr. Agarwal he can hold his own ( laughter ) - and with me on Supermind. ( laughter ) The other day my friend Champaklal remarked, "When these two persons get together they start talking about the Supermind ...
... Pondicherry, Dr. Agarwal, a practitioner of Bates' method from Delhi visited the Ashram and tried to introduce and experiment the new method on some cases of defective eyesight in the Ashram. I attended his talk and treatment as an onlooker and did not reveal my interest in the theory. I realized that the fundamental difference in the application of Bates' method between myself and Dr. Agarwal was that... well-known writer of Gujarat. The second edition of the book on Preservation of Health and Sight was published and three thousand copies were sold out. During this period I received a letter from Dr. Agarwal inquiring whether I could make an arrangement for his consultation camp for the eye patients in Gujarat in my eye clinic; he expressed his intention to offer the income of that consultation camp... camp to the Divine Mother. I was extremely glad to have an opportunity to serve the Divine Mother. I therefore planned out a programme to make his visit successful. I wrote two articles about Dr. Agarwal who was a pioneer in the practice of Dr. Bates' method for eye troubles in India. In those days we two were the only followers of Dr. Bates' method in India. I arranged for his public lecture in Premabhai ...
... [invisible] people and things, the room is full of them! I constantly see. At night (especially at night), I see moving forms that look like... You know how J. is dressed, 3 or Dr. Agarwal 4 ... Oh, speaking of Dr. Agarwal, when Pralhad [his son] died, his mother was very anxious to know if he had come to me. I told her, "Nothing, I haven't seen anything." So I don't know if it's as a result of that ...
... 21 July 1967 Dearest Mother, Two years ago an eye doctor in Bombay found an incipient cataract in my right eye. Lately I had a talk with our Dr. Agarwal and he told me that such a cataract could be cured by the Bates system. 19 On examining my eyes he felt sure. I am trying out his treatment. He has been very kind and eager and I wish to cooperate... × The Bates system is a natural method of eyesight cure involving eye exercises and relaxation of the eyes. It was practised by Dr. Agarwal, who lived in the Ashram and founded the Ashram’s School for Perfect Eyesight. ...
... developed some misgiving about himself and was inclined to think that perhaps Sri Aurobindo was the Avatar!" "In those years after Sri Aurobindo's passing away, some of us used * Dr. Agarwal was a follower of Bates's system in eye-troubles due to errors of refraction. -Editors Page 312 to gather on the first floor and receive flowers and blessings from ...
... like Jugal, he can talk politics and communism with my colleague Manoj Das, he can talk history with our Sisir, and certainly he can perorate on philosophy with Arindam and Kireet, and even with Dr. Agarwal he can hold his own (laughter) — and with me on Supermind. (laughter) The other day my friend Champaklal remarked, "When these two persons get together they start talking about the Super-mind ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Helping Sri Aurobindo? 1949-07-26 Dr. Agarwal wanted to treat Sri Aurobindo's eyes and asked me whether I would inform him to that effect. I replied that I would surely do so. And then I told him: “You say you want to help Sri Aurobindo. Do you really think anybody can help him? As far as I ...
... when is killing not killing. DR. MANILAL (apropos of Abhay's father who suddenly lost his sight due to cataract): There is no cure for a cataract except an operation when it is mature, unless Dr. Agarwal can do something. But I think gazing at the sun may sometimes destroy the eye. SRI AUROBINDO: It depends on how one does it. Sun-gazing has been done in India since time immemorial. I myself have ...
... water and an atmosphere so filled with this living, vibrant vitality of plants!" Mother frequently went there for a walk. Once, she met Prahlad, who had died some time back. He was the son of Dr Agarwal, the ophthalmologist. "Two days ago," she related to Satprem in October 1968, "the day before yesterday, I went for a stroll in a forest of the vital.... My little child, it was beautiful! Oh, a ...
... Mother, Before Dr. Agarwal’s treatment would be well underway I wanted my incipient cataract to be officially certified, so I went this morning to Dr. Gorimedu to get my eyes examined by an expert. I have been authoritatively told that not only has my right eye an incipient cataract but that also my left eye has a cataract just starting though I feel nothing. Now Dr. Agarwal’s treatment is put ...
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