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Dwapara Yuga : traditionally, 3rd of the four Yugas in which righteousness is diminished by half. Sri Krishna manifested in the last Dwāpara.

7 result/s found for Dwapara Yuga

... travail of seeking by which the first founders & pioneers of Vedantism in an age when the secret & true sense of Veda had been largely submerged in the ceremonialism & formalism of the close of the Dwapara Yuga, attempted to recover their lost heritage partly by reference to the adepts who still remained in possession of it, partly by the traditions of the great seekers of the past Yuga, Janaka, Yajnavalkya... was lost, O scourge of thy foes. This is the same ancient Yoga that I have told unto [thee] today, because thou art my lover and my friend; for this is the highest of all the inner truths." The Dwapara Yuga was the age of Kuru preeminence and the Kurus were a great practical, warlike, ritualistic, juristic race of the Roman type, with little of the speculative temper or moral enthusiasm of the eastern ...


... The original root was इल् to love, embrace, flatter, praise, adore; the cerebral ळ is a later form,—a dialectical peculiarity Page 474 belonging to some of the dominant races of the Dwapara Yuga, which established itself for a time but could not hold its own and either resolved itself back into ल or was farther transformed into the soft cerebral ड with which it was interchangeable. So we... accepted. In reality यज्ञ is the name of the supreme Lord Vishnu himself; it also means धर्म or योग and by a later preference of meaning it came to signify sacrifice, because sacrifice in the later Dwapara Yuga became the one dharma and yoga which dominated and more and more tended to replace all others. It is necessary to recover the proper meaning of this important word by Nirukta, and, in order to [do] ...


... [1] RV I.1 The Rigveda Translated into English with an etymological reconstruction of the Old Sanscrit or Aryan tongue in which it was rendered in the Dwapara Yuga and an explanation of the Yogic phenomena and philosophy with which it is mainly concerned. [word] - word(s) omitted by the author or lost through damage to the manuscript that are required by... the adjective हित. यज्ञस्य. This word is of the utmost importance in the Veda. Its subsequent meaning of sacrifice has overclouded the sense of the Scriptures ever since the later half of the Dwapara Yuga; but originally and in the age of Madhuchchhanda it had no shade of this meaning. It is the root यज् with the suffix न adjectival, as explained under अग्नी. यज् is a primary derivative from the ...


... to Indian tradition, each cycle has four periods: Satya-yuga , the age of truth (or golden age), followed by the age with "three-fourths of the truth," Treta-yuga , then "half of the truth," Dwapara-yuga , and finally the age when all the truth has disappeared, Kali-yuga , and when the Password has been lost. The Kali-yuga is followed by a new Satya-yuga, but between the two there is a complete ...

... आहवः meant slaughter, battle, war; हविः slaying, strife; हु to hurl, fight, shout, call, invoke assistance (cf Grk βοή, βοƞθέω). The sacrificial application is of later origin and belongs to the Dwapara Yuga, the age of sacrifice and ceremonial. Page 492 रत्नधातमम् । रत्न and धा with the superlative termination तम. The word रत्न is the word रत् with the adjectival & nominal suffix ...


... papers, he used to analyse the characters of his co-workers and find out what resemblance they bore to the characters of the Mahabharata. One day he was supposed to have said that at the end of the Dwapara Yuga he had been born as Sri Krishna's grandson Aniruddha and Mrinalini as his wife Usha (the daughter of a Titan king). One can't vouch for the truth of the story since it involves a chronological anomaly ...

Nirodbaran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Mrinalini Devi

... from script transmitted directly to the hand. In such a manner did he proceed with old languages. He noted down, or should I say, he took down in dictation (?) what he said was from authors of the Dwapara Yuga. Obscure authors, obscure language, but relating to the epic Ramayana. Not as the epic has come down to us, though. Some mysterious writings in unknown languages have been found in Sri Aurobindo's ...