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6 result/s found for Economic society

... civilisation and comfort, the use of reason and science and education for the generalisation of a utilitarian rationality which will make the individual a perfected social being in a perfected economic society. What remained from the spiritual ideal was—for a time—a mentalised and moralised humanitarianism relieved of all religious colouring and a social ethicism which was deemed all-sufficient to take... unveiling of the supporting Soul and spiritual Self within to maintain it. A rational and scientific formula of the vitalistic and materialistic human being and his life, a search for a perfected economic society and the democratic cultus of the average man are all that the modern mind presents us in this crisis as a light for its solution. Whatever the truth supporting these ideas, this is clearly not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... in the effectuating imagination of mankind and even got as far as some attempt at a first step towards actual effectuation. In ideal and imagination it has assumed the form of a political and economic society of the nations which will get rid of the cruel and devastating device of war, establish a reign of international law and order and solve without clash, strife or collision, by reason, by cooperation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... civilisation and characterised by the cult of a critical and constructive rationality of which Science is the last outcome and which hopes to make individual men perfected social beings in a perfected economic society. On the other is the Eastern ideal imbued with a spiritual preoccupation, a mystic élan towards the Beyond and Unknown, a search for the self and the inmost truth of being, to which "every passing ...

... consciousness an change of functionings it would be a very small gain. " (On Yoga II, Tome 2, P. 338 Page 20 the individual a perfected social being in a perfected economic society."¹ " At present mankind is undergoing an evolutionary crisis in which is concealed a choice of its destiny, "² "Reason, science and education" are the means by which the modern spirit ...

... to arrive or even to survive.     A rational and scientific formula of the vitalistic and materialistic human being and his life, a search for a perfected economic society and the democratic cultas of the average man are all that the modern mind presents us in this crisis as a light for its solution. Whatever the truth supporting these ideas, this is clearly not ...

... the word "spiritual", as I was myself once afraid of it. We have tried everything in our own country all that is being offered today by the best minds. (i) We have tried to bring about a perfect economic society and adopted the democratic cultus of the average man. Our economists offered a rational and scientific formula to achieve this goal. (ii) Secondly, several of my advisers presented a scenario ...