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Eros : Greek god of Love, known as the son of Aphrodite & Ares, originally portrayed as a beautiful winged youth armed with bow & arrows, he tended to be shown younger & younger until, by the Hellenistic period, he was an infant.

23 result/s found for Eros

... a God, a superhuman Power that entered earthly beings and carried them in emotional and imaginative ecstasy beyond themselves. We have a less pervasive sense of the deific than the ancients; so the Eros of the Greeks and the Kama or Madana of old India is not always to our minds a living figure, a burning Presence. Vividly and fierily enough we are aware of falling in love, but we do not trace our... drop out of love: almost the whole subconscious has its face turned towards the sex-act. What, however, can happen when the inner being is highly developed and sensitively attuned to the subtleties of Eros is that in the course of time an intense joy, a passionate fulfilment, becomes possible without coitus. One may even Page 18 go so far as to say that even physical nearness is not... great beauty through them. Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett were perhaps still more subtly attuned to the Godhead. All the same, there is an insistent imperfection in our being, that will not allow Eros to establish his empyrean within us. Perhaps no empyrean is possible until the Red Immortal turns us all to a direct mysticism, a Bhakti Yoga that is enamoured of the supreme Divine, instead of the ...


... The Secret Splendour EROS KNOWN AND UNKNOWN   IMAGES FROM EARLY MOODS   Eros Known and Unknown Images from Early Moods - Eros Known And Unknown   (In ancient times a mystical eroticism enjoined men and women to mate only under the cover of darkness.)   Lie not in the arms of day, With gaze a-gleam Deep in the heart ...


... 132 Earth's Roof 284 Earth-Heaven 7 Eden Ever-present 545 Elegiacs 512 Elixir Vitae 492 Equality 388 Eros Known and Unknown 390 Eros Known and Unknown 701 Escape from Tartary 382 Eternity 253 Eternity 654 Europe takes a Look 262 Euthanasia 10 Evanescence ...


... sexual. Subsequently, Freud re-formulated the concept of instincts and spoke of two classes of instincts - Eros or the life-preservative instincts, including the sexual instinct, and Thanatos or the death instinct. In this later formulation, libido came to be regarded as the energies of Eros, and aggression, turning away from pleasure, etc. as the expression of Thanatos. This subsequent modification ...

... wraps himself in a cool soft robe of velvet air and his feet are kissed by the laughing sea. But the translucent air which promises to reveal is a cloak far thicker than the gathering dusk. Thus the Eros of Praxiteles is not Love himself but the soul of the sculptor in one of her phases. Yet though Love has no one form, the idea, the soul of Love, that strange essence which walks forever in the peopled... a soul. For Love's arrow never pains while in the wound—it is too subtle and flower-like—if a lover is in pain, it is because he loves himself more than Love—and that is the fault of Nature, not of Eros. Again Love has been painted as blind; and in this too the poets of Europe have conceived a lyrical fiction; for they say that Love looses his shafts and knows not whom they strike, whereas indeed he ...


... Chronology is also the guide for much of the material pat together towards the end of the volume under the general heading Uncollected Work, save for one group standing last as a Supplement with the name Eros Known and Unknown (a name already used to cover three poems in Altar and Flame ).   To make the collection as complete as possible, this group subtitled "Images from Early Moods", has been... towards the secret splendour of he spiritual pursuit. Besides, there are already chords in the other sections which are in what may be called transforming tune with a background presence of the known Eros.   Preceding this group come the precious comments made by Sri Aurobindo other than those already a part of "Overhead Poetry" and of the prose section at the end of The Apocalypse. These ...


... appetite. The stuff, the vibration and the psychological plane of the sex-thrill are quite different from those of the mystical rapture. They are in comparison so crude and gross and cramping. Still, Eros shouts like a godhead and if his voice is ignored he turns devil, making sudden assaults on the ordinary spiritual aspirant, vaguely burdening the extraordinary one and leaving even in the most exceptional ...


... certain words used - "chaste breast", "quiet mind" - and because of the hell-let-loose of war which stands opposed to the peacetime pursuits of love, the violences of Mars which make the excitements of Eros seem in comparison an almost conventlike calm occupation. Any metaphysical poet would have envied the many-faceted ingeniousness of this lyric, but what is present in Lovelace is rarely theirs in their ...


... me and these are anyhow not central figures nor near the centre. Bridges was also a side figure at the time I wrote, it is only after his Laureateship that he came much forward. I had read only his Eros and Psyche and a few other things, and he did not give me the impression of being on one of the main lines. But I feel now that before the book can be published it has to be brought more up to date ...


... own; For we behold, from those eternal towers, The deathless beauty of all wingèd hours, And have our being in their truth alone.                         ... and I knew The wings of sacred Eros as he flew And left me to the love of things not seen. 'T is a sad love, like an eternal prayer, And knows no keen delight, no faint surcease. Yet from the seasons hath the earth increase, And ...


... invisible things, When o'er the glimmering tree-tops bowed The night is leaning on a luminous cloud, Page 2 or expressing the delicate exhilaration imparted by the grace of Eros and constanly enjoyed as an ever-new surprise Since in the silver mist Bright Cymothea's lips I kissed, Whose laughter dances like a gleam Of sunlight on a hidden stream That ...


... Keat's enchanted artistic luxuriance, through allegory and symbol and legend, in the Sovereign Beauty that is Sovereign Truth - Patmore's pointed polished ardour of the intellect for "the unknown Eros" - Francis Thompson's colourful heat of response to "the many-spendoured Thing" - Gerard Manley Hopkins's quiver and flash of aspiration within a God-dedicated discipline - Yeats's bewitched ...

... more evident when we examine the modern life in its conditions of anxiety and stress. Some of the acute psychologists have even felt that there are only two powerful subconscious impulses, those of Eros and Thanatos, the desire to love and desire to kill; and not only are both of them in conflict with each other, but both of them are in conflict with the pursuit of rationality, morality and aesthetics ...

... Euphrosyne Child of the infant years, Euphrosyne, Bird of my boyhood, youth's blithe deity! If I have hymned thee not with lyric phrase, Preferring Eros or Aglaia's praise, Frown not, thou lovely spirit, leave me not. Man worships the ungrasped. His vagrant thought Still busy with the illimitable void Lives all the time by little things upbuoyed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... leaves the hall. TIMOCLES Drink, brother Phayllus. Your webs will glitter more brightly, You male Arachne. More wine! I'll float my heart out in the wine And pour all on the ground to naked Eros As a libation. I will hide my heart In roses, I will smother thought with jonquils. Sing, someone to me! sing of flowers, sing mere Delight to me far from this troubled world. Song Will you ...


... stanzas is: Psyche. The word means "Soul" and by itself designates the inmost essence of human existence, a spark of the Divine. But in Greek mythology it spells also the name of the girl who married Eros the God of Love, lost him by attempting to look directly into his face and won him back after undergoing various trials imposed on her by his mother Aphrodite. So there may be a hint that the woman ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... and Love -Keats's enchanted luxuriance, through allegory and symbol and myth, in the Sovereign Beauty that is Sovereign Truth - Patmore's pointed polished ardour of the intellect for "the unknown Eros"- Francis Thompson's restless and crowded and colourful heat of response to "the many-splendoured Thing" - Yeats's bewitched echo to the Immortal Loveliness in its world-wandering -AE's crystalline ...

... But Love and Death, as its very name implies, is a testament of the passionate heart and, just as the descent into the Underworld is a masterpiece in its own kind, the speech of Madan, the Indian Eros, attains a supreme level with its psychological penetrativeness. We may glance at a few of the arresting phrases in this 41-line-long "manifesto". "I," says the Love-God, "knit life to life ...


... unveiled in a number of collections, now brought together for the benefit of poetry lovers: The Secret Splendour, Overhead Poetry, The Adventure of the Apocalypse, Altar and Flame, Uncollected Works, Eros/Known and Unknown and a selection from the earlier days named Images from Early Moods. A collection of this nature that spans practically a whole lifetime is bound to display variation in terms ...


... The Secret Splendour Eros Known and Unknown   Love's Truth   The sage has seen love blind because Blind are we loving mortal faces When, seeing, we would know what Splendour draws The heart to such gigantic paces, Surely to stumble not into a brief Tremor and a fool's somnolent relief.   So Much   So much ...


... which limit and bind man into the stifling grooves of jealousies and rivalries and narrow and suicidal loyalties? For if there is nothing in the child which is intrinsically angelic, if it is true that eros and thanatos are the alpha and omega of the child, then it is impossible to predict any ultimate and harmonious survival of human existence on this planet. 12. But as we stand at the frontiers of ...


... more evident when we examine the modern life in its conditions of anxiety and stress. Some of the acute psychologists have even felt that there are only two powerful subconscious impulses, those of Eros and Thanatos, the desire to love and desire to kill; and not only are both of them in conflict with each other, but both of them are in conflict with the pursuits of rationality, morality and aesthetics ...


... l pedagogy. Psychoanalysis has discovered an unimaginable large field of innate drives of which our active consciousness is normally unconscious. But Freudian form of psychoanalysis which posited eros and thanatos as the two ultimate but conflicting innate drives in man, has been largely overpassed by Adler, Jung and others. Modem psychic research is discovering in the subconscious a deeper layer ...