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... contradiction that he is the best exegete of Sri Aurobindo's poetry, just as Nolini is the best exponent of Sri Aurobindo's yoga. I can go further and claim that in the vast field of English and European poetry Amal can stand on a par, not only in India but everywhere, with the best of critics." * The second selection is from Nirodbaran's article, "Sixty Years of Unbroken Friendship" ...
... (1949). Like Nirodbaran, Sethna too has been profoundly influenced by the poetry and spiritual philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, and, besides, Sethna has drunk deep in the springs of English and European poetry. Grace could be cited as an example of his earlier work, fancy-fed and neatly-turned in phrase and light-glancing in its movement: Take all my shining hours from me, But hang ...
... metrical beat for its rhythm and on an even level of just tolerable expression for its style; there is hardly a line whose rhythm floats home or where the expression strikes deep. Even in later European poetry, though the art of verse and language has been better learned, essentially the same method persists, and poets who use it have earned not only the popular suffrage, but the praise of the critical ...
... or the vital and physical consciousness and with that a certain quality or power in the language and the rhythm which helps to bring out that deeper something. If I had to select the line in European poetry which most suggests an almost direct descent from the overmind consciousness there might come first Virgil's line about 'the touch of tears in mortal things': Sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem ...
... Illumined Mind, Intuitive Mind and Overmind, with the still unmanifested Supermind at the top, and whose distinguishing traits and powers he had explained, I was eager to get lines of English and European poetry elucidated both in suggestion and technique by him in terms of those planes. One of my letters ran: "It is a bit of a surprise to me that Virgil's Sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia ...
... vital and physical consciousness and with that a certain quality or power in the language and the rhythm which helps to bring out that deeper something. If I had to select the line in European Page 32 poetry which most suggests an almost direct descent from the overmind consciousness there might come first Virgil's line about "the touch of tears in mortal things": sunt lacrimae rerum ...
... Symbolist poetry of Mallarme. Mallarme was perhaps the most astonishing phenomenon in poetic history up to the end of the nineteenth century. Sri Aurobindo has observed that he marks a new turn in European poetry, a turn which is the first step to what Sri Aurobindo has called the Future Poetry. All the more astonishing is Mallarme in the context of the poetry of France. We may even dub him the second French ...
... philosophy in Germany he is the original inspirer and he has in him, amidst much miasma, some vague breath of An ampler ether, a diviner air Page 96 that came into the world of European poetry with Wordsworth. But before we turn our gaze to this key-figure we may distinguish a trend of mind which ran parallel with Rous-seauism and contributed to the Romantic Movement a nuance sometimes ...
... out of a sublimation or intensification of this consciousness, neighbour of mightier and profounder realities, "there comes in some absolute moments a native voice of the spirit". 18 In European poetry of the time the spiritual note is also heard here and there. The greatest figure of Italian Romanticism, Leopardi, was a kind of paradox, for he made a cult of classicism and hated the word ...
... contradiction that he is the best exegete of Sri Aurobindo's poetry, just as Nolini is the best exponent of Sri Aurobindo's yoga. I can go further and claim that in the vast field of English and European poetry Amal can stand on a par, not only in India but everywhere, with the best of critics. Well, my friends, this is no mean achievement for our yoga. There are many other things I could ...
... or the vital and physical consciousness and with that a certain quality or power in the language and the rhythm which helps to bring out that deeper something. If I had to select the line in European poetry which most suggests an almost direct descent from the Overmind consciousness there might come first Virgil's line about "the touch of tears in mortal things": Sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem ...
... mind or the vital and physical consciousness and with that a certain quality or power in the language and the rhythm which helps to bring cut that deeper something. If I had to select the line in European poetry which most suggests an almost direct descent from the overmind consciousness there might come first Virgil's line about 'the touch of tears in mortal things': Sunt lacrimae rerum et nentem ...
... Rome has pervaded and largely shaped the whole artistic production of Europe; Italian poetry of the great age has thrown on some part of it at least a stamp only less profound; French prose and poetry—but the latter in a much less degree,—have helped more than any other literary influence to form the modern turn of the European mind and its mode of expression; the shortlived outbursts of creative power... The Future Poetry The Future Poetry The Future Poetry Chapter VII The Character of English Poetry - I Of all the modern European tongues the English language—I think this may be said without any serious doubt,—has produced, not always the greatest or most perfect, but at least the most rich and naturally powerful poetry, the most lavish of energy and... energy and power has been here the most abundant and brought forth the most constantly brilliant fruits. And yet it is curious to note that English poetry and literature have been a far less effective force in the shaping of European culture than the poetry and literature of other tongues inferior actually in natural poetic and creative energy. At least they have had to wait till quite a recent date before ...
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