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3 result/s found for Federation of free nations

... preserving their independent existence. Such is the ideal which has attracted the human mind as a yet distant possibility since the great revolutionary ferment set in; it is the idea of a federation of free nations, the parliament of man, the federation of the world. But the actual circumstances forbid any hope of such an ideal consummation in the near future. For the nationalistic, democratic and ... they may now be in their methods by the first weak beginnings of higher motives and a better national morality, and until this spirit is radically changed, the union of the human race by a federation of free nations must remain a noble chimera. Undoubtedly, a free association and unity must be the ultimate goal of our development and until it is realised the world must be subject to constant changes... such as periodically trouble our human advance. But the time has not come when the true principle of order can replace those which are artificial and imperfect. It is idle to hope for a federation of free nations until either the present inequalities between nation and nation are removed or else the whole world rises to a common culture based upon a higher moral and spiritual status than is now actual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... nationhood in relation to the ideal of human unity. Two different ideals and therefore two different possibilities were precipitated much nearer to realisation by the European conflict,—a federation of free nations and, on the other hand, the distribution of the earth into a few great empires or imperial hegemonies. A practical combination of the two ideas became the most tangible possibility of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... viable enough collective unit, - and this, even before it gets transformed into a political unit. With scores of such national units in existence, which is a more desirable consummation, - a federation of free nations, or a few empires and imperial hegemonies? With a wealth of illustration drawn from history, Sri Aurobindo considers the different possibilities, and some of the footnotes - added later - ...