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Fenwick : one of those kicked out from the Labour Party in 1909 for opposing the Fabian Society which had begun to control it.
... have had a ‘near-death experience.’ Many books have already been published on the subject, pioneered by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross and Raymond Moody. Let’s take the one written by Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick, The Truth in the Light. A frequent scenario of the near-death experiences examined in this work is as follows: at the moment of death the experiencers have no fear at all. On the contrary, everything... × Ibid. × Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick, The Truth in the Light, p. 76. × Sujata Nahar, The Mother’s Chronicles II, pp. 180-81. ...
... is purging itself of the old individualistic leaven which looked forward to no higher ideal than an eight-hours day, Old Age pensions and Trade Union politics. The Labour members, Messrs. Burt and Fenwick, who represent this old-world element, have received notice to quit from the Labour organisations which helped them into Parliament and much nonsense of a kind familiar to ourselves is Page 329 ...
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