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Feringhee : firangee derives from frangi, Turkish term for ‘Franks’, the first Europeans that Turks, the first Asians, ‘discovered’. Frank was then the common appellation of the Germanic tribes in the regions of the Rhine. Subsequently, firang & firangee became the popular appellation of all Europeans, & frangistan of Europe, the land of firangees. Following the ‘discovery’ by Vasco de Gama in 1498 of the ‘East Indies’ the Portuguese, were the first to rush in & last to be kicked out. While Niccolao Manucci, a Venetian treasure-hunter who exploited natives for 50 years in 17-18th century whined that instead of worshipping him as their God-sent benefactor, natives abused him with this term, Portuguese Hensman Anthony (1786–1836) settled in Chandannagar, he married the Hindu Brahmin widow Saudamini, accepted Bengali culture & language, composed a number of first-rate devotional songs on Kali & Durga, helped construct a temple to Kali in the Bow Bazar, North Calcutta, since then known as Firenghee Kali-bari, Portuguese home of Kali. Saudamini was burnt alive by blind orthodoxy for remarrying a Firengee.― In Punjab, the word is first found in Sikh poet Bhai Gurudās (d. 1636)’s works. The average Sikh first came in actual touch with Europeans only when Maharaja Ranjit Singh (1780-1839) was forced to employ European mercenaries at salaries & perquisites much higher than those given to the sons of the soil & yet was betrayed by them to the invading Octopus resulting in his being plagued by mercenary officials of the Brit. Govt. as well as Govt. protected Christian missionaries bent on converting him, he looked upon all Europeans as Firenghees intent on destroying the Khālsā.

2 result/s found for Feringhee

... he would say, one could fly in the air, walk over water, remain free from death, be immune to disease, conquer old age, etc., etc. In addition, he said finally, one could drive away all English "Feringhees" from India. Mention of these miracles, however, gave rise in me to other thoughts, other hopes. By Yoga my family's poverty would disappear; Page 36 we would no more feel ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... he would say, one could fly in the air, walk over water, remain free from death, be immune to disease, conquer old age, etc., etc. In addition, he said finally, one could drive away all English "Feringhees" from India. Mention of these miracles, however, gave rise in me to other thoughts, other hopes. By Yoga my family's poverty would disappear; Page 36 we would no more feel ...