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... order to be realized here upon earth, this creation must utilize the already existing material means and powers, but in a new way, adapted to the new needs. One of the most essential powers is the financial power. ...
... of those which are in their nature executive and administrative. This administrative side of the national organisation has three principal parts, financial, executive proper and judicial. The financial power carries with it the control of the public purse and the expenditure of the wealth contributed by the society for national purposes, and it is evident that this must pass into the hands of whatever ...
... Mother in French. The heading is hers.] Money is a force and should not be an individual possession , no more than air, water or fire. To begin with, the abolishment of inheritance. Financial power is the materialization of a vital force turned into one of the greatest powers of action: the power to attract acquire, and utilize. Like all the other powers, it must be put at the service ...
... behave like marauders, sucking the blood of the nation and most of its wealth — its industry, agriculture, minerals — but they rule the country as it pleases them, and use all this wealth and financial power to live in even greater luxury and dazzle the whole world. All this at the expense of poor India who suffers so much, who cries out in agony — India torn by anxiety and always in need, with the ...
... hypnotic propaganda he will leash out against you. 40 I say "hypnotic," because nowadays masses are hypnotized. But you have in you something that is stronger than all their hypnotism and financial power — a purity of the soul Page 173 and Mother's strength behind you. Should you choose to appeal to this real strength and real soul of India, people will respond. But for that, one ...
... towards You. That is inevitable and will become more and more conscious. 16.11.1970 The condition of India is becoming worse and worse, at least in appearance. The old financial power and the so-called communists are at daggers drawn. Soon there will be the time for the true Consciousness to intervene and put a little order in this chaos. 18.11.1970 The mind is no ...
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