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Ghose, A.K. : Ashwini Kumar Ghose (b.1880), leader of the Bengali labour movement.
... Second World War, he advised all support to the Allies, and later, during the Cripps Mission, he advised acceptance of the British offer. The purblind Congress leaders— M.K. Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, A.K. Azad and the rest, though not Rajaji (C. Rajagopalachari)—rejected his advice, with the consequences (one of them being the Partition) that we all deplore. Although he did not encourage... II Life-Sketch Sri Aurobindo was born on 15 August 1872, an hour before sunrise, in Calcutta. His parents were Krishnadhan Ghose, a physician, and Swarnalata Ghose. Sri Aurobindo's elder brother, Manomohan, became a poet of considerable distinction and a Professor of English. His younger brother, Barindra Kumar, became a revolutionary. Sri A... England. At Manchester, he stayed with friends of his father, the Rev William H. Drewett and Mrs Drewett, and learned from them Latin, French, history, geography and arithmetic. Even in England, the Ghose boys were carefully insulated, under instructions from their father, from the Page 6 influence of Indians and Indian ways. Sri Aurobindo and his two brothers grew up practically ...
... Kumar Ghose and Ullaskar Dutt were sentenced to be hanged under sections 121, 121A, and 122 I.P.C... The properties of all these accused were also forfeited to Government.... The rest of the accused, viz., Nalini K. Gupta160, Sachindra K. Sen, Kunjo Lal Shah, Bejoy Kumar Nag, Narendra Nath Bukshi, Puma Chandra Sen, Hemendra Nath Ghose, Aravinda Ghose, Dindayal Bose, Birendra Nath Ghose, Dharani... The National Conference that held its sittings there to discuss the split and the subsequent line of action, was presided over by Sri Aurobindo. According to Tilak's biographers, G.P. Pradhan and A.K. Bhagawat, in their book Lokamanya Tilak, "Tilak and Aurobindo were master minds and when they came together each had his impact on the other. Though Tilak did not approve of Aurobindo's attitude... who had been released from the Mandalay 61. Nevinson speaks of Tilak's shrewd political judgment and Sri Aurobindo's spiritual elevation. 62. Lokamanya Tilak, by G.P. Pradhan and A.K. Bhagwat. Page 206 Sri Aurobindo with Tilak and other Nationalists at Surat, 1907 jail. Tilak had expressed his wish to some of Ranade's friends about Ranade's ...
... Aurobindo, Tilak too had his affiliations with the Revolutionists; and again like Sri Aurobindo, he tried to keep civil agitation separate from revolutionary activity. As his biographers, G.P. Pradhan and A.K. Bhagwat, put it: As a leader... it was his responsibility to see that all efforts for achieving freedom were carried on in the correct manner, and he therefore gave advice to the leaders of the... at all. Who would remember Mr. N.N. Ghose today except for Sri Aurobindo's taking some notice of him, as for example in: Men of all parties, except the party of Mr. N.N. Ghose which, as it consists of only one man, need not concern us.. . 27 We quite admit that it is difficult to understand the mystic wisdom of a Page 258 sage [Mr. Ghose] who asserts that the soundness of... Page 254 II While the Bande Mataram case was going on, there appeared in the paper three editorial articles from Sri Aurobindo's pen in which he joined issue with Mr. N. N. Ghose of the Indian Nation on the subject of nationality and sovereignty in the Indian context. Answering a question posed by himself - What are the elements of nationality? - Sri Aurobindo wrote in ...
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