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4 result/s found for Gradations between Mind and Supermind

... of Kurukshetra; it occurs as an episode in the Mahabharata. Gnosis — a supreme totally self-aware and all-aware Intelligence; the Divine Gnosis is the Supermind. Gradations between Mind and Supermind —higher ranges of Mind overtopping our normal Mind and leading to Supermind; these Page 408 successive states, levels or graded powers of being are hidden in our own... veiled, closely, thickly, by its inferior self-expression of limiting mind, confining life and dividing body." — Sri Aurobindo Page 409 Higher Mind — see under Gradations between Mind and Supermind. hirạnmaya pā tra — golden lid. Horace —(65-08 BC) Latin poet. icchā-mṛtyu — the power of abandoning the body definitively without the ordinary phenomena... death, by an act of will. Idea-force — the power in the idea — a force of which the idea is a shape. the Ignorance — see Avidya. Illumined Mind — see under Gradations between Mind and Supermind. the Inconscient, Inconscience —the most involved state of the Superconscience; all powers of the Superconscience progressively evolve and emerge out of the Inconscient, the ...


... the spiritual seeker. Higher Mind — see under gradations between mind and Supermind. the Ignorance —the consciousness of Multiplicity as distinguished from the Knowledge, the consciousness of Unity; a view of the reality based on separative or egoistic consciousness. **Illumined Mind* — see under gradations between mind and Supermind.** the Inconscient (Inconscience) —the most involved... environmental consciousness (being) —part of the being that each person carries around him, outside his body, by which he is in touch with others and with the universal forces. gradations between mind and Supermind —higher ranges of mind overtopping our normal mind and leading to Supermind; these succesive states, levels or graded powers of being are hidden in our own superconscious parts. In an... behind as the inmost; see also the subliminal. Intuition —1) Insight without conscious reasoning. 2) Plane of consciousness between Illumined Mind and Overmind. See under gradations between mind and Supermind. Jivatman (Jiva) —the individual Self; the individualised self or spirit of the created being; the Spirit individualised and upholding the living being in its evolution from birth ...


... Overmind and beyond it; there is a succession of self-transmutations at the summit of which lies the Supermind or Divine Gnosis. 42 There are many layers in each of the main gradations between mind and Supermind, and each of these layers can be regarded as a gradation in itself. In all the series of the planes or grades of consciousness there is nowhere any real gulf, always there ...


... . Each stage of this ascent is therefore a general, if not a total, conversion of the being into a new light and power of a greater existence. 55 The steps of ascent or "slow gradations" between Mind and Supermind - Higher Mind, Illumined Mind, Intuition, Overmind - spiritual-mental powers, superconscient so far as mental man is concerned, but definitely below sovereign Supermind. In the Arya ...