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4 result/s found for Greek education

... and we feel ourselves raised to a semi-divine stature. Homer may be regarded as one of the most influential poets in world history, since the Iliad and Odyssey provided the basis of Greek education and culture throughout the classical age and they formed the backbone of humanistic education down to the time of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity. We should also note that Virgil's... European languages and have become the most important poems of the classic European tradition, being valued even above the works of Virgil and Dante. Homer has come to be seen as a staple of Greek education, the repository of Greek myth, the source of a thousand dramas, the foundation of moral training and even the scripture of orthodox theology. Herodotus has said, probably with some exaggeration ...

... t was carried out on a grand scale and Alexander went so far as to discharge all the debts owed by any of his guests. (...) The thirty thousand boys whom he had left behind to be given a Greek education and military training had now grown into active and handsome men and had developed a wonderful skill and agility in their military exercises. Alexander was delighted with their progress, but the ...


... believed in training the body to keep fit and he is said to have usually been in good physical condition. He also participated in the Olympic games. He was trained in the usual branches of a Greek education, gymnastics, reading, writing, knowledge of arithmetic and geometry, also the committal to memory and power of recitation of the poems of Homer. It is said that not only did Socrates exist at ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... Jewish sect, ignored by the rest of the world and bitterly opposed by many Jews. At this critical point the conversion of Saul of Tarsus enabled Christianity to broaden its appeal. Saul, though Greek in education and Roman in citizenship, was a fiercely orthodox Jew who felt it was his duty to attack the Christians. In the midst of his campaign he suffered a physical collapse (in the Acts of the Apostles... practices could be abandoned; one could be a Christian without first having to become a Jew. He also explained Christian doctrine in terms that were understandable to men thinking in terms of Greek philosophy. In his Epistles, he began the work of building a Christian philosophy and theology that could appeal to men of all races. Meanwhile, other disciples were spreading the faith outside Palestine... the time of Jesus Christ The main characteristic of these times is the overwhelming importance of the Roman Empire. It encompassed the whole of the Mediterranean World including Gaul, Spain, Greece, Asia Minor and Egypt. In India, two dynasties were ruling the larger part of the sub-continent: the Kushan Dynasty over north-western India, and the Andhra dynasty over central India. In China ...
