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... departed most radically from Pope. They rejected French influence altogether & were little influenced by the inferior Latin poets; they were above all things Hellenists, lovers & followers of Greek literature; the English poet who influenced them most was Milton whom Johnson considers to be rough in his verse & language; Gray even declared the diction of Shakespeare to be the true poetic diction. Besides ...
... compounds is one of its most notable characteristics and its rich though never intemperate use is one of the great beauties of the Greek poetical style. When the Romans came into contact with Greek literature, their earlier poets tried to introduce this faculty into Latin and even Virgil describes the sea as velivolum , sail-flying, i.e. with sails flying over it like the wings of birds through the ...
... other than physical. The Sanscrit language was discovered. It was at first imagined & expected that this discovery would lead to results as important as those which flowed from the discovery of Greek literature by Western Europe after the fall of Constantinople. But these expectations have remained unfulfilled. European knowledge has followed other paths and the seed of the nineteenth century has been ...
... Besides the necessity of fusing idea and emotion in beautiful precise and moving words, there is another desideratum: each poem under composition must be sensitive to that quality so notable in Greek literature of being felt as a whole. Of course a general plan is indispensable, and a satisfying conclusion, too, by way of climax pregnant with a significant resolution of the mood or a clear winding-up ...
... Caspian Sea. (...) ___________ 1 In western Afghanistan. 2 In south-central Afghanistan. 3 Modern Leninabad. 4 Sensitive, impressionable. Page 65 His love of Greek literature remained unchanged to the end. He started out with Homer, and later he sent from the Far East for other works of literature, classical and modern. He had special veneration for the three great ...
... Ilion,p. 125. 122. My account of Won above is largely based upon my own review-article in the Indian PE.N., December 1958, pp. 399-401. 123. "The Interpretation of Ancient Greek Literature'. Page 465 124. The Name and Nature of Poetry, p. 12. 125. pp. 157-8. 126. Savitri, ...
... science, philosophy Page 132 and literature which were regarded with interest were ancient classical literature and French civilisation. Even of the classics, little was known of Greek literature though it was held in formal honour; French & Latin and Latin rather of the second best than the best writers were the only foreign influences that affected Augustan literature to any appreciable ...
... Antony and Cleopatra cannot share the rage of Aristophanes at this first staging of romantic passion." 31 Finally, he has the observation: "There is much, then, that is 'romantic' in classical Greek literature; yet it would Page 53 be easy to exaggerate. Homer is never unreal as Spenser is; Aeschylus never outrages common sense or common taste like Marlowe." 32 It is evident that ...
... most thorough study yet made of the use of Greek in ancient Palestine 6 concludes: 'The degree of a person's Hellenistic culture depended on his social standing. Probably the upper class knew Greek literature, the middle class was less conversant with it, while the knowledge of the lower class was limited to the vernacular only'... "There was, indeed, at least one Greek-speaking synagogue ...
... philosophy, "so that," he said, "you may not do a great many things of the son that I am sorry to have done." To some extent Aristotle made a Hellene of him; through all his life Alexander admired Greek literature, and envied Greek civilization. To two Greeks sitting with him at the wild banquet at which he slew Cleitus he said, "Do you not feel like demigods among savages when Page 83 you ...
... Gods and the World A bust of the epic poet Homer (2nd century BC) The Iliad Introduction The earliest examples of Greek literature are two epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, which most scholars today agree to attribute to one single great poet, Homer. Both epics were written down sometime in the 8th century BC. During this period ...
... Hellespont. 2 Troy was an ancient city in northwestern Anatolia that holds an enduring place in both literature and archaeology. The legend of the Trojan War is the most notable theme from ancient Greek literature and forms the basis of Homer's Iliad. Ancient Troy commanded a strategic point at the southern entrance to the Dardanelles (Hellespont). 3 For the Greeks, Athena is the goddess of war, handicrafts ...
... also means that the creator is not a mere thinker but a ' Seer' or ' hearer' of the truth. Rules of ordinary criticism in Sanskrit do not apply to these ' Arsha'—overhead-creations. In Greek literature also a divine afflatus is held responsible for great creation. Even today, after so much work by new psychology, the critics admit that the roots of creative power of the artist are mysterious ...
... e. It also means that the creator is not a mere thinker but a 'Seer' or 'hearer' of the truth. Rules of ordinary criticism in Sanskrit do not apply to these 'Arsha'—overhead-creations. In Greek literature also a divine afflatus is held responsible for great creation. Even today, after so much work by new psychology, the critics admit that the roots of creative power of the artist are mysterious ...
... presently expanded into a fresh study of the Greek philosopher of the sixth century B.C., whose cryptic sayings have exercised such a strange fascination for posterity. Himself a profound student of Greek literature and thought, Sri Aurobindo is here on ground quite familiar to him, and his reading of Heraclitus has thus a very special value for the modern reader. Heraclitus was evidently teased by the "first ...
... attracted to arts and literature remote from our own tradition and just because of qualities in them which these have not. Why should not an Indian feel a parallel attraction? Manmohon Ghose never forgot the Greeks and to the end his delight was in European Literature and European Art." That Sri Aurobindo (a more brilliant classical scholar) shared this appreciation of Greek Art and Poetry with... s political period the two brothers happily reading and discussing Greek Poetry would be entirely lost to a sense of time. Manmohon Ghose's poetry mainly lyrical in inspiration has an exquisite blending of the Greek and Elizabethan, but Sri Aurobindo's poetry, epic in range, is almost entirely Greek. Sanskrit literature, the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, Kalidasa... and make his own, but in flawless power and self-sufficiency, specially of the later and greater works, his poetry is comparable to the greatest Greek poets. The chiselled perfection of his images draws its inspiration from the master sculptors of Greece. The formal purity, the restraint even in richness, the freedom from rhetorical device and verbal excess mark his poetry away from Sanskrit poetry ...
... cosmicality of Christ which had been present in Christianity from the time of Paul and the Greek Fathers. If we attend closely to Teilhard we may stand by his own uncertainties and quote him as declaring that he was developing the Cosmic Christ along the lines of Paul and Greek patristic literature. This means that he took up their emphasis on Christ's cosmicality and, without stopping with... - in the course of his own Greek composition - on the Greek Septuagint much more than on any Hebrew text of the Old Testament is undeniable. Howard Clark Kee has pointed out: 106 "... in some instances the argument turns on the details of the text as found in the Septuagint (LXX). The quotation from Psalm 8:2 in Matthew 21:16, for example, makes sense in the Greek wording of the LXX but would... Luke also exhibits in his own fashion his greater affinity to the Greek text than to the Hebrew. The Jerusalem Bible's Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels, analysing the Greek of Mark, Matthew and Luke, ends with the observation on the last-named: "Occasionally he goes out of his way to give a good imitation of Septuagint Greek." 107 Brown 108 reports: "Many have detected a strong influence ...
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