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Gungotri Gungotry : Gaumukh; located at 3100 meters above sea level, it is the source of the Bhāgirathie that meets Alacanandā, another headstream of the Gungā, at Devaprayāg, after which point the combined flow becomes the Gungā proper. The origin of Gaumukh is a glacier located 19 km away from the Gangōtri temple, the Himalayan mountain shrine which is located about 31° North & 79° east. The present temple was built by Commander Amar Singh Thāpa early 18th century.
... seeks his refuge, where the demon army moans, Ganges erring through his hair. Down the snowwhite mountains speeding, the immortal peaks and cold, Crowd thy waves untouched by man. From Gungotry through the valleys next their icy tops were rolled, Bursting through Shivadry ran. Page 256 In Benares' stainless city by defilement undefiled Ghauts and temples lightly touched... Aryavurtha fit for heavenly feet to tread, Free and holy, bold and wise, Shall lift up her face before the world and she whom men thought dead, Into strength immortal rise. Not in icy lone Gungotry nor by Kashi's holy fanes, Mother, hast thou power to save Only, nor dost thou grow old near Sagar, nor our vileness stains, Ganges, thy celestial wave. Dukkhineswar, Dukkhineswar, wonderful ...
... sole living, Over the dead deep-plunging precipices Passed bright and small in a wide dazzling world Illimitable, where eye flags and ear Listening feels inhuman loneliness. He tended towards Gungotri's solemn peaks And savage glaciers and the caverns pure Whence Ganges leaps, our mother, virgin-cold. But ere he plunged into the human vales And kindlier grandeurs, King Pururavus Looked back ...
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