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Hastings Street : in Calcutta, connecting Dalhousie Square & Strand Road was named, not after Warren Hastings, but Francis Rawdon, First Marquis of Hastings (1754-1826): eldest son of the first Earl of Moira: entered the Army 1771 & the 5th foot 1773: to America: engaged at Bunker’s Hill 1775 & in other battles till 1781: Lt-Col. & Adjutant-Gen. in America 1778: captured by the French on his voyage to England 1781: made Baron Rawdon 1783: took the additional name Hastings 1790: succeeded as Earl of Moira 1793: commanded reinforcements in Flanders: Lt-Gen. 1798: C-in-C in Scotland: General 1803: Master of Ordnance 1806: Constable of the Tower of London: Gov.-Gen. & C-in-C of India Oct. 1813 to Jan. 1823: war against Nepal, 1814-6 created Marquis of Hastings for his success: took command in the Pindari war of 1817-8 & made subsidiary treaties with them: deposed the cowardly Peshwa Bājirao II & defeated the Mahratta Confederacy thus making the British power supreme all over India: resigned because his order to W. Palmer & Co. of Hyderabad to lend 60 lakhs to the Nizam was disallowed by E.I. Co.’s Directors: his statue was erected in Calcutta by the British residents there: wrote lengthy summary of his Indian administration, victorious wars & extension of British territory as well as for his personal ability, both in his civil & military capacities. [Buckland: 193, 321]

1 result/s found for Hastings Street

... for help to defend a brother, – my brother and theirs too. "Contributions should be sent either to me at 6, College Square, Calcutta or to my Solicitors Messrs. Mamal and Agarwala, No. 3, Hastings Street, Calcutta." SAROJINI GHOSE "Ferrar who had been my classmate could not come to see me in Court when the trial was going on and we were put in a cage lest we should jump out and murder the ...
