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Hercules : Latin for Heracles the mightiest & most popular of Greek heroes; son of Zeus & Alemene. He was given twelve great labours after accomplishing which he would become immortal. Sri Aurobindo’s Ilion refers to two of his labours: killing the Hydra & his fight with the Centaurs who, maddened with wine, attacked him. Though he won immortality, he immolated himself on Mt. Oeta to escape the torture caused by a garment smeared with the blood of a centaur he had slain with a poisoned arrow.

31 result/s found for Hercules

... with bruised head, run together two incidents of Greek mythology, which have been already explained in the second part of The World of Sri Aurobindo's Poetry. The reference is to Apollo and Hercules. * ** Lines on Ireland. 1896 express indignation at the abject state into which Ireland fell soon after its petty disownment of Parnell and particularly after his almost unhonoured... while the reference in Thus too Heracles In exile closed by the Olynthian seas, Not seeing Thebes nor Dirce any more, His friendless eyelids on an alien shore, is to Hercules, called Heracles by the Greeks, a native of Page 335 Thebes with its neighbouring fountain Dirce. After his famous twelve labours, he fell madly in love with Iole, daughter of Eurytus... Cadiz on the south-west coast of Spain and marked for the ancients the farthest point beyond the Straits of Gibraltar, on either side of which were the Mounts Calpe and Abyla called the Pillars of Hercules. It was also known as Gadeira. Pindar, for instance, priding himself on his own unmatched poetry, figures it as Gadeira and says: "Beyond Gadeira no man can pass into the gloom of the West." ...


... when Medius invited him, he went to his house to join a party, and there after drinking all through the next day, he began to feel feverish. This did not happen "as he was drinking from the cup of Hercules", 18 nor did he become conscious of a sudden pain in the back as if he had been pierced by a spear: these are details with which certain historians felt obliged to embellish the occasion, and thus... worship Hephaestion as a god. According to certain sources, the answer was that Ammon permitted sacrifice to be offered him as to a "hero" or demi-god, which pleased Alexander. A "cup of Hercules" was a very large beaker, drained without heel-taps. It would imply in that case that the wine drunk by Alexander was poisoned. Page 114 Plutarch Plutarch was one of the last ...


... The Greek story of the demigod Heracles is supposed to be an evident sun myth. The two scientific proofs offered for this discovery are first that Hercules performed twelve labours and the solar year is divided into twelve months and, secondly, that Hercules burnt himself on a pyre on Mount Oeta and the sun also sets in a glory of flame behind the mountains. Such proofs seem hardly substantial enough... apotheosis,—one knows not well upon what grounds except that sometimes the Dog Star rages in heaven. It is evident that these combinations are merely an ingenious play of fancy & prove absolutely nothing. Hercules may be the Sun but it is not proved. Helen & Paris may be Sarama & one of the Panis, but itis not proved. Yudhishthira & his brothers may be an astronomical myth, but it is not proved. For the rest ...


... the unhappy ryots, the battle-field for these rival Page 99 rascalities, he came as a champion and a deliverer. At Khulna this mild, thoughtful Bengali wears the strange appearance of a Hercules weeding out monsters, clearing augean stables, putting a term to pests. His tranquil energy quite broke the back of the Indigo tyrants. Their master-criminals and chief indigocrats fled to Anam and ...


... waters drown; by perfect garima he can develop an adamantine steadiness which the shock of the avalanche cannot overbear; by perfect mahima he can, without muscular development, outdo the feats of a Hercules. These powers in their fullness are no longer visible in men, but in some degree they belong to all adepts in Hathayoga. Their existence no one can doubt who has gone deep into Yoga at all or had ...


... satisfied that prices are higher than in Baroda. Where will all this shopkeeping unprinceliness & petty-fogging injustice end? Ashudada sent Visvas' son Hemchandra with a note to me; the lad is a young Hercules five foot ten in height & monstrous in muscle with a roaring voice and continual outbursts of boisterous laughter over anything in the shape of a joke good or bad—a fine specimen of the outlander ...


... classical legend. Apollo is called Pythian because he slew the serpent Python which was tormenting the god's mother Latona, while the killer of the terrible Lernaean Hydra with the hundred heads was Hercules. A rare leader, enlightened and heroic, steps forth into view, but his charisma is counteracted by petty circumstances. The poem's style proves that the young Indian author did not confine himself ...


... it. The work might be compared to a modern palaeontologist's, the reconstruction of a prehistoric animal from one bone-fossil. Or one may think of the Latin saying: Ex pede Herculem — "From a foot, Hercules". Anyway, with a hushed inner receptivity I would try to get slowly the entire poem whose crest or conclusion I had chanced upon. Here also there would not always be a proper order of emergence. Not ...


... one can hope for any result in meditations. No wonder my attempts were fruitless. Last evening as I lolled on the pier alone I felt sad: what is this path I have taken where one has to be a Hercules to be able to do anything—even to try meditation. My cherished preconception that prayer, meditation, etc. purify received such a blow! Then how on earth is one to arrive ? By writing notations to ...

... vanity attributed to her in Greek mythology. Her will is one with that of her spouse, and therefore she works for the destruction of Troy. Ares and Hephaestus are her sons. Heracles: Hercules (his Latin name), the mightiest and most famous of Greek heroes. He was given twelve great labours the accomplishment of which would make him immortal. One of the labours, referred ...


... The team of British soldiers came in carriages (there were horse-carriages in those days), with music, bugle and drum, singing and shouting, sure of their victory. They were giants indeed, each a Hercules, and the Indians were pigmies before them. The play started. Just then our manager noticed that at a distance, away from the field, under a tree was sitting a Sannyasi. Directly he saw the Sannyasi ...

... that Araba equals Arava, Saracen equals Surasen and Ansari equals Anusari. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: That was the fashion at one time. It was Colonel Todd, I think, who said that Krishna was Hercules who is also called Heracles. He derived the Greek name from Harikul (Laughter) EVENING SRI AUROBINDO: It is now known what Bhaskar's source was for the report of the coming German attack on ...


... remould, this constant self-examination as to the limits of freedom and the meaning of fidelity, this tireless search for equivalent idiom, image and metre, all bespeak the Hero as Translator, a Hercules pt one of his difficult tasks. Bringing the power of great Sanskrit poetry into English verse was like bringing the Super mind into the human physical, vital and mental; but it was an effort of ...

... spoiled the game. But to the unhappy ryots, the battle-field for these rival rascalities, he came as a champion and a deliverer. At Khulna this mild, thoughtful Bengali wears the strange appearance of a Hercules weeding out monsters, clearing augean stables, putting a term to pests. His tranquil energy quite broke the back of the Indigo tyrants.... Fine and imprisonment meted out with a healthy severity shattered ...

... Here you'll remain Tied to a tree-trunk by your wilful wrists Till all is over. Perseus returns, armed. CYDONE I'll bring the tree and all and follow you. IOLAUS Oh, will you, Hercules? PERSEUS Forbid her not, My Iolaus; no tress of her shall fall. I have arisen and all your turbulent Syria Shall know me for the son of Zeus. IOLAUS Perseus, Art thou indeed a god ...


... number and developments of Physical Education). It was a Herculean job. No bulldozer or JCB’s, even tractors were unknown — only men with spades and crowbars. Who would do the job — Manoranjan was the Hercules (Her coolie) chosen. I cannot describe how, what or when he did the job — but the results are there for all to see and feel — if one but paused a while to think! We are too often in a hurry and bustle ...


... you will note from Ancient India in a New Light. I don't know when the epic was written.   .. .I have experienced the passage of the kidney stone through the ureter (not the urethra). A Hercules would fall on the floor and writhe with agony. But there is a simple remedy. Make bhindi soup, sip it as haot as possible, then walk for 15 minutes. Repeat this twice a day. Within a week or so the ...


... adeva tava pujanam (whatever I do, O World Mother, is an oblation to thee!)? Lastly, I asked him whether his new-fangled Integral Yoga could really succeed with anyone who was not congenitally a Hercules? "Nayamatma valahinena labhyah" said the Upanishad. But, if "'none but strong deserved the fair Soul's favours", what hope was there for the likes of us who could not claim the strength of a ...


... "the route I have taken on this hard but fun-filled road." You have hit off to a profound nicety the character of the Aurobindonian Yoga. We have been summoned to accomplish a labour that can make a Hercules blanch and yet the summons is from the mouth of a Heavenly Humorist who can make the yoke which is implicit in the term "yoga" rhyme most naturally with "joke", for there is abundant play (yes, play ...


... you won't now be averse to quoting from it. If you like, I shall very carefully type out for you whatever you think does not need further improvement. In any case, please do send me the toes of the Hercules if not his whole foot. The difficulty is that I had always an instinctive shrinking from Page 262 amputation or any other surgical operation of the kind in matters of art as well as ...


... to be loved by Him. 2 November 1932 Because of the sudden rain we wanted to close the windows and found, with some discomfort, that not a single one is closing properly . Unless you are a Hercules and a wrestler you have no hope of closing them at all. They keep closed through goodwill, I suppose, but this goodwill would certainly not stand any strong gust of wind! Page 26 Repairs ...


... a real deity. The practice was perhaps originally pious, but by this date had become humorous. 15 pilgrimage seems a legitimate equivalent for the literal "labours" (e.g. of Hercules), though the latter were mainly for the benefit of mankind. 16 Council ... Assembly: The Council (of 500 members) was the supreme administrative authority; the Assembly was open ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... the name of a real deity. The practice was perhaps originally pious, but by this date had become humorous. pilgrimage seems a legitimate equivalent for the literal "labours" (e.g. of Hercules), though the latter were mainly for the benefit of mankind. Council... Assembly: The Council (of 500 members) was the supreme administrative authority;the Assembly was open to all adult ...


... repeated request and he informs me after two days. His object in not informing you, Purushottam says, was that you might not stop his extra food! Secondly he thought he has turned out to be Hercules overnight, went on scrubbing, doing gate-duty and many other exercises without ever asking me. Purushottam says the work is light, but S purposely turned it into a Sandow exercise making all sorts ...

... There is a third group of legends claiming for their heroes an assumption after death, the forsaken body too being removed from earth and caught up to heaven. A classical example is the legend of Hercules. A Christian legend of the same kind is that of the 'Assumption of Mary', according to which first the soul, and then the body, of the Virgin were assumed to heaven. Be that as it may, these ...

... sodium chlor. powder which is supposed to give good results. But it is rather painful. She might complain of the excruciating pain. Sri Aurobindo: Good Lord! She will make a worse noise than Hercules on the shirt of Nessus! NB: If you give us courage, we may venture. Sri Aurobindo: Not possible. Prasanna will become worse than aprasanna, she will become abasanna and do dharna. ...

... with our callousness and futile treatment. Who knows what she will be if we give her excruciating pain with sodium chl. and make her from bad to worse? Good Lord! she will make a worse noise than Hercules in the shirt of Nessus! If you give us courage, we may venture. Not possible. Prasanna will become more than aprasanna , she will become abasanna and do dharna . 133 Won't do. ...

... soldiers came in Page 90 carriages (there were horse-carriages in those days), with music, bugle and drum, singing and shouting, sure of their victory. They were giants indeed, each a Hercules, and the Indians were pigmies before them. The play started. Just then our manager noticed that at a distance, away from the field, under a tree was sitting a Sannyasi. Directly he saw the Sannyasi ...


... private property of the Maharaja till July 1922, when it was opened to the public. "Ashudada sent Visva's son Hemchandra with a note to me ;" ran Sri Aurobindo's account, "the lad is a young Hercules five foot ten in height and monstrous in muscle with a roaring voice and continual outbursts of boisterous laughter over anything in the shape of a joke good or bad — a fine specimen of the outlander ...

... written the history of my sadhana____" So how do we find out? Now, I have always loved, still love, reading mystery stories, as my friends will tell you. I have gulped down Sherlock Holmes, Hercules Poi rot, Perry Mason, and admired their cleverness in finding solutions from stray clues; Nancy Drew, The Three Investigators, Tintin (in French) have delighted me; I have hugely enjoyed Byomkesh ...

... visit at Poona, supposedly a private one, "citizens thronged to see him whenever he appeared," reports the Bande Mataram. On 12 January Sri Aurobindo was invited by Professor Ramamurti, the 'Indian Hercules,' to witness his extraordinary feats of strength. Sri Aurobindo thanked the Professor for his performance, invited him to Bengal, and requested the audience to develop their physical faculties so ...