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Hindustan Standard : English daily of Calcutta founded in 1937 by Satyendranath Majumdar & edited by Dhirendranath Sen.

6 result/s found for Hindustan Standard

... উল্লেখযােগ্য যে একটি অসমাপ্ত কবিতার টুকরাে’ (প্রথম পঙক্তি: কে TGV gf Pretoria fotosan) Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research-এর ১৯৮১ এপ্রিল সংখ্যায় প্রকাশিত হয়েছিল ৷ এই কবিতাখণ্ডটির প্রতিলিপি Hindustan Standard-এ (১২ জুন ১৯৫৪) শ্রীঅরবিন্দ রচিত বলে মুদ্রিত হয়েছিল ৷ কিন্তু বর্তমানে নির্ণীত হয়েছে কবিতাটি বারিন ঘােষের রচিত, শ্রীঅরবিন্দের নয় ৷ পৃঃ ৫৬৯ অস্ফুট: রচনাকাল আনুমানিক ১৯১৮ পৃঃ ৫৭০ মহাকাল:... সম্পাদক শ্রীঅমলেশ ভট্টাচার্য যুগান্তর: সাপ্তাহিক; প্রথম প্রকাশ মার্চ ১৯০৬; সম্পাদক শ্রীভূপেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research: প্রকাশকাল: এপ্রিল ১৯৭৭ হতে ডিসেম্বর ১৯৯৪ Hindustan Standard: কলিকাতার একটি দৈনিক সংবাদপত্র ...


... the Calcutta Nationalist papers, especially the Jugantar . SRI AUROBINDO: Why? NIRODBARAN: It seems that this paper criticised X and supported the Working Committee. The editor of the Hindustan Standard has been dismissed through his influence. SRI AUROBINDO: What for? NIRODBARAN: Because the editor made a joint declaration with other editors against X's move to muzzle the press. It is... serving the country and then do whatever he likes. PURANI: X is serving more his personal ambition, I should say. NIRODBARAN: Fazlul Huque gave the same argument when he restricted the Hindustan Standard , saying that fair and just criticism is always welcome but when it brings in the name of Allah, then— SRI AUROBINDO: Allah? NIRODBARAN: Yes, attacking Allah. I believe he means religion ...


... SRI AUROBINDO: And let them be shut up in a room until they are able to come to a settlement. (Laughter) EVENING Professor Naren Das Gupta reviewed Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine in the Hindustan Standard . SRI AUROBINDO: Who is this Das Gupta? PURANI: It is Naren Das Gupta of Feni College, in Noakhali, SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, he was Bejoy's friend. PURANI: Here, in Pondy? SRI AUROBINDO:... SRI AUROBINDO: The Arya came out just at the beginning of the last World War and The Life Divine at the beginning of the present one. SATYENDRA (to Nirodbaron) : How is it that the Hindustan Standard has put the review on the leading page? I thought it was a Socialist paper supporting Subhas Bose. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, it is a Leftist paper. But Subhas Bose has a corner in him which has ...


... SRI AUROBINDO: I see; I didn't know that. In Bihar it exists, so it may also be in Bengal. NIRODBARAN: The Hindustan Standard says that the Government is not taking any measures against it while it talks of communists and other people. SRI AUROBINDO: The Hindustan Standard is Bose's paper, isn't it? NIRODBARAN: Yes. SRI AUROBINDO: Then why doesn't it object? They are half Mohammedans ...


... 1939 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 16 JANUARY 1939 NIRODBARAN: In the Hindustan Standard there is a remarkable story about some Somesh Bose. His wife, dead for twenty years, has been brought back bodily to him, alive again, and is doing sadhana with him. The man who performed the miracle is a Yogi named Bhola Giri. This Yogi also comes every evening to bless ...


... interminable; each claims big successes and yet it comes to nothing. The same with the other war. PURANI: Yes, only air raids! Nandalal Base's picture of Durga in the Puja number of the Hindustan Standard was shown to Sri Aurobindo. SRI AUROBINDO: It seems to be post-Ajanta decorative style. Lion stylised, peacock in front of the lion, Kartik humorous. EVENING PURANI: Gandhara art is ...
