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Home Rule Movement : Irish movement to secure internal autonomy for Ireland within the British Empire. The Home Government Association, calling for an Irish parliament, was termed in 1870 by Isaac Butt, a Protestant lawyer who popularized “Home Rule” as the movement’s slogan. In 1873 the Home Rule League replaced the association & Butt’s moderate leadership gave way to that of the aggressive Charles Stewart Parnell. The Home Rule Bill in British Parliament became law on September 18, 1914, but was inoperative during World War I – an anachronism in the post-war world of independence movements & never came into force [s/a Besant, Hardinge, Indian Sociologist, Lucknow, Tilak,]
... had by this time virtually relinquished his authority; thus the Congress was almost leaderless and the Home Rule Movement had weakened beyond any hope of revival. This vacuum was filled up by Gandhi and with his advent started the next phase of the Freedom Movement. The Home Rule Movement was not a great success. However, it contributed in some ways to the Nationalist Movement. Firstly, it... The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement The Home Rule Movement In 1910 Sri Aurobindo retired from active politics and came to Pondicherry. Earlier, both Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai were interned in jail. Bipin Chandra Pal had gone to England. Thus the Nationalist Congress was bereft of its leading personalities. There was a lull in the political... time when the whole strength of India ought to have been focused upon the War and upon helping the British Empire. It was simply impossible for him to tolerate the public excitement which the Home Rule Movement was fomenting against the British Government by its inflammatory language in discussing political questions in the midst of a global war. He knew that under the Press Act of 1910 his government ...
... compromised the Home Rule Movement. It is much better that Ireland should have to wait longer for any measure of self-government than that she should commit political suicide by accepting Mr. Birrell's Bill. We call it Mr. Birrell's Bill, but in reality it is Sir Antony Macdonnell's and has the stamp of "Liberal" Anglo-Indian upon it. Its object is obviously to kill the Home Rule Movement by kindness, ...
... away from me.' In 1917 Sri Aurobindo had another visitor, B. Shiva Rao, who was the secretary of Mrs. Annie Besant, leader of the Home Rule Movement at that time. More than fifty years later, Shiva Rao wrote an interesting account of that meeting: 'The Home Rule Movement was at that time quickly gathering support and vitality mainly as a result of the war-time internments. Some of us who were on the ...
... to the protection of Pakistan's interests, which included the creation of a covert action division within the ISI to assist Islamic militants in Northeast India, as well as to assist the Sikh Home Rule Movement in the 1960s.6 Under General Khan, the ISI was given the mission of conducting ''the collection of foreign and domestic intelligence, coordination of intelligence functions of the three military... Soviet Union's 1979 invasion of Afghanistan compelled the CIA to increase its ties with the ISI. The Agency had previously been working with the ISI to discredit Indira Gandhi and to aid the Sikh Home Rule Movement. Now, the CIA began collaborating with the ISI in training the Afghan mujahideen to combat the Soviets, also providing them with logistical support and financial and military aid.21 Page ...
... management had arranged the singular sequence of events: Sri Aurobindo's withdrawal to Pondicherry in 191O, Gandhiji's coming to India in 1914, the return of Tilak from Mandalay, the launching of the Home Rule Movement by Besant and Tilak, the "great shadow" of the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms, the rising new tempo of repression and the Mahatma's unruffled defiance of the bureaucracy! It now became his openly... supported it instead. The Mahatma carried the day, and the Gandhian Congress heaved forward on the crest of tremendous popular excitement and mass involvement reminiscent of the great days of the Home Rule movement and the earlier Bande Mataram agitation. Leaders like M.A. Jinnah, Tej Bahadur Sapru and V.S. Srinivasa Sastri were now out of the Congress, but that meant no serious diminution in its strength ...
... was changed to "Some Preliminary Ideas". Message for National Education Week (1918). Editorial title. Sri Aurobindo wrote this message at the request of Annie Besant, a leader of the Home Rule movement and the editor of New India , a newspaper of Madras. It was published in New India on 8 April 1918, under the heading: " MESSAGES FROM SONS OF THE MOTHERLAND TO THEIR BROTHERS ". Sri Aurobindo's ...
... pillow. Throughout the day they would be in my pocket. I would read them time and again. In Madras my association with the members of the Theosophical Society began to grow by degrees. The "Home Rule" movement was "1 full swing. On the first floor of the house No. 2 at Broadway, almost facing the Law College, the "Home Rule" library was opened "y Annie Besant with great eclat. Dailies, weeklies, ...
... pillow. Throughout the day they would be in my pocket. I would read them time and again. In Madras my association with the members of the Theosophical Society began to grow by degrees. The Home Rule movement was in full swing. On the first floor of the house No. 2 at Broadway, almost facing the Law College, the Home Rule Library was opened by Annie Besant with great éclat. Dailies, weeklies, monthlies ...
... pillow. Throughout the day they would be in my pocket. I would read them time and again. In Madras my association with the members of the Theosophical Society began to grow by degrees. The "Home Rule" movement was in full swing. On the first floor of the house No. 2 at Broadway, almost facing the Law College, the "Home Rule" library was opened by Annie Besant with great éclat. Dailies, weeklies, ...
... later carried that idea into effect. But Sri Aurobindo felt this would mean the abandonment of the ideal of total independence – free India within the British Empire would be the goal of the Home Rule movement – and therefore he did not execute it. He thought about passive resistance at this time, but he knew that he could not be the leader of such a movement. The British government had declared ...
... 1916 + + + During 1917 the Arya continued its publication regularly. The only other information available regarding this year is this account of an interview with B. Shiva Rao: "The Home-Rule movement was at that time quickly gathering support and vitality mainly as a result of the internments. Some of us who were on the staff of 'New-India' went out on trips to build up a campaign of organisation ...
... foreknowledge as was his could nevertheless be dismissed as of no consequence by the selfish and the easy-going alike. In that bleak climate of Indian politics, what was Sri Aurobindo to do? A 'Home Rule' movement strictly within the four comers of the existing law? An intense nation-wide movement of passive resistance? neither appealed to him, the former because it would have meant a dilution of the ...
... In 1917, B. Shiva Rao, a co-worker of Annie Besant, visited Sri Aurobindo. A report of his interview was published in the Hindu of Sunday, May 10, 1959, which we reproduce below: "The Home-Rule movement was at that time quickly gathering support and vitality mainly as a result of the internments. Some of us who were on the staff of New India went out on trips to build up a campaign of or ...
... for the ruffian. Not to speak of the humiliation of a whole society. When M. K. Gandhi captured the Congress in 1920, and launched his Khilafat Movement, Annie Besant, the leader of the Home Rule movement, foresaw certain dangers. She did not hesitate to warn Gandhi that the movement he contemplated "would result in the release of forces whose potentialities for evil were quite incalculable." ...
... came about that Sri Aurobindo "on receiving an inner intimation left politics for spiritual lifework. The intimation was that Swadeshi movement must now end and would be followed later on by a Home Rule movement and a Non-cooperation movement of the Gandhi type, under other leaders." A first Command sent him to Chandernagore. A second Command sent him to Pondicherry. That is how God ...
... for a time to draw back a little in order to make a continued political action possible, reculer pour mieux sauter, as the national movement seemed otherwise threatened with a complete pause. A Home Rule movement or a movement of the South African type suggested themselves to him and he foresaw that they might be resorted to in the near future; but he decided that such movements were not for him to lead ...
... recognise that the nation was not yet sufficiently trained to carry out his policy and programme. For a time he thought that the necessary training must first be given through a less advanced Home Rule movement or an agitation of passive resistance of the kind created by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa. But he saw that the hour of these movements had not come and that he himself was not their destined ...
... for one year. Afterwards on receiving an inner intimation left politics for spiritual lifework. The intimation was that the Swadeshi movement must now end and would be followed later on by a Home Rule movement and a Non-cooperation movement of the Gandhi type, under other leaders. Came to Pondicherry 1910. Started the "Arya". 1914 × ...
... point the negotiations broke down. Sri Aurobindo began however to consider how to revive the national movement under the changed circumstances. He glanced at the possibility of falling back on a Home Rule movement which the Government could not repress, but this, which was actually realised by Mrs. Besant later on, would have meant a postponement and a falling back from the ideal of independence. He looked ...
... clairvoyant and prominent member of the Theosophical Society. 47 . Annie Besant (1847-1933), a prominent Theosophist, women’s rights activist, writer and orator. She launched the Home Rule movement in 1916 and was also elected the President of the Congress. 48 . Dr. Satyavrata Sen, son of Nolini and Ila Sen, started the Tresor Nursing Home in the Ashram. 49 . Ma ...
... pillow. Throughout the day they would be in my pocket. I would read them time and again. In Madras my association with the members of the Theosophical Society began to grow by degrees. The "Home Rule" movement was in full swing. On the first floor of the house No. 2 at Broadway, almost facing the Law College, the "Home Rule" library was opened by Annie Besant with great eclat. Dailies, weeklies, ...
... was a dearth of political leadership at the time and the atmosphere was one of angry frustration and humiliation arising out of the Jallianwalla Bagh massacres on April 13, 1919. Mrs. Besant's Home Rule Movement had run its course and Gandhiji had yet to assume his position of influence and command over the Congress. Tilak had returned to India after his long incarceration in Mandalay and was trying ...
... we had Tilak, Gokhale and Pherozeshah Mehta; and in the South there were Subramaniam Bharati and Annie Besant. This was a period where there was a mix of moderate and militant movements. The Home Rule Movement started by Annie Besant and Tilak were important phases in this movement. This phase lasted till 1920. The third phase starts with the advent of Gandhi, and this period ushered in a ...
... negotiations broke down. Sri Aurobindo began, however, to consider how to revive the national movement under the changed circumstances. He glanced at the possibility of falling back on a Home Rule movement which the Government could not repress, but this, which was actually realised by Mrs. Besant later on, would have meant a postponement and a falling back from the ideal of independence ...
... our Mother India would be saved." 48 And of course, Sri Aurobindo was right in the long run. History is with him, not with the Mehtas, Gokhales and Rash Beharis. The Surat split led to the Home Rule movement during the first world war under the leadership of Tilak and Annie Besant, and then to Gandhiji's non-cooperation movement in 1920, Salt Satyagraha in 1930 and 'Quit India' in 1942, - and on ...
... spiritual force and silent spiritual action.... 47 When B. Shiva Rao, then on the staff of the New India, edited by Annie Besant, visited Sri Aurobindo in 1917, he freely discussed the 'Home Rule' movement, the situation created by the internment of Arundale, B.P. Wadia and Mrs. Besant herself, and the new upsurgence in the country. Recalling the interview over forty years later, Shiva Rao wrote: ...
... cooperation'— as he wrote in the 'Open Letter to My countrymen.' To revive the national movement under the changed circumstances, Sri Aurobindo had toyed with the idea of falling back on a Home Rule movement which the Government could not repress —an idea later realised by Annie Besant and Tilak. But at the time it would have meant a falling back from the ideal of independence. "He looked also at ...
... East. The other to liberate the Mother and through her liberate the world," observed S. K. Mitra. Then in November 1893 came to India Annie Besant (1847-1933), who was to spearhead the country's Home Rule movement. A landmark year for India. A view of the Thames, London, late last century Page 234 Sri Aurobindo was in the mailboat Carthage when she set sail for India ...
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