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Hymns to the Goddess : translation of hymns, mostly from Tantra, by Arthur & Ellen Avalon (q.v.), published in 1913 by Ganesh & Co. (Madras) Ltd.

10 result/s found for Hymns to the Goddess

... Early Cultural Writings "Hymns to the Goddess" This is one of a series of publications by Mr. Arthur Avalon consisting of texts and translations of the Tantras. The hymns collected and translated in this volume are, however, taken from other sources besides the Tantras. Many of them are from the considerable body of devotional hymns attributed... who can rise and widen into the shoreless realisation and yet keep the heart of the little child and the capacity of the seer of forms. At any rate, this is an attitude towards which these Hymns to the Goddess bring us very near. They are full of the glories of her form, her visible body; full of the thinker's perception of her in all the shapes of the universe; full of the power of her psychological ...


... Aurobindo revised these five to some extent before this publication. "Suprabhat". Published in the Karmayogin on 14 August 1909 under the title "Suprabhat: A Review". "Hymns to the Goddess". Published in the Arya in May 1915 and in Views and Reviews since 1941. The following note in the Arya concerning the "series of publications" mentioned in the first sentence ...


... Month"): "The Needed Synthesis" (August 1914), "The Significance of 'Arya'" (September 1914), "On Meditation" (October 1914), "On Universal Consciousness" (January 1915). Part Two (Reviews): "Hymns to the Goddess" (May 1915), "South Indian Bronzes" (October 1915)-, "God the Invisible King" (July 1917), "Rupam" (April 1920), "About Astrology" (November 1917). - In SABCL all the articles of Part ...


... wanderer – may be taken as a concrete symbol of this principle. The Brahmanas described it graphically in the famous phrase, caraivete, "move on". The Vedic Rishi sang of it in the memor­able hymn to Dawn, the goddess who comes today the last of a succession of countless dawns in the immemorial past and the first of a never-ending series of the future. The soul is strung with a golden chain to the Great... minimum change only just to be able to pour the new into the old. But this conservatism, which is another name for tamas is fatal to the living truth within. Even like the é lan vital so gloriously hymned by Bergson, the inmost consciousness, the central truth of being, the soul é lan has always a forward-looking reference. And it is precisely because the normal instru­ment of the body and life and ...

... Bengal has heard; her ears have suddenly been opened to a voice to which she had been deaf and her heart filled with a light to which she had been blind. The Mother of Page 1114 the hymn is no new goddess, but the same whom we have always worshipped; only she has put off the world-form in which she was familiar to us, she has assumed a human shape of less terrible aspect, less fierce and devastating ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Ashram Poets   HYMN TO THE MOTHER   Goddess Supreme, Mira! Creator of the Worlds, Nourisher of the Worlds, Benefactor of the Worlds! Mother! Goddess Supreme, Mira! The infinite mother of the Gods, the universal Goddess! The Home of the Worlds, thy gracious feet! Rays of the immeasurable light... flowers bathed in bloodred ­ – And the full Moon smiled and blew its flute Dripping with solar light!     SAHANA DEVI       GODDESS THAT HAST DAWNED   Goddess that hast dawned upon the horizon! Hast thou crossed the infinitude of Darkness And come into the timeless moment? Thou hast revealed thyself in thy complete regalia­...                         offered to thee.   Goddess of dream, hast thou shed upon the Night The hue of thy perfect vision of creative might? Celestial moments reddened with thy kisses Weave an unseen bond between Earth and Paradise – On their wings often and anon falls in showers The glorious dust of thy feet, my Goddess, O Word divine!     SAHANA DEVI   ...

... Aurobindo has also given much thought to perfecting the instrument of his message, the blank verse in Savitri. The Vedic Rishis gave particular attention to the sound-patterns of their hymns, for the Goddess Vak was the mediatrix between the human and the divine: When the Rishi makes an invocation by a Rik he contacts, with the power of consciousness packed in the Rik, the supernal ether... Upakhyana of Vyasa the power of the Supreme as Action (Prakriti) comes to Aswapati with the promise of a daughter described by Goddess Savitri as kanya tejasvini, though the king had prayed for sons at first (putra me bahavo devi bhaveyu kulapāvanāh). At the same time, the Goddess makes it clear that the boon she was granting had its origin in Brahma. It was the Creator who had ordained that the child... through all the motions of life as lived by ordinary man. A goddess as a Princess going in search of a consort is familiar to the Indian psyche. The wonderful Puranic tale of the Divine Mother as Princess Tadatakai (Meenakshi) finding her consort in Chokkesa (Sundaresha) has been a favourite with the worshippers of the Mother Goddess in South India. Then the marriage, an auspicious moment is renacted ...

... enjoyer of poetry will surely be perceptive to its compelling spell and to its subtle happy charm and gracious wholesomeness. At the beginning of the twelfth chapter Jnaneshwar hymns the Goddess of Purity and the Goddess of Perfection, addressing them as Shuddhé and Siddhé. But then they are none other than the benedictve glance, the luminous and assuring gaze of the preceptor himself, gurukripadrishti... in happy abundance and prosperity its commerce: Page 117   ( Jnaneshwari : 12.16) Such is the invocation of the Yogi-Poet addressed to the Goddess of Purity and the Goddess of Perfection. He implores them to take a recognisable form of the kind and compassionate disposition of the Guru. It is then that he shall approach the Gita who may creatively reveal ...


... Ocean-born Goddess! Smite the wolf, he or she, smite the robber! Carry us safely through. [6]   Black darkness clings to me all around, it stands here firm. O Dawn! clear it even as you do my debts. [7]   Daughter of Heaven! A Herd of light is this hymn of victory that moves towards you. I have made it for your sake. Do thou accept it, O Night. [8]     LAST HYMN ... none else Are all these worlds born everywhere; Whatever prayer we offer to you, may that be granted to us, May we become master of all delights. [10]     HYMN OF THE SUPREME GODDESS   (Rig-Veda – Mandala X, Sukta 125)   I move with the Rudras and the Vasus, with the Adityas, yea, with all the gods. I bear both Mitra and Varuna, both Indra... been very secretly taught by the different branches of Yajurveda in their hymns and their U panishadic versions. It has been mysteriously revealed by the various branches of Rigveda in their hymns or their Upanishadic versions. It is mystically awakened through a certain subtle duct in the body, evoked by manifold metrical hymns of the Sarna Veda. This Vidya is commonly found in all the Vedas. It is ...

... Hymns of the Atris Hymns of the Atris Hymns to the Lords of Light The Secret of the Veda The Guardians of the Light Surya, Light and Seer The Rig Veda rises out of the ancient Dawn with the sound of a thousand-voiced hymn lifted from the soul of man to an all-creative Truth and an all-illumining Light. Truth and Light are synonymous or equivalent words... Night and Dawn are then of different forms but one mind and suckle alternately the same luminous Child. Then the revealing lustres of the brighter goddess are known in the pleasant nights even through the movements of the darkness. Therefore Kutsa hymns the two sisters, "Immortal, with a common lover, agreeing, they move over heaven and earth forming the hue of the Light; common is the path of the... it as possession and power and attribute. Mitra is seldom hymned except in union with Varuna or else as a name and form of the other gods,—oftenest of the cosmic worker Agni,—when arriving in their action to the harmony and the light they reveal in themselves the divine Friend. To the twin-power Mitra-Varuna the greater number of the hymns to the luminous Kings are addressed, a certain number to Varuna ...
