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Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
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Sujata Nahar [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
1 result/s found for Images idols

... Mother was one such. Her eyes had seen through the forms of the idols and met the forces that hide behind. She could recognize them for what they were, because she was familiar with the real gods. The 'other sorts.' One day in 1961, Mother was talking to Satprem about the existence of these presences in the images or idols. She remarked that Europeans generally do not have an inner perception... 138 great leading Powers: Strength, Wisdom, Harmony and Perfection. However, in spite of their different functions, all the Kalis have certain similar characteristics. The Kali idols and images depict a dark-hued woman (although Mahakali herself is golden-hued), completely naked, with long luxuriant hair covering a part of the body; her three arms hold different weapons and her fourth... her POWER was felt by all and quite often attracted entities of all shades and colours. Life for Mother was not easy. But an interesting point emerged from this story: the entities in the idols are in the image of the priests that worship them. The head of the math in question was a most cruel man, absolutely merciless. "And what a creature!" Mother frowned. "As asuric as the god he worshipped ...
