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Imam : (ǐmäm’ Arabic term: though used of the leader in the Friday prayer in the mosque, is also a synonym for caliph. In this use it is applied by Shiites to Ali ibn Abi Tālib, the Prophet’s cousin & 2nd convert, husband of Fatima, the Prophet’s first child, & 4th Caliph from c.602 to his murder in 661 by the Omayyad, & also to his sons Hasan & Husein both killed by the Omayyad, & to the rest of the caliphs in the family of the Prophet. The followers of Ali’s family came to believe that there was a hidden imamate, the succession of the legitimate, unrecognized descendants of Ali or true caliphs. The idea grew up in the Middle Ages that one in this succession, the 12th or the 7th, imam, would return at the end of the world to restore the right caliphate. The returning imam is called the Mahdi (q.v.). The Fatimites, followers of Fatima, were particularly given to this belief in the hidden imam, & the Druses & Assassins hold doctrines related to the same belief. [Based on Columbia Encyclopedia, 1950]

30 result/s found for Imam

... from pity, but from a clear strength and a steady knowledge, perceiving the problem but not overpowered by it, samáhita, dhíra. Dwelling in a world of grief, pain, death and limitation, anityam asukham imam lokam prápya, yet irresistibly impelled by Nature to aspire after joy, immortality and freedom, bound not to renounce that apparently impossible ideal on peril of forfeiting our highest, most consoling... ordinary religious parlance, we must renounce the world in order to find and possess God. So also the Gita, after describing our condition, arrived in this transient and troubled world, anityam asukham imam lokam prápya, immediately points out the remedy, bhajaswa Mám. Turn & cleave rather to me, the Lord. But the world was made by its Lord for Page 449 divine habitation & possession; the object ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... question for Mahomedans to consider. A certain section with Syed Hyder Reza at their head, have considered it and are against the separate representation altogether. Another section represented by Mr. Ali Imam are for a compromise between the full Moslem demand for separate electorates and the Hindu demand for equal treatment of all communities. Unfortunately, this compromise is merely the Government scheme... reputation of an assured wisdom and an inflexible power have sealed up the eyes of those in high places. Students and Politics All India and especially Bengal owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. Hasan Imam for his strong, manly and sensible remarks on the vexed question of students and politics as President of the Beharee Students Conference at Gaya. Contrast this honest Page 297 utterance... sense and a mere intellectual, a man of books and words and borrowed thoughts, proud of his gift of speech and subtlety of logic, but unable to penetrate a fact even when he sees it. With Mr. Hasan Imam a strong personal force enters the field of politics. Page 298 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... to ima, for it speaks of 'these water-floods'. But it commits the fault of translating mahīm ... prthivīm 'this great earth', gratuitously substituting 'this' for 'the', as though there were an imam understood with prthivīm. The Rigvedic proof of autochthonism If we go further in Griffith's translation of the hymn, we come across a phrase appropriate to such temporal continuity... if the later meaning of "grandson" be put on the word, as Sāyana has done (devavato rājno naptuḥ pautrasya), how will Professors Macdonell and Keith explain the concluding verse of the hymn [25]: imam naro marutah saścatānu dívodāsam ná pitáram Sudāsah, avistánā paijavanásya ketam dunaśam ksatram ajáram duvoyú, where Divodāsa is explicitly called the father (pita) of Sudās? This passage clearly ...


... disguised as merit!" 'The stranger said: 'I pray that God may fulfil your aim.' THE MIRACLE Imam Ali, according to the Durud'-i-Qasimi, admitted a barbarian stranger to his presence, in spite of the trepidation of those around him. Less than fifteen minutes had passed before that Imam said to his companions: 'This man will become a saint when he leaves this house, and his powers will ...

... mankind but also in the outer circumstances of a transformed humanity. Page 183 So don't be in a hurry to quit "this transient and unhappy world", the Gita's anityam asukham lokam imam, without carrying out as much and as long as you can the command of Sri Krishna: bhajasva mam, "love "and worship Me." Sri Krishna has graced our times with a manifestation still more luminous than ...


... A void and dreadful forest ringing with the crickets' cry   Vanam pratibhayarh sunyam jhillikdgananaditam 1   or remember its call to the soul of man   Anityam asukham lokam imam prapya bhajasva mam   Thou who hast come into this transient and unhappy world, love and worship Me.   There is a second level on which the poetry draws into itself a fuller language ...


... dreadful forest ringing with the crickets' cry Page 143 Vanam pratibhayam śūnyam jhillikdgananāditam 1 or remember its call to the soul of man Anityam asukham lokam imam prāpya bhajasva mām Thou who hast come into this transient and unhappy world, love and worship Me. There is a second level on which the poetry draws into itself a fuller language ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... bring calm in at the end of a line. One has to rhyme with balm, palm or psalm, and to bring any of these in without an obvious effort of manufacture is a Herculean feat. Of course if you slam in an Imam or warm up to an alarm, it becomes easier but at the cost of an uneasy conscience. 88 9.NB: You compare your nights with mine! God above! Yours, Sir, is a labour of love - Sri Aurobindo: ...

... Evil. One has simply to forget the world, abandon earthly existence altogether as a nightmare. Peace, felicity one can possess and enjoy-but not here in this vale of tears, anityam asukham lokam imam , but elsewhere beyond. Is that the whole truth? We, for ourselves, do not subscribe to this view. Truth is a very complex entity, the universe a mingled strain. It is not a matter of merely sinners ...

... outlook. In the early days spiritual realisation was sought for personal salvation, a complete renunciation of the world, absolute freedom from this transient unhappy world   ― anityam asukham lokam imam. The individual person leaves his individual existence upon earth and retires and merges into the Infinite Brahman. But here in Sri Aurobindo's Revelation we are taught that the individual realisation ...

... come to this ephemeral and unhappy world, Page 52 love me and turn to Me.... Take refuge in Me alone. I will deliver thee from all sin and evil. anityam asukham lokam imam pr ā pya bhajasva m ā u. ... m ā mekam ś aranam vraja aham tv ā sanvap ā pebhyo mok ṣ ayi ṣ y ā mi m ā ś ucah. Gita 9.33; 18.66 2 A god is a single undivided being ...

... days spiritual realisation was sought for personal salvation, a complete renunciation of the world, absolute freedom from this transient Page 33 unhappy world— anityam asukham lokam imam. The individual person leaves his individual existence upon earth and retires and merges into the Infinite Brahman. But here in Sri Aurobindo's Revelation we are taught that the individual realisation ...


... 700, 718, 734-5 Surendra Mohan Ghose 251, 450, 534, 571-2, 595, 686 Surendra Nath Jauhar 165, 288, 417, 507, 538, 624, 689, 709, 733, 747, 797, 817 Suvrata (Mme Yvonne Gaebele) 321, 418 Syed Mehdi Imam 617 Page 923 Tagore, Rabindranath 5, 175, 183, 262, 582 Tan Yun-shan, Prof 532 Tandon, Purushottamdas 226 Tara Jauhar 691, 710 Tea Ceremony 194-5, 287-8, 319, 321 Teilhard ...


... experience at the time: "Not that they knew it was the Supramental Manifestation." They nevertheless felt that something of supreme relevance to the Sadhana of Supramental Yoga had occurred. Syed Mehdi Imam has recalled his ineffable experience at the time and how he had also compared notes with the Mother herself. According to his testimony, he had been invaded and possessed in his room in Golconde on ...


... single word mortalia admit in them all the sorrow and suffering of the world and all the affliction and misery that beset mortal creatures in this transient and unhappy world, anityam asukhaṁ lokam imam . The superfluous words bring in a particularising intellectual insistence which impoverishes a great thought and a great utterance. Your first hexametric version 7 is rather poor; the second 8 ...


... seers say is not that the world is a monument of divine Mercy or Grace, but that the Grace is waiting behind for one who turns from its ignorance or fully to the Divine. anityam asukham lokam imam prāpya bhajasva mām [This world is full of misery and ephemeral: so turn to worship me. Gita, 9.33] Of course we hope to initiate a better world here, but that is another matter. The individuals ...

... about the importance of Ramzan or the significance of Eidul Fitr and Eidul-Azha. Many of them have no idea of the 'Haji' also. Very few are aware of the historical importance of sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain at Karbala and the way in which this incidence effects the psyche of a common Muslim, especially if he happens to be a Shia. Similarly very few of my Muslim and Hindu friends have any idea of ...

... bring calm in at the end of a line. One has to rhyme with balm, palm or psalm, and to bring any of these in without an obvious effort of manufacture is a Herculean feat. Of course if you slam in an Imam or warm up to an alarm, it becomes easier but at the cost of an uneasy conscience. May 8, 1938 These two poems followed as if one piece. But I find some difference. Both seem to have a ...

... promoted and celebrated in social life, which non-Muslims see as Islamic chauvinism. September 11 was a misjudgment of timing and dar-ul-islam's ability to take over. But any orthodox Mullah or Imam would confirm God's edict that eventually Islam absolutely must take over the world." Here is another statement of Jinnah that argued in favour of a separate state of Pakistan: "You must remember ...

... the worlds – kiilo'smi lokaksayakrt – but he also declares in no uncertain terms his voice of assurance, the resounding bugle-call of his panchajanya the Divine Conch: anityam asukham lokam imam prapya bhajasva mam. ...mamekam saranam vraja aham tva sarvapapebhyo moksayiviimi mil suca.¹ (2) A god is a single undivided being, even as an Asura is a single undivided being ...

... importance that it has. Poets and seers, sages and saints along with common men from the very birth of humanity have mourned this vale of tears, this sorrowful transient earthly life, anityam asukham lokam imam, into Page 1 which they have been thrown: they have wished and willed and endeavoured to change or reform or re-create it, but have always failed, and in the end, finding it ultimately ...

... Great Evil. One has simply to forget the world, abandon earthly existence altogether as a nightmare. Peace, felicity one can possess and enjoy— but not here in this vale of tears, anityam asukham lokam imam, but elsewhere beyond. Is that the whole truth? We, for ourselves, do not subscribe to this view. Truth is a very complex entity, the universe a mingled strain. It is not a matter of merely ...

... importance that it has. Poets and seers, sages and saints along with common men from the very birth of humanity have mourned this vale of tears, this sorrowful transient earthly life, anityam asukham lokam imam 1 , into which they have been thrown: they have wished and willed and endeavoured to change or reform or re-create it, but have always failed, and in the end, finding it ultimately incorrigible, concluded ...

... importance that it has. Poets and seers, sages and saints along with common men from the very birth of humanity have mourned this vale of tears, this sorrowful transient earthly life, anityam asukham lokam imam¹, into which they have been thrown: they have wished and willed and endeavoured to change or reform or re-create it, but have always failed, and in the end, finding it ultimately incorrigible, concluded ...

... sadhana in the Ashram, and he was there for several years. Distinguished in appearance, he wore the air of a man with a divine appointment to keep and was in readiness always. Another lawyer, Syed Mehdi Imam of Patna, educated almost wholly in England like Sri Aurobindo, was also drawn to him and the Mother, lived in the Ashram for years, and has written perceptively on Shakespeare's plays and on Savitri ...

... -Achilles motif, 64 1ff; role of the divinities, 642H; the women actors, 643; the intended conclusion, 643-4; similes, 644H; its metre, 645; the "unwomanly" woman, 646; Herbert Read on, 690 Imam, Syed Mehdi, 579 'Indian Majlis', 34, 37,183, 281 Indian Patriot, The, 244, 340 Indu Prakash, 55, 57, 59, 184ff, 188, 194, 206, 217, 218, 220, 228, 268. 277, 281, 338, 514 ...

... spirit behind All India Books and VAK: The Spiritual Bookshop for it. Doubtless several books on Savitri have appeared during the last two decades, notably by M.P. Pandit, Rohit Mehta, Syed Mehdi Imam, and Rameshwar Gupta; but I have also been receiving all these years repeated queries regarding the reissue of my work. I therefore venture to think that it has, perhaps, a place of its own in the ...


... and dreadful forest ringing with the cricket's cry" " Vanam pratibhayam sunyam Jhillikagananinaditam " or remember its call to the soul of man " Anityam asukham lokam imam prapya bhajaswa mam " "Thou who hast come to this transient and unhappy world, love and worship Me." 10 .________________ 7 Wordsworth 8 Sri Aurobindo 9 ...

... together can save the world eventually, but not Love only or Force only. Therefore Christ had to look forward to a second advent and Mahomed's religion, where it is not stagnant, looks forward through the Imams to a Mahdi. Love alone as preached by Christ failed to transform man. Force alone as preached by Mahomed did not transform man, far from it. That is why the consciousness which is at work to ...

... together can save the world eventually, but not Love only or Force only. Therefore Christ had to look forward to a second advent and Mahomed's religion, where it is not stagnant, looks forward through the Imams to a Mahdi. 172) Law cannot save the world, therefore Moses' ordinances are dead for humanity & the Shastra of the Brahmins is corrupt Page 444 & dying. Law released into Freedom is the ...