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Indian Sociologist : four-page monthly started in January 1905 in London by Shyamji Krishṇavarmā (SK), Japan snatched Port Arthur from Russia. The next month he & his friends started The Indian Home Rule Society to inspire opposition to British imperialism through non-violent political & social reforms in England & India. With the rise of the Nationalist Party in 1906, its tone grew more nationalistic & the Govt. clamped down on SK & banned the paper’s importation into India. SK & colleagues moved to Paris where the paper grew more violent & copies continued to enter India. With the French allying to the British in the First War SK & his group moved to Geneva & Indian Sociologist stopped in July 1914.

9 result/s found for Indian Sociologist

... midst. The latter is the most formidable in the present, the former the most dangerous in the future. The foreign propaganda was first located in London and confined to the single paper, the Indian Sociologist , first an organ of Shyamji Krishnavarma's Home Rule Society and opposed to all methods of violence. The conversion of Krishnavarma to the Terrorism he once fiercely condemned, has been a very... very important factor in the growth of the new party. The propaganda has been driven from London only to spring at once into a ubiquitous activity abroad. From Paris Krishnavarma publishes the Indian Sociologist ; from Berlin a new organ, significantly self-styled the Talwar , issues; in Geneva a paper naming itself the Bande Mataram busies itself with decrying the policy of the defunct Bande Mataram ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... extremists, who quite acknowledge them. They are still in correspondence with Madame Cama, D.S. Madava Rao, M.P. Tirumala Chari and still receive, to the address of others, The Indian Sociologist and Bande Mataram and a recent post brought them a copy of the July Liberator. 3.  Circumstances Without being absolutely on their last legs they are distinctly in... report is true. The police were to have left at the end of Pondicherry but a young lunatic (one of Bharati's old disciples in patriotism and atheism) got involved in a sedition-search (for the Indian Sociologist of all rubbish in the world!) and came running here in the nick of time for the police to claim another two months' holiday in Pondicherry. However, I think their fangs have been drawn. ...

... recent and has astonished most those who knew him best. We know that Sj. Bipin Pal went to England with the confident expectation of finding full sympathy and co-operation from the editor of the Indian Sociologist . The quarrel between the two resulting from the change in Mr. Krishnavarma's views is a matter of public knowledge. We refuse therefore to believe that Mr. Krishnavarma has been a plotter of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... found that it amounted to Rs 3. 6) Two people applied to see me at the door, not seen by me. Cognition that they were detectives. I heard immediately afterwards that they had asked for "[The Indian] Sociologist" and "Liberator". 7) I had a cognition formerly that the man calling himself Ram Rao Yogi was a detective—independent of all inference. Learned on Feb 1 of a police report in which he is mentioned ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... report is true. The police were to have left at the end of [the month] 1 but a young lunatic (one of Bharati's old disciples in patriotism & atheism) got involved in a sedition-search (for the Indian Sociologist of all rubbish in the world!) and came running here in the nick of time for the Police to claim another two months' holiday in Pondicherry. However, I think their fangs have been drawn. I may ...


... report is true. The police were to have left at the end of Pondicherry ¹ but a young lunatic (one of Bharati's old disciples in patriotism and atheism) got involved in a sedition-search (for the Indian Sociologist of ¹ The beginning of this sentence, reproduced here as it appears in Sri Aurobindo's manuscript, should probably read: "The police were to have left Pondi­cherry at the end of the month ...


... been making scenes in the streets, collecting small crowds, shouting Bande Mataram, showing portraits of myself and other Nationalists along with copies of the Geneva Bande Mataram and the Indian Sociologist as credentials, naming men of advanced views as his "gurus", professing to possess the Manicktola bomb-formula, offering to kill to order all who may be obnoxious for private or public reasons ...


... been making scenes in the streets, collecting small crowds, shouting Bande Mataram, showing portraits of myself and other Nationalists along with copies of the Geneva Bande Mataram and the Indian Sociologist as credentials, naming men of advanced views as his 'gurus', professing to possess the Manicktola bomb-formula, offering to kill to order all who may be obnoxious for private or public reasons ...

... appropriate only to the intermediate ages of man's cycle in which he attempts to maintain some imperfect form of his true law. There are at least two such intermediate ages recognised by the Indian sociologists. They are called the Treta and the Dwapara. In the former, the social order is maintained by will power and force of character, and in the latter, by law, arrangement and fixed convention... Romasha, Lopamudra, Apala, Kadru, Vishwavara. Page 31 literature, but also of Indian education and of the Indian tradition of teacher-pupil relationship. The most important idea governing the ancient system of education was that of perfection, for developing the mind and soul of man. Indian education aimed at helping the individual to grow in the power and force of certain large... ideal we find in the ancient Indian system is that it is not only by obediently serving the teacher but also by repeated and full questioning that the pupil can gain the right knowledge, pari prashnena, pari sevaya. Actually, reverence for the teacher was enjoined upon the pupil for three main reasons. In the first place, Indian culture and consequently the Indian system of education strove ...
