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16 result/s found for Intuitive poetry

... visible developments which will keep past treasures of sound and yet more magically innovate than can be done by any breaking up of forms in order to build a new order out of chaos. The intimate and intuitive poetry of the future will have on the one side all the inexhaustible range and profound complexities of the cosmic imagination of which it will be the interpreter and to that it must suit a hundred single... seer through the three worlds beyond us are as fit themes as primitive war and adventure for the imagination of the epic creator. The epics of the soul most inwardly seen as they will be by an intuitive poetry, are his greatest possible subject, and it is this supreme kind that we shall expect from some profound and mighty voice of the future. His indeed may be the song of greatest flight that will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... seer through the three words beyond us are as fit themes as primitive was and adventure for the imagination of the epic creator. The epics of the soul most inwardly seen as they will be by an intuitive poetry are his greatest possible subject, and it is this supreme kind that we shall expect from 10 Nirodbaran's Correspondence , pp. 543-44. Also Savitri, pp. 727-28. Page 280 ...

... seer through the three worlds beyond us are as fit themes as primitive war and adventure for the imagination of the epic creator. The epics of the soul most inwardly seen as they will be by an intuitive poetry, are his greatest possible subject, and it is this supreme kind that we shall expect from some profound   Page 660 and mighty voice of the future. His indeed may be the song of ...

... seer through the three worlds beyond us are as fit themes as primitive war and adventure for the imagination of the epic creator. The epics of the soul most inwardly seen as they will be by an intuitive poetry, are his greatest possible subject, and it is this supreme kind that we shall expect from some profound and mighty voice of the future. His indeed may be the song of greatest flight that will ...

... seer through the three worlds beyond us are as fit themes as primitive war and adventure for the imagination of the epic creator. The epics of the soul most inwardly seen as they will be by an intuitive poetry, are his greatest possible subject, and it is this supreme kind that we shall expect from some profound and mighty voice of the future. His indeed may be the song of greatest flight that will ...

... ideas in plenty but not for their own sake, least of all for any sum of philosophical vision: they arise to enrich sensation and emotion with ideative correspondences. An outburst of royally intuitive poetry from Shakespeare that Sri Aurobindo has cited has not even any marked ideas carried on the crest of the sensational and emotional being, except in the introductory line — and still all is intensest ...


... these things,—unless its creative power has been fatally atrophied by long conventionalism, and that is not at present our case,—is not likely to be a poetry of decadence. The more perfectly intuitive poetry of the future, supposing it to emerge successfully from its present incubation, find itself and develop all its possibilities, will not be a mystic poetry recondite in expression or quite remote ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... consciousness too of the oneness of the individual and the race and a harmonious unity of the life of man with the spirit in Nature and the spirit of the universe. The voice of a new deeper intuitive poetry can be a powerful aid to this necessary change of seeing and aspiration, because what the thought comprehends with a certain abstraction, it can make living to the imagination by the word and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... seer through the three worlds beyond us are as fit themes as primitive war and adventure for the imagination of the epic creator. The epics of the soul most inwardly seen as they will be by an intuitive poetry, are his greatest possible subject, and it is this supreme kind that we shall expect from some profound and mighty voice of the future. This indeed may be the song of greatest night that will ...

... three worlds beyond us are as fit themes as primitive war and adventure for the imagination of the epic creator. The epics of the soul most inwardly seen as they will be by an intuitive poetry, are his greatest possible subject, and it is this supreme kind that we shall expect from some profound and mighty voice of the future. His indeed may be the song of greatest flight ...


... expression and to seek for a pure and authentic intuitive language, to bring forth the living truths of the inmost spiritual being, to reveal its light and vision, not in the inadequate speech of the surface mind but in the inspired and revelatory accent of Spirit itself. This attempt has not always been successful. In continental and English poetry it has not gone beyond a search for some inner... with the recent poetry seeking this inward turn will not take long to find that a small book of poems lately published - The Secret Splendour by K.D. Sethna - marks a more brilliant disclosure of the unfolding spirit and a greater mastery over its native tones than what has been done before. This book is all the more remarkable because the stamp of the pure intuitive word is evident... come from some hidden depth or height of the being. There are several ranges of our inner self, each with its characteristic movements, forms and forces which express themselves intuitively through poetry when an opening is made to them. Broadly speaking, we can say that our inner being is composed of three parts: first, a luminous subliminal being behind each aspect of our surface p ...


... is the function of all inspired poetry. We get an inner experience through an outer stimulus: our perceptions get subtilised. Without even a directly spiritual communication attempted we undergo an exquisite refinement which can prepare us for it. As a critic has intuitively said, "Poetry may not save souls but it makes souls worth saving." When we come to poetry like Savitri we have this power... that look is worn. * Q. If somebody is fond of poetry and would prefer to come to sadhana via the road of poetry , will the study of Savitri as poetry help him much? Would you kindly explain to us how and where poetry becomes yoga and yoga poetry in Savitri? A. I should think that all poetry, like all of the other arts, tends at its intensest to take us not... was good poetry. All had to be as far as possible of the same mint. In fact Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative." We can gather several points here. First and foremost, Savitri is an adventure in poetry. But the ...


... is the function of all inspired poetry. We get an inner experience through an outer stimulus: our perceptions get subtilised. Without even a directly spiritual communication attempted we undergo an exquisite refinement which can prepare us for it. As a critic has intuitively said, "Poetry may not save souls but it makes souls worth saving." When we come to poetry like Savitri we have this power... with which that look is worn. * Q. If somebody is fond of poetry and would prefer to come to sadhana via the road of poetry, will the study of Savitri as poetry help him much? Would you kindly explain to us how and where poetry becomes yoga and yoga poetry in Savitri? A. I should think that all poetry, like all of the other arts, tends at its intensest to take us not only into... adventure in poetry. But the aim is not merely to write good poetry. The poetry has to be good by an ascension in poetic quality to the highest spiritual plane possible: this plane has to be creative in terms of poetic values. Savitri should express poetically the ever-higher peak reached by Sri Aurobindo's progressive spiritual ascension. Therefore we cannot consider it either as sheer poetry or as sheer ...


... first and most a poetry of the intuitive reason, the intuitive senses, the intuitive delight-soul in us, getting from this enhanced source of inspiration a more sovereign poetic enthusiasm and ecstasy, and then, it may even be, rise towards a still greater power of revelation nearer to the direct vision and word of the Overmind from which all creative inspiration comes. A poetry of this kind need... him to his future and in all three reveal to him the face of the Eternal. An intuitive revealing poetry of the kind which we have in view would voice a supreme harmony of five eternal powers, Truth, Beauty, Delight, Life and the Spirit. These are indeed the five greater ideal lamps or rather the five suns of poetry. And towards three of them the higher mind of the race is in many directions turning... made free to us; but what path it will actually choose to tread or what new heights attempt, waits still for its own yet unformed decision. What would be the ideal spirit of poetry in an age of the increasingly intuitive mind: that is the question which arises from all that has gone before and to which we may attempt some kind of answer. I have spoken in the beginning of the Mantra as the highest ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... a great synthesis. The Vedic poetry is the first utterance of the seeing soul clothed in polyvalent symbols and intuitive images. But this poetry is not easily accessible to many, firstly because its language is archaic. Moreover it represents "an early intuitive and symbolical mentality"" 8 which is quite alien to the modem mind. Today we see poetry as a revel of intellect and fancy, ... and the intuitively metaphysical poetry of the Upanishads. i) Influence of the Veda and the Upanishads. Sri Aurobindo says that the day of salvation for poetry will come when we get back "to the ancient worship of delight and beauty.. .for without these things there can be neither an assured nobility nor a satisfied dignity and fullness of life nor a harmonious perfection of ... 20 A spontaneous admiration which comes from the intuitive recognition of kinship and not from studied critical appreciation, is the hallmark of youth when the mind of a creative genius receives influences. Keeping this in mind we shall use extensively, in the study of influences, the early writings of Sri Aurobindo on Sanskrit poetry. 21 Sri Aurobindo has transcribed Sanskrit names ...

... the voice of the innermost spirit and truth of things: An intuitive revealing poetry of the kind which we have in view would voice a supreme harmony of five eternal powers. Truth, Beauty, Delight, Life and the Spirit. These are indeed the five greater ideal lamps or rather the five suns of poetry.... The poetry of the future, if it fulfils in amplitude the promise now only there... was in the idea of the ancients the seer and revealer of truth.... Therefore the greatest poets have been always those who have had a large and powerful interpretative and intuitive vision of Nature and life and man and whose poetry has arisen out of that in a supreme revelatory utterance of it. 6 The poet's is not just a view of life - intellectual, philosophical, political, sociological... expression too must change so as to keep pace with the change in intention and spirit: It will be the language of a higher intuitive mind swallowing up the intellectual tones into the closenesses and identities of a supra-intellectual light and Ananda.... The voice of poetry comes from a region above us, a plane of our being above and beyond our personal intelligence, a supermind which sees ' things ...