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Isis : (1) one of the most important goddesses of ancient Egypt, whose worship, originating under the New Empire (c.1700-1100 BC), spread throughout Egypt until it was universal there & then extended into other lands of the Mediterranean world. (2) One of four headstreams of river Thames!
... sun god, child of Isis and Osiris. × According to tradition, Anubis , the jackal-headed god, helped Isis to rebuild the body of her spouse, Osiris, who had been killed and dismembered by his brother Set. Osiris was the first god to rule over men. Owing to certain special rites, Isis, helped by Anubis ...
... very easy to understand this transference as well as that up-raising. The legend-milieu of early Christianity was chockful of divine beings impregnating human women no less than of cultic goddesses: Isis, Astarte, Anahita, etc. The Christian transference was a very refined act which isolated from the mixture of spiritual and physical impregnations current in Egyptian and Greek myths the purely spiritual... scholars to be spurious. Not till paganism was suppressed everywhere did it start flourishing, and the pagans found satisfaction in filling with Mary the gap left by the lost glories of Cybele, Ceres, Isis, Ishtar, Maia and Flora. All this is rather by the way. To go back to our theme proper, I may sum up by saying: "The original apostolic evidence no less than the evidence of the later books ...
... cosmic Mother of the Gods; and as the incarnated Mother in the Yoga. The Great Mother is known in all great spiritual and occult traditions, even though variously named and described. We find her in Isis, Cybele, Sophia, and the Virgin Mary. She is the One who became Two – the active Brahman from eternity divided into Ishwara and Shakti, Purusha and Prakriti. On the Origin of the World , a gnostic... justifies the pains of the evolutionary manifestation]; It is my husband who bore me [Ishwara is also the Brahman]; And it is I who am his mother [who gives shape to him in his manifestation – Isis, Mary]; And it is he who is my father and my lord. It is he who is my force [because I am his force, Shakti]; I am in the process of becoming [the complete Divine is growing up in the Ma ...
... earth were parallel. We walked together over Cumberland mountains or watched the whole sea leap and thunder Titanically against the Cornwall cliffs. You were stroke and I was cox in the same boat on the Isis. We bracketed always for College honours and took the same class in the same subject in the Tripos. Afterwards too, we entered Parliament side by side in the same party and by an august and noble silence ...
... or Church. So strong is the human tendency to this error that even the old tolerant Paganism slew Socrates in the name of religion and morality, feebly persecuted non-national faiths like the cult of Isis or the cult of Mithra and more vigorously what it conceived to be the subversive and anti-social religion of the early Christians; and even in still more fundamentally tolerant Hinduism with all its ...
... to me. That I should bump into a Theosophist who should speak of what he termed Sri Aurobindo's Cosmic Consciousness and not preach to me of the "White Lodge" and the "Great Masters" and the Isis-unveiling Madame Blavatsky - this was a touch of Sri Aurobindo's Grace already. What made it the more Grace-ful was that the Theosophist told me: "Nobody except Sri Aurobindo will satisfy the complex ...
... even the intellectual—vague figures of Theosophy, Spiritualism, Mental Science, Psychical Research, Neo-Hinduism, Neo-Buddhism, Page 81 Neo-Mahomedanism, Neo-Christianity. The priests of Isis, the adepts & illuminati of Gnosticism, denied their triumph by the intervention of St Paul & the Pope, reborn into this latter age, claim now their satisfaction. Already some outworks of materialism ...
... Kaballah and with some mystics of Asia Minor. The original appears to have been written in Latin with adjuncts of Hebrew words (probably taken Page 31 from the Kaballah). But the Osiris-Isis part looks to me like a more recent addition which came in something like 50 or 60 years ago. The whole thing is from its origin a very well-made, a very strong and elaborate mental formation , ...
... of the Ishwara: is the Goddess Athena the expression of the Greek national thought form or was there a form of a great Devi who moulded the Greek mind and body in her own image? Does the Goddess Isis similarly represent the soul of ancient Egypt? Is Mother India merely a poetic symbol or an Entity? Long ago when I came into spiritual contact with Sri Aurobindo I was almost swept off my feet ...
... acquainted with the Kabbalah and with some mystics of Asia Minor. The original appears to have been written in Latin with adjunctive of Hebrew words (probably taken from the Kabbalah). But the Osiris-Isis part looks to me like a more recent addition which came in something like 50 or 60 years ago. The whole thing is from its origin a very well made, a very strong and elaborate mental formation, ...
... their gods, their mythology; but these are modelled some-what differently: the gods are made more human, too human, j as has often been observed. Zeus and Juno (Hera) are infinitely more human than Isis and Osiris or Moloch and Baal or even the Jewish Jehovah. These vital gods have a sombre air about them, solemn and serious, grim and powerful, but they have not the sunshine, the radiance and smile ...
... authority. Europe is certainly not going to exchange a Catholic for a Theosophical Pope, the Council of Cardinals for the Esoteric Section, or the Gospel and the Athanasian Creed for Ancient Wisdom and Isis Unveiled . Will India long keep the temper that submits to unexamined authority and blinds itself with a name? I believe not. We shall more and more return to the habit of going to the root of things ...
... Inverted Temple 558 Invisible 49 Invocation 463 Invocation to the Fourfold Divine 86 Inward 485 Inward and Upward 602 Isis of the Black Veils 36 Judgment Day 381 Kailas of Night 520 Kingfisher 600 Lacrimae Rerum 472 Lalita 17 Lament and ...
... Victorian poets which have become to the present day mind almost comic from this cause. d) [ On the final version: ] Stanzas 1 and 3: "Very good"; lines 7,8 and 19-20: "Good". (18.7.32) Isis of the Black Veils a) [ On the version originally submitted: ] "The idea and vision in it are something greater than anything in the other two poems [ Albert Samain's 'Pannyre aux ...
... The Secret Splendour Isis of the Black Veils In veil on veil of silken gloom She burns like a dark flame through the room. Out of her whirling fantasy Strange shadow-figures flash and flee: A night-winged moth, a fierce blind rose, A driving storm of sable snows!... In a deeper rhythm cf impetuous dance Echoing her mournful ...
... edition 1992, pp. 136-41. Page 451 who should speak of what he termed Sri Aurobindo's Cosmic Consciousness and not preach to me of the "White Lodge" and the "Great Masters" and the Isis-unveiling Madame Blavatsky - this was a touch of Sri Aurobindo's Grace already. What made it the more Graceful was that the Theosophist told me: "Nobody except Sri Aurobindo will satisfy the complex ...
... important: according to Herodotus, “the father of history”, most of the Greek gods were the counterparts of the Egyptian gods. “In the Egyptian language”, he writes, “Apollo is called Horus, Demeter Isis, Artemis Bubastis”. Neith is identified with Athena, Osiris with Dionysus, Hathor with Aphrodite, Ammon with Zeus, and so on. 5 In the present context more need not be said about this fascinating ...
... society. Blavatsky travelled from Egypt via Great Britain to America in 1873, and possibly Bimstein was in London in the same year. ‘London [at that time] was the haven of people claiming to be priests of Isis, students of the Kabbalah, friends of the Sphinx, and disciples of the dancing dervishes.’ 14 In London Bimstein became a member of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, routinely referring to itself ...
... craft carrying a pavilion. The four principal pillars of this pavilion are the four Continents of Asia, Europe, Africa and America. Asia is represented by the Buddha, Europe by Pallas Athene, Africa by Isis and America by the Statue of Liberty. The spiritual supports upbear the globe of the world on which the Dove of Peace descends from on high. On either side of the globe stand an Indian lady with a welcoming ...
... League, 102 Inge, Dean, 341 -Mysticism in Religion, 341n Iraq, 106 Ireland 106, 127, 151 Irish Renaissance, 152 Ishwara, 4 Inquisition, the, 123 Isis, 220 Islam, 55-6, 110 Israel, 219 Italy, 89, 244 JANAKA,396 Japan, 70, 160,209 Jayachand,9O Jeanne d'Arc, 90 Jeans, Sir James, 317-18 ...
... paralyzed.” November 16, 1973 Mother to Pranab: “I want to walk.” November 17, 1973 Mother’s departure. After Mother’s Departure 1973 Isis seated on a sarcophagus November 18, 1973 I have hardly sat down in front of this body... when Nolini 17 sends for me. I refuse to translate Nolini’s “message”: “Her body was not meant to ...
... carrying a pavilion: The four principal pillars of this pavilion are the four Continents of Asia, Europe, Africa and America. Asia is represented by the Buddha, Europe by Pallas Athene, Africa by Isis and America by the Statue of Liberty. The spiritual supports upbear the globe of the world on which the Dove of Peace descends from on high. On either side of the globe stand an Indian lady with a welcoming ...
... you, you were slightly different but very similar all the same." The first thing Mother saw was the jackal-faced Egyptian god, Anubis, who helped reassemble the strewn pieces of Osiris' body, so that Isis could restore him to life (Osiris was killed and dismembered by Seth). The jackal-god is also the protector of mummies, and thus helps to preserve the body's conscious cells. "This god is very intimately ...
... sent to Pakistan to liaise with the ISI, and members of the ISI's covert action division received training in the United States. The CIA, through the ISI, ultimately channeled some three billion dollars worth of arms to the Afghan mujahideen.22 But the CIA did not know at the time that the ISI was not using all of the arms or money as Washington had intended. The ISI was appropriating arms destined for... disband the ISI's Afghanistan and Kashmir departments ISI officials have reported that as many as forty percent of those working for the ISI could be reassigned, thereby reducing the ISI staff from an estimated 10,000 to 6,000. By February 2002 intelligence officers within the Afghanistan and Kashmir divisions had already been transferred, with more transfers expected. 63 While the ISI's Afghanistan... .5 THE ISI UNDER AYUB KHAN Prior to the 1958 coup and the implementation of martial law, the ISI, which is part of Pakistan's Ministry of Defense, reported directly to the Army Chief of Sta. After the implementation of martial law, the ISI began to report to then-President Ayub Khan and the martial law administrator. In addition, under General Khan, the ISI became responsible for monitoring ...
... The ISI in India The ISI has become a state within a state, answerable neither to the leadership of the army, nor to the President or the Prime Minister. The result is that there has been no real supervision of the ISI, and corruption, narcotics, and big money have all come into play, further complicating the political scenario. Drug money is used by ISI to finance not only... ns; and the conduct of covert offensive operations. The ISI has always been the executing arm of Pakistan's Kashmir obsession. As early as 1964, ISI-trained militants sneaked into the Gulmarg sector of Kashmir but their activities came to a standstill due to the 1965 Indo-Pak war. It was in 1988 that Pakistan dictator Gen Zia-ul Haq gave ISI its present sinister status. Operation Topac, blueprint of... to be executed by the ISI, catapulted the organisation to notoriety. Under Topac, ISI used combat methods, which the Kashmiri mind could grasp, i.e., co-ordinated use of moral and physical means other than military operations. In the first phase, local Kashmiri boys, especially those owing allegiance to Muslim United Front, were sent to camps in Pakistan for training. The ISI also established a hub ...
... the Low Intensity Conflict. This Low Intensity Conflict would mean that they would infiltrate into India. There was an organisation which was given this job very specifically which was known as the ISI. They were told to go everywhere in India, create as much trouble as possible, go to Nepal, go to Bangladesh, go to the neighbouring countries, sneak inside and create as much trouble as possible.... All recruits from Pakistan, Kashmir, POK and Afghanistan were sent to the battle front in Afghanistan for battle inoculation and also for advanced training in the camps run jointly by Pakistan's ISI and Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda, in the areas of Khost, Jalalabad and Kandahar. The cooperation continued unabated till the 11 September attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon, which once again... the killing of a large number of cadres belonging to Harkat-Ul-Mujahideen, Jaish-e-Mohammed, and Lashkar-e-Toiba Zia committed the Pakistani armed forces, through the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) division, to arming and training the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Their operations took a heavy toll on the Soviet garrison. Unable to withstand the armed resistance of the Mujahideen, the Soviet Union ...
... India's Rebirth Index A Adya Shakti , 21 Afghanistan, 170,229 Agni, 116,117 agriculture, 39 see also peasantry, village Ahimsa , 55 , 123, ISI , 168,218,219,246 see also non-violence Ajatashatru's, 96 Alipore Bomb Ca se , 46 (fn), ISO, 159 Alipore jail, 47 , 48 , 214 Allies (in World War II ), 226, 236, 238-239 altruism, 80 , 102, 112... also Hitler Nehru, Jawaharlal , 192(fn), 207, 228-229, 238(fn), 245(fn), 253 newspapers , see under press Nivedita , Sister , 13,71 ,21 9 non-cooperation movement, 156,160,180 non-violence , 45 , ISI , 166 ·168, 170 , 218,219,225,226,229, 246 see a so Ahimsa nuclear weapons, 251 O obscurantism, 147 occultism, 200 or the box, see under Hinduisrn over population, 63-64 see also birth... 17 Pales tine, 137 Panchayat (system), 178, 221 Pariah, 29, 20 8 parliamentary democracy, see under democracy Pars is,63 partition, see under Bengal, India, Pakistan passive resistance, 93 , ISI , 167 ·168 , 219,246 Patanjali, III Patel , Vallabhbhai, Sardar , 243 patriotism, 21 -22 , 23 , 24 -25, 76 peace, the gospel of, 4 5, 125 , 246 Page 268 peasantry ...
... the Army in Pakistan. The people of Pakistan seem to show a keenness to work together with India, particularly in matters concerning trade and culture, but it is the Army and its offshoots like the ISI that have a vested interest in the perpetuation of the division. The Army in Pakistan We now take a look into the functioning of the Pakistani Army. The Pakistani nation has ...
... has failed to consider the cumulative dangers that nation presents. America continues to pump billions of dollars of aid into Pakistan, without accounting for its fate. Few questions about possible ISI links to the September 11 attacks, the organization's role in sheltering Al-Qaeda, or Pakistan's nuclear proliferation activities have been asked, let alone answered. U.S. policy appears to be frozen... . On March 8, 2003, heavily armed men, some of whom wore police uniforms, abducted him. According to Sanaullah: I was handcuffed and, with my face covered with a cloth, I was driven to the ISI [Inter-Services Intelligence] office where I was tortured for three or four hours. They were using some sharp-edged weapon with which they would cut open my skin and then rub some sort of chemical in... reportedly provided treatment to members of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda leadership, was arrested on October 21 2002. His family reported that he had Page 141 been arrested by ISI officials accompanied by Americans whom they took to be FBI agents. Without being presented a legal basis for his arrest, Dr. Aziz was released several days later. The cases mentioned above ...
... says the United States should: 1. Urge publicly as well as privately, an enhanced civilian and a reduced army role in governance of Pakistan, 2. Oppose continued involvement of the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) Directorate in the electoral process, 3. Provide increased assistance in bolstering civil society. 4. Press Musharraf to make good his pledge to stop ...
... University Press (Indian edition), 1989 — Unweaving the Rainbow , Penguin Books, 1998 Delumeau, Jean (ed.): Le savant et la foi , Flammarion, 1989 Dembski, William A. (ed.): Uncommon Dissent , ISI Books, 2004 Dennett, Daniel C.: Breaking the Spell , Allen Lane, 2006 — Darwin’s Dangerous Idea , Penguin Books, 1996 Denton, Michael: Evolution – A Theory in Crisis , Adler & Adler, 1985 ...
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