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Java : (1) in Rāmāyana, father of the Rākshasa Virādha & husband of Shatahrada. (2) Indonesian island in the Malaya Archipelago, east of Sumatra & west of Bāli; it abounds in Hindu & Buddhist monuments.

25 result/s found for Java

... speaks of the Maya of the three modes of Prakriti omnipresent in the created world; nor is it qualified Monism although it places in the One his eternal supreme Prakriti manifested in the form of the Java and lays most stress on dwelling in God rather than dissolution as the supreme state of spiritual consciousness; nor is it Sankhya although it explains the created world by the double principle of Purusha... the same time the active soul and life of the cycles of the universe, because he is something other and more than these two whether taken Page 82 separately or together. In us is the Java, a spirit of this Spirit, a conscious power of the Supreme. He is one who carries in his deepest self the whole of the immanent Divine and in Nature lives in the universal Divine, — no temporary creation... it releases into the limitless delight of a universal impersonality; it discovers the rapture of all this multitudinous manifestation: for there is a joy of the Eternal in Nature. This Ananda in the Java, a portion here of the Divine, takes the form of an ecstasy founded in the Page 94 Godhead who is his source, in his supreme self, in the Master of his existence. An entire God-love and ...

... produced, depending on the quality of the soil and its yield. The Gupta empire (end of the third to the sixth century A.D.) had cultural and commercial relations with far eastern countries like Java, Sumatra, Cambodia. It was during the Gupta period that everywhere in India, as on her soil, so in her works, there was a teeming of a superabundant energy of life. She created lavishly, with an in... recall that the Belgian was a student of Rodin's. In 1927 was invited Nara Singhlal Mistri, a Jaipuri mural technician. In the meantime, in the Poet's company, Nandalal had visited Burma, China, Japan, Java, Bali, etc. During his travels, he picked up, among other things, the art of batik. Not only did he indianize it but he greatly simplified the traditional onerous process. During the tenure of Nandalal ...

... power, this contained fullness opening an amplitude of infinite suggestion, is not rare or exceptional, it is a frequent greatness in the art of India. The second article on Garuda in Bengal and Java by Akshaya Kumar Maitreya, besides its interesting and discerning treatment of its subject, the inception and humanising of the Garuda figure and the artistic use of the mythus, touches an issue which... which has not yet, I think, received sufficient consideration, the place of the art of Gauda in the development of the spirit of Indian sculpture. The putting side by side of the two sculptures from Java and Varendra, on one side the heroic force, majesty, dignity and beauty of the ancient art in one of its finest developments, on the other the moved nobility, grace and loveliness and the fervour of... account, copiously illustrated by numerous figures, of the history of the Kirtimukha, a standing feature in Indian architecture, and the development of its use as a constant decorative element and in Java a prominent structural motive. The right understanding of these details is a necessary equipment for the complete comprehension of the art of India. The writer handles his subject with a consummate ...


... belonging to the Quaternary are indeed more human. The most ancient of them all belonging to the Lower Pleiostocene was discovered in 1890 in the island of Java: it has been christened Pithecanthropus (literally meaning 'ape-man'). The thigh-bone of this Java Man was of the human type, indicating its bipedal anatomy. In 1927, 25 skulls were discovered in the vicinity of Peking in China. These skulls... thousand million cells! As regards the brain size, the range in the cranial capacity of chimpanzees and gorillas is about 325 to 650 cubic centimeters, of the man-apes of South Africa 450 to 650, of Java Man 750 to 900, of Peking Man 900 to 1200, but of Homo sapiens from 1200 to 1550 ! And as a by-product of this phenomenon, of all creatures man has the greatest possibility of being educated ...

... in Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra and other islands in Indian archipelago." Majumdar 7 further says: "One of the oldest Hindu kingdoms in this region was situated in Cambodia, and comprised nearly the whole of it along with Cochin-China. The Chinese call it Fu-nan and have preserved many details of its early history." But the Chinese annals of "states in Malay Peninsula, Java, Cambodia and Annam, ...


... 7. Access & Outlook 8. Bharatiya Open Office 9. Networking 10. Web Server Concepts Page 258 11. Introduction to FLASH 12. TALLY 13. Introduction to Basic Java 2nd Year Course; Page 1.Maker 2. Corel DRaw 3. Photoshop 4. Editing a layer mask 5. Opacity of Layer 6. Illustrator 7. FLASH 8. Leap Office/ISM... Page 7.Front 8. Dream Weaver 9. Photoshop 10. Flash 11. GIF Animator Introduction 12. Internet/Project 13. Concept of Web Server 14. TCP/IP 15. Java Script 16. Oracle 17. SQL Server 18. Project Page 259 3rd to 5th Year: MULTIMEDIA 1. Image Editing CorelDraw Photoshop In Design 2. Advance ...

... tradition. Thus the earlier work at Ajanta has been found to be akin to the earlier sculptural work of the Buddhists, while the later paintings have a similar close kinship to the sculptural reliefs at Java. And we find that the spirit and tradition which reigns through all changes of style and manner at Ajanta, is present too at Bagh and Sigiriya, in the Khotan frescoes, in the illuminations of Buddhist ...


... I do not know exactly whether it was on this side of Ceylon and India or on the other [Mother points to the Indian Ocean, first to the west of Ceylon and India, then to the east, between Ceylon and Java], but it was certainly a place which no longer exists, which has probably been swallowed up by the sea. I have a very clear vision of that place and a very clear awareness of the life there and its ...

... Mother asked me to make a garland of red Hibiscus for Mahakali. This was her first sketch with instructions: 12.5.56 To My dear little child , To my sweet Huta Here is the promised Java flower which you can use as a model. Naturally you will have to do them quite small . My love and blessings are always with you . ...


... it was in the vicinity of either this side of Ceylon and India or the other, I don't know exactly ( Mother indicates the Indian Ocean either west of Ceylon and India or to the east between Ceylon and Java ), although certainly the place no longer exists; it must have been swallowed up by the sea. I have a very clear vision of the place and a consciousness of that life and its forms, but I can't give ...


... America. Now it was a global conflict indeed, and the War was to rage with redoubled fury on land, sea and air. Hong Kong fell, Rangoon was raided, and in the opening months of 1942, Singapore fell, Java fell, and the Andamans as well. It was clear that India was vulnerable to attack, and indeed the Japanese bombed Calcutta, Visakhapatnam and Madras. India was now almost in the thick of the War, and ...


... Naga-pattinam. The monastery was called Chudamani vihara after the father of the ruler of Sri Vijaya. Wrote N. Sastri, "Sri Vijaya was the powerful maritime state which ruled the Malayan peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and the neighbouring islands, and controlled the sea routes from India to China." There was considerable trade between China and India. 1 1 "A Chola embassy of 72 merchants reached China ...

... historical sources make it clear that as far back as the seventh century BC maritime trade was briskly practised between India and China. Discoveries in the Philippines, the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Java, of Iron-Age 1 Recall the 'great bath' at Mohenjodaro, in all likelihood used for ritual purposes, and houses with bathrooms equipped with sanitary drains. From the earliest days of their ...

... Delhi Of the idolaters, its brazen pillar And huge seven-storied temples sculpture-fretted, And o'er romantic regions quite unknown Preach Islam, sword in hand; sell bales of spice From Bassora to Java and Japan; Then on through undiscovered islands, seas And Oceans yet unnamed; yes, everywhere Catch Danger by the throat where I can find him,— DOONYA Butcher blood-belching dragons with my ...


... 282 of the old epic mass and power, but more often that lyric grace which we see developing before the Mahomedan advent in the indigenous sculpture,—as in the schools of the North-East and of Java,—and sometimes a blending of the two motives. The modification, the toning down sets the average European mind at ease and secures its suffrage. But what is it that it so much admires? Mr. Archer tells ...


... later work of the first heroic age or in the magnificent statues of the cave-cathedrals and Pallava and other southern temples or the noble, accomplished or gracious imaginations of Bengal, Nepal and Java through the after centuries or in the singular skill and delicacy of the bronze work of the southern religions, a self-expression of the spirit and ideals of a great nation and a great culture which ...


... unmanifest Divine: This patter of Time's marring steps across the solitude Of Truth's abidingness, Self-Blissful and Alone. It was John Chadwick, known to his friends in India as "Ar-java", who wrote those profoundly haunting lines, A disciple of Sri Aurobindo's, he drew at several places in his work from the planes which his Master is the first to embody en masse in a poetic language ...

... horrible appearance; they attain to a stature of five feet, with wrists four times the size of a man’s.” 39 As far as Darwin knew, fossil evidence for human evolution had not yet been found. “Java Man” was discovered in 1891 by Eugen Dubois, who was unjustly ridiculed for suggesting that he had found a link between the primates and Homo sapiens . The “Taung Child”, an Australopithecus africanus ...

... alone, which is the touchstone of all truths - not opinions - whether mine, yours or anybody else's. We might usefully recall Virginia Woolf’s words about the opinions of literary critics: "Hot as java, discoloured as dishwater." The test I apply is simple. If I respond with a shock of inner recognition to a mood, perception or experience expressed in a poem, then it registers in my being ...


... The red rose is the flower of love and surrender, the white is the purity of psychic love. Reddish pink rose = psychic love or surrender. White rose = pure spiritual surrender. The java [ red hibiscus ] is the flower of the Divine Power. The [ flower named ] eternal smile 3 means the self-existent joy and gladness of the Spirit. I told you saffron meant purification—so ...


... do not know exactly whether it was on this side of Ceylon and India or on the other ( Mother points to the Indian Ocean, first to the west of Ceylon and India and then to the east, between Ceylon and Java ), but it was certainly a place which no longer exists, which has probably been swallowed up by the sea. I have a very clear vision of this place and a very clear awareness of this life and its forms ...


... between Purushottama and the higher nature, Para Prakriti, which manifests multiplicity of individual souls (parāprakrtir jīvabhotā). 7 This standpoint also clarifies the relationship between the Java (individual Soul) and lower Prakriti, aparā prakriti, and her Gunas. Finally, these chapters show action of gunas of the lower Prakriti, and how they can be transcended into the state of trigunātita ...

... side of Ceylon and India or the other side, I don't exactly know." Mother waved her arm towards the Indian Ocean, to indicate either west of Sri Lanka and India or to the east between Sri Lanka and Java. "Although certainly the place no longer exists; it must have been engulfed by the sea. I have a very clear vision of the place and a consciousness of that life and its forms, but I can't give precise ...

... overseas. The ban on crossing the oceans was that much more unacceptable to an enlightened man like Dr. Ghose, who knew that in ancient times Bengali merchant ships used to ply the oceans. They sailed to Java, Sumatra, to Bali and Siam, and nearer home, to Sinhal (Sri Lanka). They carried finery from Bengal and came back loaded with spices and gems. Was it not a Bengali prince, Bijoy Singha, who had conquered ...

... line. "Kshatriyas accomplished in virtue know us to be, farers in this forest, but of thee we would know who thou art that rangest Dundac woods." And to Rama of enormous might Viradha made reply: "Java's son am I, Shatahrida was my dam and Viradha am I called by all Rakshasas on earth ..." The Slaying of Dhumraksha 2 Loud in their gladness and the lust 'of fight Shouted ...

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