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Joad : Cyril Edwin Mitchinson (1891-1953), English author & teacher.
... mystics and it cannot be dismissed by merely saying that as they do not agree with ordinary experience, therefore they are nonsense and false. I would not undertake to defend as unimpeachable all that Joad or Radhakrishnan may have written—such as the formula that "the universe is good",—but for Page 325 many or most of the statements marshalled for condemnation by the writer one can surely... divisions of a more analytical and selective or dissecting intelligence. Argument number four. The plea of intuition is only a facile cover for an inability to explain or establish by the use of reason—Joad and Radhakrishnan reason, but take refuge in intuition because their reasoning fails. Can the issue be settled in so easy and trenchant a way? The fact is that the mystic stands on an inner knowledge... realisation clear. Page 336 × Leonard Woolf, "Quack, Quack! or Having it Both Ways" [ a review of C. E. M. Joad , Counterattack from the East: The Philosophy of Radhakrishnan ( London: Allen and Unwin, 1932 )]. "New Statesman and Nation", vol. 6, no. 145 (2 December 1933): pp. 702-4. ...
... the lawyer Manmohan Ghose. It was No. 4, I think. NIRODBARAN: Dilip says that that brought about his contact with you. (Laughter) PURANI: Have you read that criticism by Joad of Gerald Heard? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. Joad doesn't seem to be much of a thinker. He says that he had the same ideas as the author but he changed them because of' the objections of philosophical critics. If he changes his ...
... Philosophy, Library of Philosophy, George Alien & Unwin Ltd., London; Blanchard, Brand, The Nature of Thought, Page 131 (2 Vols.), George Alien & Unwin Ltd., 1939, London; Joad, C. E. M., Guide to Philosophy, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1953, London. 14 Vide., Wolf, R.P. (Ed)s Kant: A Collection of Critical Essays, Garden City: Double day Anchor, 1967. 15 Vide, Manser... Aurobindo, Thoughts and Glimpses, SABCL, 1971, Pondicherry, Vol. 16, P. 394. 44 Vide., Rashdall, Hastings, Theory of Good and Evil, Oxford University Press, 1924, London, Vol. I-II; vide also, Joad, C.E.M., Guide to the Philosophy of Morals and Politics, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1938, London; Berlin, I ., Four Essays on Liberty, Oxford University Press, 1969, Oxford; Ross, W.D., The Right and ...
... 1939 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 2 DECEMBER 1939 Purani brought a copy of The New Statesman and Nation in which there was a review by Joad of a book of Gerald Heard. PURANI: Nolini says that this author seems to have got some of your ideas. SRI AUROBINDO: What does he say? I think he contributes to The Aryan Path also. PURANI: I have gone carefully ...
... think that if they can prevent Germany from occupying England, everything will be all right. SRI AUROBINDO: That is not enough. They will have to take back all these lost territories. PURANI: Joad has written an article describing how and why he has turned from a pacifist into a supporter of the war. It is not only a war for defence, he says, but for civilisation. SRI AUROBINDO: That is my ...
... physical, their dependence on material phenomena such as the functioning of the brain, the correlation of mental development throughout the animal kingdom with organization of 1 C. E. M. Joad, Guide to Philosophy, p. 525. (Italics ours) 2 3 Ibid., pp. 522-23. 4 Ibid., pp. 522-23. (Italics ours) 5 Kulpe, Introduction to Philosophy, p. 23. Page 25 ...
... of the diabolic which cannot be mended but requires to be ended by physical attack is sheer blindness to facts. The last war threw these facts into so much relief that a host of sceptics, C. E. M. Joad the most prominent among them, who used to laugh at the idea of supernatural powers and principalities came to the necessity of faith in God by the curious road of finding themselves unable to overlook ...
... this. SRI AUROBINDO: Cynicism and atheism were the inheritance of the age. Even then he was dissatisfied with world conditions and there was some psychic aspiration for better things. NIRODBARAN: Joad seems to be veering round again. SRI AUROBINDO: He is floating. He had come to a spiritual standpoint but he gave it up, he said, owing to the hard knocks of the philosophers. Now he sees that it ...
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