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Kamaloka : Theosophical term for a subjective & invisible plane, where the disembodied personalities, the astral forms called Kāmarūpa (see Devachan) remain, until they fade out from it by complete exhaustion of the effects of the mental impulses that created these eidolons of human & animal passions & desires. It corresponds to the Hades of the ancient Greeks.
... manifestation, whether as Maya or as Lila. Does Theosophy answer to this description? Everyone knows that it does not and cannot. The modern Theosophist tells us Page 73 much about Mahatmas, Kamaloka, Devachan, people on Mars, people on the Moon, astral bodies, precipitated letters, Akashic records and a deal of other matters, of high value if true and of great interest whether true or not. But ...
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