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King George : George V; George Frederick Ernest Albert (1865-1936), King of Great Britain & Ireland (1910-36). After his coronation (1911) he visited India & held a durbar at Delhi. (1) “Lord Hardinge, who succeeded Lord Minto, had been just over a year in office when he was catapulted into the imperial pomp & pageantry of King George V’s Coronation Durbar. The dazzling ceremony took place in Delhi, ‘the ancient seat of civilisation & Empire’ to which the imperial capital of India was moved from the modern metropolis of Calcutta. To mark the occasion, His Imperial Majesty announced the unsettling of the ‘settled fact’ of the partition of Bengal.” (2) “His Majesty made two famous announcements in the Durbar. One was the creation of the Presidency of Bengal under a Governor. Bihar, Orissa & Chōta Nāgpur were separated from it & formed into a Province under a Lt. Governor, while Assam was restored as a Chief-Commissionership. (Both were subsequently placed under Governors.) The other was the transfer of the capital of India from Calcutta to Delhi. The Viceroy, Lord Hardinge, was severely criticized for recommending these measures, but time to a large extent justified his policy. Although terrorist outrages were not stamped out altogether, there was a considerable improvement in the general situation, & feelings against the British grew much less bitter. [(1) [Durga Das, India-From Curzon to Nehru & After, London, 1969; (2) R.C. Majumdar, H.C. Raychaudhuri, Kalikinkar Datta, An Advanced History of India]
... territory." Signed: A. Lebrun However, Lebrun's complete letter to Governor Duprat brings into focus another angle on the subject of 'Swadeshistes.' This was 1911 and the British King, George V who had been crowned the previous year, was on the point of paying a visit with his queen Mary to the 'brightest jewel' of his empire. The French Foreign Office was all of a dither, and surely... 10 th January 1912, the governor added that the secret police were to leave the French territory any day now, because "the British monarchs have today sailed to Europe from Bombay." Well, King George V and Queen Mary left the shores of India after announcing that the Partition of Bengal—the settled and irrevocable fact—was now revoked, and that Bengal was again one, undivided. Everyone in the ...
... accession of King George V. 1911 - British physicist Rutherford experimentally confirms Page 587 the existence of the electron and sets forth the 'planetary model' of the atom. October — In China, formation of the Kuo-min-tang by Sun-Yat-Sen; revolutionary movement against the Manchu dynasty. December 12 -'Delhi Durbar' for the visit of King George V. December ...
... nothing more. All propensity to make me figure in the big Barnum circus of journalistic "features" along with or in competition with Joe Louis the prize-fighter, Douglas Fairbanks, H. G. Wells, King George and Queen Mary, Haile Selassie, Hobbs, Hitler, Jack the Ripper (or any modern substitute of his) and Mussolini should Page 687 be strictly banished from the mentality for evermore and ...
... world-famous astrologer Cheiro published in 1925. He did make some astonishing prophecies. To quote only one, as I am sending up the book to you so that you may read the others: he writes anent King George VI. "In his case it is remarkable that the regal sign of Jupiter increases as the years advance.” And then of the Prince of Wales: "His astrological chart shows perplexing and baffling influences ...
... nothing more. All propensity to make me figure in the big Barnum circus of journalistic "features" along with or in competition with Joe Zones, the prize-fighter, Douglas Fairbanks, H. G. Wells, King George and Queen Mary, Haile Selassie, Hobbs, Hitler, Jack the Ripper (or any modern substitute of his) and Mussolini should be strictly banished from the mentality for evermore and the day after.² ...
... though rarely acknowledged, has ever been of the essence. A direct precursor of Charles Darwin was his own grandfather, Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802). Erasmus was an excellent doctor, invited by King George III to be his personal physician – an offer which the doctor declined. He was also a man of the broadest interests, a freethinker and “unabashed materialist”, and as such “the very embodiment of ...
... fourth of the month, the date of the great occasion. I had a mind to include in it some tidbits about the War of Independence and Washington. Perhaps the most interesting is the following. When King George realized the ghastly mistake he was making, he instructed Lord Howe to take a letter to George Washington, granting pardon for the revolt and desiring complete reconciliation. But the British did ...
... people gathered together to offer common prayers and ask that the world may not come to an end (!) or anyway, for it to be protected. Much more Page 37 recently, in modern times, when King George of England was dying of pneumonia, people assembled in England, not only in the churches but even in the streets in front of the royal palace, to offer prayers and ask God to cure him. It so happened ...
... The late 18th century was a time of wars for the British. The Americans had declared Independence from the British, in 1776 and the French Revolution took place between 1789 and 1799. King George III ruled Britain while George Washington was the President of United States in the 1790s. In South Asia at that time, the Marathas and Tipu Sultan of Mysore were fighting the British. It was at ...
... decorations, a walking stick instead of a golden baton. And to the consternation of the assembled dignitaries, he was the one prince who did not walk backwards after presenting himself before the King-Emperor George V and his Queen Mary. Page 24 ...
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