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Kingsford : D.H. Kingsford (1872-1937), joined ICS in 1894, was Chief Presidency Magistrate of Calcutta from August 1904 to March 1908, when he was transferred to Muzaffarpur (Bihar) as District Judge. [Buckland]
... Have I told you the story? He was once deputed to present Kingsford, the Presidency Magistrate, with a live bomb packed in the form of a book; the bomb was to explode as soon as the book was opened. Paresh went in the garb of an Englishman's bearer. We looked out every day for an account in the papers of some serious accident to Kingsford. But nothing happened. He seemed to be attending court regularly... save his own skin. However, the bomb was found later among a pile of books belonging to the Magistrate. It had been lying there safely and caused no harm. The people were demanding vengeance upon Kingsford because he had sentenced a young student, Sushil, to flogging, simply because the boy was involved in a tussle with the police. That was an occasion for us terrorists. Sushil later on joined the ...
... gathering on the horizon. On April 30 a bomb was thrown at a carriage supposedly carrying Kingsford, District Magistrate of Muzzafarpur. He was a notorious official who was hated by the people because he had ordered the public flogging of a fourteen-year old boy for a political offence. It so happened that Kingsford was not in that carriage. Two English ladies, who were travelling in it, were unfortunately ...
... tactfully laid for him by the British bureaucracy. On the 30th April, two young men of the revolutionary party, Khudiram and Prafulla Chaki, were detailed to Mazaffarpur to throw a bomb at Mr. Kingsford, the District Magistrate, against whom the whole country had a bitter resentment for his drastic persecution of the nationalist press 149. "The times are thickening already with the shadow... — 29th April, 1908. Page 275 and the brutal flogging of a very young boy in the previous year when he was the Chief Presidency Magistrate in Calcutta. "In attempting to kill Mr. Kingsford, Mrs. and Miss Kennedy were murdered by a bomb thrown at their carriage, while they were coming out of their club, by a boy named Khudiram Bose." 150 The opportune moment, eagerly-awaited by the ...
... evoked such a storm of protest that Kingsford had to be transferred from Calcutta to Muzzaferpore (now in Bihar). But the revolutionaries had their eyes upon him, and decided to visit him with swift punishment there. On the evening of 30 April 1908, two boys - Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki - threw a bomb at a closed carriage that was supposed to carry Kingsford, but the bomb actually killed two... Manicktolla Gardens was Sushil Sen, whom Kingsford had earlier ordered to be flogged in the open court. The prosecution against Sri Aurobindo in 1907 had led to a procession and a protest: this had provoked some police action: this had led to Sushil's altercation with a policeman: and this to the flogging of Sushil which, in its turn, to the bomb-attempt on Kingsford: and the misfired attempt to Sushil's... That rest or intermission none I find. 4 Morley had correctly evaluated the consequences of "excess of severity". The burning anger of the people was particularly directed against one D.H. Kingsford, the District Magistrate of Calcutta who had tried the case against Upadhyaya, - who was even otherwise known for his drastic sentences against the patriots, and who had especially earned undying ...
... lashes, the bleeding Sushil piped up reminding him, 'One more.' Page 361 Judge Kingsford sentenced him to six months' imprisonment. Pal was sent to Buxar jail. It was on 23 September that the judge delivered his verdict. The prosecutor had completely failed to prove its case. Kingsford was forced to admit that "the general tone of the Bande Mataram is not seditious." Nor could... newspapers: the Bande Mataram and the Kesari. For Sri Aurobindo this was the first prosecution. The prosecution, in the court of the Chief Presidency Magistrate of Calcutta, D. H. Kingsford, began with a great flourish. An official translation from the Yugantar had been printed in the pages of the Bande Mataram. "The whole tone of this article is of a seditious character," asserted... tribute of respect to Srijut Arabindo Ghose.... Students were assaulted by the police." That was the occasion when the fifteen-year-old boy Sushil Kumar was given fifteen stripes 1 by the order of Kingsford, order carried out then and there in front of him —was he not a civilized Englishman? And, Bepin Pal was subpoenaed by the government as one of its witnesses. What a dilemma! If he refuses, he ...
... ditch -s-and he did fall.'' Barin, let us admit it, had never acquired the good habit of listening to any advice. He pursued his course. The consequences were not long in coming. Remember Kingsford, the sadistic Presidency Magistrate of Calcutta, who delighted in imposing harsh sentences on Indians for the love of it? Well, fearing for his life, the Government had transferred him to Muzaffarpur ...
... and the silence in his mind would never leave him any more. In the Shadow of the Gallows After returning to Calcutta, Barin became obsessed with the idea of killing Magistrate Kingsford. Douglas H. Kingsford was an unpopular man: he had presided over several cases against nationalist publications, among them Yugantar and Bande Mataram , and had condemned a boy to be flogged for protesting... undergone legal training during his studies for the I.C.S. and that consequently he was as qualified to sit on the bench as the British judge presiding over his case, who was the hated Douglas H. Kingsford. As a result of being prosecuted Aurobindo Ghose gained ‘immediate fame’ all over India. As Bande Mataram had no declared editor, Aurobindo had to be acquitted, which happened on 23 September. After... terrorist left to be with him. He was replaced by Khudiram Bose, eighteen years of age. Several days went by before Khudiram, carrying the bomb, arrived in Muzaffarpur. On the night of 30 April, Kingsford played bridge at the Club with his wife and a couple of friends, Mrs. and Miss Kennedy. When their carriages left the club, Prafulla and Khudiram were waiting, but they threw their bomb into the wrong ...
... intention of unnecessarily becoming a martyr. He was released on bail on August 29. The Bande Mataram Sedition Trial came up for hearing before the Chief Presidency Magistrate of Calcutta, D.H. Kingsford. Altogether three persons were accused and charged: Sri Aurobindo as the alleged editor, and Hemendra Nath Bagchi and Apurba Krishta Bose as the manager and printer respectively. The Government... watchfulness thy soul Hast thou e'er held for bondless full perfection's birth For which, all night and day, the god in man on earth Doth strive and strain austerely.... At last on September 23 Kingsford delivered his judgement. He found the Bande Mataram guilty of publishing seditious writings, particularly certain articles it had reprinted from the Yugantar in translation. However, he added: ...
... letter as soon as he is back." As this press copy was most damaging to our case we destroyed it. Ultimately, the prosecution failed to prove that Aurobindo Babu was the editor, and the magistrate, Mr. Kingsford, had to acquit him. A couple of days later, one afternoon we were celebrating the happy event very noisily - when a sepoy came and said, "Rabi Babu has come." We rushed out to the front door. The ...
... his release from jail, Sachin joined the Ramakrishna Mission at Belur Math and died at a rather early age. Of about the same age was Sushil, the famous Sushil Sen whom the Presidency Magistrate Kingsford had sentenced to be whipped. Let me relate an amusing incident concerning Sushil here. When at the end of the trial, the Judge invited each of us individually to say if we had any statements to ...
... Thus we directed our efforts to shooting at the Lieutenant Governor, derailing his train, and assassinating tyrants in the official ranks. Governor Andrew Fraser, the District Magistrates Allen and Kingsford, Mayor Tardivel of Chandernagore, these became the targets of the terrorists. The members of the Manicktolla Garden group were directly connected with these activities. But there is one thing to be ...
... we directed our efforts to shooting at the Lieutenant Governor, derailing his train, and assassinating tyrants in the official ranks. Governor Andrew Fraser, the District Magistrates Allen and Kingsford, Mayor Tardivel of Chandernagore, these became the targets of the terrorists. The members of the Manicktolla Garden group were directly connected with these activities. But there is one thing to ...
... tell us where you found the pistol?" Kanai grew serious and said in measured tones, "It is the spirit of Khudiram who gave me the revolver." Khudiram had been hanged for his attempt on the life of Kingsford. Well, let me now explain how the pistols came. They came precisely the way Sri Aurobindo's writings went. When the police found that we were not such ferocious beasts after all, they gave us ...
... AUROBINDO: He was only in the know of the movement. Most of the time he was at his judgeship at Bombay. NIRODBARAN: As for Chaki, it seems he shot himself. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, it was in the Kingsford case, along with Khudiram. NIRODBARAN: About Prafulla Chakravarty, Dutt said he died in Deoghar in the hills where Barin and others went to experiment with explosives. It seems a bomb exploded ...
... consciousness, 462; and The Life Divine, 463 Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 722 Khanna, Ravindra, 690 Khaparde, G. S., 227, 269,272, 528 Kimberley, Lord, 37 Kingsford, D. H., 246, 305,307, 313 Kingsley, Charles, 128 Kipling, Rudyard, 12, 241 Kitchener, Lord, 205 Krebs, K. A., 572 Krishnaprem, Yogi (Ronald Nixon), 468 ...
... On his way to Calcutta, spoke in Poona, Nasik, Dhulia, Amraoti on the inner significance of Indian Nationalism. April 3o: Unsuccessful attempt on the life of Kingsford in Muzaffarpur by Khudiram Basu and Prafulla Chaki. Midnight, May 2: Police raided Maniktala Garden, arrested a number of revolutionaries including Barindra. The same morning ...
... After the break-up of the Congress he went with Sri Aurobindo in the latter’s lecture tour of Western India. On April 30th 1908 an attempt was made to assassinate the Muzzafarpore magistrate — Kingsford. The Government decided to crack down on the revolutionaries. On May 10th, Sudhir was arrested in Khulna. Sri Aurobindo and many others had already been apprehended. Finally, thirty-eight were indicted ...
... Tardevell's house. On Good Friday (17 April) Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta for Kishoregunj. He reached Kishoregunj on Saturday: there was a meeting and an address. On 30 April a bomb intended for Mr. Kingsford, the District Magistrate of Muzaffarpur was thrown at Mrs. and Miss Kennedy by mistake. Both the ladies died. On 1 May many revolutionaries were arrested. Page 107 ...
... fact that, during a period of eight or nine months, Sri Aurobindo had received only fifty rupees for his contributions to the Bande Mataram ! At last, the Chief Presidency Magistrate Mr. Kingsford delivered judgement, acquitting Sri Aurobindo, and giving it as his considered opinion that "the genera) tone of the Bande Mataram is not seditious". Thus, as the paper wrote editorially on ...
... was arrested on 2 May 1908 and released on 6 May 1909. Sri Aurobindo had decided to take up charge of the Bengali daily Navashakti, and just on 30 April —the day of the failed attempt on Kingsford's life—had moved with his family —wife, sister and aunt Lajjabati—from his rented house in Scott's Lane, to the newspaper office at 48 Grey Street. Abinash Bhattacharya lived on the ground floor while ...
... stiffenings and Morley might find the fur coat an insufficient protection against the cold biting blasts of his friends' ingratitude. So Sir Harvey means to try a few more prosecutions first. But if Kingsford's pills prove ineffective, well, then Sir Harvey, in spite of the British public and Mr. Morley's sufferings, will be the first to recommend the smothering of the patient who refuses to be cured. After ...
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