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Kuru : King Kuru was the ancestor both of Dhṛitarāṣtra & Pāndu, but the patronymic “Kaurava” is generally applied to the sons of Dhṛitarāṣṭra.

29 result/s found for Kuru

... Krishna. It can hardly be supposed that Bhishma and the Kuru statesmen of his party were autonomists; they must have been as eager for a Kuru empire as Duryodhana himself. At any rate they eagerly welcomed the statesmanlike reasonings of Krishna when he proposed to King Dhritarashtra to unite the force of Pandava & Kaurava & build up a Kuru empire which should irresistibly dominate the world. "On... into Empire, twice by the Ixvaacous under Mandhata son of Yuvanuswa and King Marutta, afterwards by the Haihaya Arjouna Cartoverya, again by the Ixvaacou Bhogiratha and finally by the Kuru Bharata. That the first Kuru empire was the latest is evident not only from the Kurus being the strongest nation of their time but from the significant fact that the Coshalas by this time had faded into utter & i... support Yudhisthere with their arms or even that they would stand aloof from the war, it is clear there would have been no war at all. And I cannot but think that had it been a question purely between Kuru & Kuru, this is the course they would have adopted. But Bhishma & Drona must have perceived that behind the Pandavas were the Panchalas & Matsyas. They must have suspected that these nations were supporting ...


... ārabhate karmayogam , and he immediately goes on to draw from the statement an injunction, to sum it up and convert it into a rule. "Do thou do controlled action," niyataṁ kuru karma tvam: niyatam takes up the niyamya , kuru karma takes up the ārabhate karmayogam . Not formal works fixed by an external rule, but desireless works controlled by the liberated buddhi , is the Gita's teaching. ... and Page 108 free done without subjection to sense and passion, desireless and unattached works, are the first secret of perfection. Do action thus self-controlled, says Krishna, niyataṁ kuru karma tvam : I have said that knowledge, the intelligence, is greater than works, jyāyasī karmaṇo buddhiḥ , but I did not mean that inaction is greater than action; the contrary is the truth, karma ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... him we pass to col. 2 which carries his father Vasu Chaidya of the CHEDI line. We continue there up to Sudhanvan under the caption PAURA-VAS, the traditional "Lunar Line". He is one of the 3 sons of Kuru whose name occurs in col. 6 of p. 76. From here we follow the continuation of the Pauravas at the bottom of col. 6 on p. 74. On completing this column we continue to col. 6 of p. 72 and climb on from... Vasu Chaidya 80. Sudhanvan-Dhundu 58. Krta 81. Abhayada 59. Chyavana 82. Manasyu 60. Suhotra 83.Pravīra 61. Sudhanvan 84. Prachinvant 62. Kuru 85. Janamejaya I 63. Sarhvarana 86.Pūru 64. Rksha 87. Yayati 65. Ajamidha 88. Nahusha 66. Hastin 89. Āyu 67. Suhotra 90.Purūravas 68 ...


... Mahabharata in Detail Udyogapurva Canto I. 1) कुरुप्रवीराः.. स्वपक्षाः. This may mean in Vyasa's elliptic manner the great Kurus (i.e. the Pandavas) & those of their side. Otherwise "The Kuru heroes of his own side" i.e. Abhimanyu's which is awkward 3) वृद्धौ this supplies the reason of their preeminence 5) प्रदुम्नसाम्बौ च युधि प्रवीरौ. This establishes Pradyumna & Samba as historical... desirous to support it by peaceful means if possible. His speech is an evident attempt to restrain the eagerness of the Mutsyas & Panchalas who were bent on war as the only means of overthrowing the Kuru domination. 14) Krishna's testimony to Yudhisthere's character is here of great importance. अधर्मयुक्त न च कामयेत राज्यं सुराणामपि धर्मराजः । धर्मार्थयुक्तं तु महीपतित्वं ग्रामेऽपि कस्मिंस्चिदयं ...


... sannihitā bhava, atrādhiṣṭhānaṁ kuru mama pūjāṁ gṛhāṇa. Om, Hrim, O Goddess Chandika, come here, stay here, be present here, remain here. Be in proximity, take your seat here, accept my worship. ( Source unknown ) प्रसीद भगवत्यम्ब प्रसीद भक्तवत्सले। प्रसादं कुरु मे देवि दुर्गे देवि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥९॥ prasīda bhagavatyamba prasīda bhaktavatsale, prasādaṁ kuru me devi durge devi namo'stu ...

... of such examples. Nobody was shut out of spiritual truth and culture on the ground of caste. Vidura, the half-brother of Kuru king Dhritarashtra, born of a Shudra servant-woman, was honoured for his knowledge of ethics. So much so that he was made an adviser at the court of the Kuru king. As for Yogis caste never counted for anything. All were free to search for the Divine. In Europe "social hierarchies ...

... peerless line, Urjoona and Parikshith and his sons Whom God descended to enthrone, and all Who shall come after us, my heirs and thine Who choosest me, and a great nation's multitudes, And the Kuru ancestors and long posterity Who all must give consent. VASAVADUTTA Thy thoughts are high. But if thy life must fade a prisoner here? My father is inflexible and stern. VUTHSA Dost ...


... not at first firmly founded upon the territorial basis, the migratory tendency was still in evidence or recurred under pressure and the land was known by the name of the people who occupied it, the Kuru country or simply the Kurus, the Malava country or the Malavas. After the fixed settlement within determined boundaries the system of the clan or tribe continued, but found a basic unit or constituent ...


... Pandavas, is the foremost kshatriya or knight of his time. His charioteer is his friend and mentor Krishna, king of the Vrishnis and in fact the avatar Sri Krishna. In the internecine quarrel within the Kuru clan, to which the Pandavas as well as the Kauravas belong, most kingdoms of the subcontinent have chosen sides and the day of the great confrontation, the battle in Kurukshetra, the field of the Kurus ...

... with which I stand here on this field of Kurukshetra, the field of the working out of the Dharma, the field of human action,—as we might symbolically translate the descriptive phrase, dharma-kṣetre kuru-kṣetre ,—a world-wide destruction which has come in the process of the Time-Spirit. I have a foreseeing purpose which fulfils itself infallibly and no participation or abstention of any human being ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... 5 ) or at the most in those apparently significant actions which are brought about not through his personal initiation but only through the agency of the Prarabdha (yathāprāptaṁ hi kartyav-yam, kuru kāryaṁ yathāgatam 6 ). The foregoing analysis shows unmistakably that Jivanmukti as traditionally conceived cannot at all be equated to our ideal. What we aim at is something radically different ...

... vivid account of the supremacy ofYajnavalkya. According to the story, Yajnavalkya's guru, Uddalaka Amni, could not hold his own in a disputation with him in a vast assembly of scholars from the entire Kuru Panchala country which had been summoned by King Janaka of Videha. The Upanishads contain other great names of teachers and pupils, such as Ashvala, Jarat Karava Artabhiga, Bhujyu Lahyayani, Ushasti ...

... mastery. It underlines the concept of free-will to such a degree that Sri Krishna after giving his illuminating message, leaves Arjuna completely free to act according to his will, yathechhasi tatha kuru. What is the ontological basis for this? That basis is the antaratman. Mechanism of nature is not all; determinism of prakriti is not all; behind the operations of prakriti, there is a secret operation ...

... repetition of the sacred text, which every Indian had to use every time he went to bathe: Gangecha Jamunechaiva Godavari Sarasvatee Narmada Sindhu Kaveri jalesmin sannidhim kuru And it means: May the Ganges, the Yamuna. the Godavari, the Sarasvatee, the Narmada, the Sindhu and the Kaveri enter into this water. Page 5 These are the great rivers of ...

... to worship his God — the text for the sacrificial purification of water. It runs thus: Gangecha Jamunechaiva Godavari Sarasvatee Narmada Sindhu Kaveri jalesmin sannidhim kuru And it means: May the Ganges, the Yamuna, the Godavari, the Saraswati, the Narmada, the Sindhu and the Kaveri enter into this water. These are the great rivers of the Indian continent ...

... Charkha. Does the name then mean something like one who owns or plies a Charkha, just as we term Kamliwalla an ascetic with a Kambal or blanket ? However that may be, here is the story. The Kuru country where Ushasti had his abode was hit by a natural calamity. Homeless, he wandered about with his young wife in search of food. On reaching the village of Ibhya, he found someone belonging to ...

... now come to heal the division and to unite life and the spirit. This secret too has been possessed but not sufficiently practised by India. It is summarised in the rule of the Gita, yogasthaḥ kuru karmāni. Its principle is to do all actions in Yoga, in union with God, on the foundation of the highest self and through the rule of all our members by the power of the spirit. And this we believe ...

... foes. This is the same ancient Yoga that I have told unto [thee] today, because thou art my lover and my friend; for this is the highest of all the inner truths." The Dwapara Yuga was the age of Kuru preeminence and the Kurus were a great practical, warlike, ritualistic, juristic race of the Roman type, with little of the speculative temper or moral enthusiasm of the eastern Coshalas, Videhas, Kashis ...


... has now come to heal the division and to unite life and the spirit. This secret too has been possessed but not sufficiently practised by India. It is summarised in the rule of the Gita, yogasthaḥ kuru karmāṇi . Its principle is to do all actions in Yoga, in union with God, on the foundation of the highest self and through the rule of all our members by the power of the spirit. And this we believe ...


... most a village culture with "advanced economy". This conclusion goes against our assumed view of the Mahabharata War Period, when there were several states, each with a specific name, such as Kuru, Panchala, Chedi, Kekaya, Sindhu-Sauvira, Magadha, etc., each with its own capital city. So, if we regard the Painted Grey Ware 81. Op. cit., pp. 33-34. 82. Op. cit., p. 95. Page ...


... Krumu, 284, 285 Kubhā, 284, 285 Kuhn, I., 406 Kulitara, 331 Kulliware, 251, 252 kurgan 322, 324, 325 Kurgan hypothesis, 276 Kuru, 239 Kutlug-Tepe, 306 Lai, B.B., 171 fn., 199, 213, 216, 224, 225, 239, 244 Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C., 226 language/languages (see also individual languages ...


... vivid account of the supremacy of Yajnavalkya. According to the story, Yajnavalkya's guru, Uddalaka Aruni, could not hold his own in a disputation with him in a vast assembly of scholars from the entire Kuru Panchala country which had been summoned by King Janaka of Videha. The Upanishads contain other great names of teachers and pupils, such as Ashvala, Jarat Karava Artabhiga, Bhujyu Lahyayani, Ushasti ...


... was the guardian of the Pandu and Kuril princes committed to his care. He had appointed Drona as their preceptor. The Pandu princes were five: Yuddhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Sahadeva and Nakula. The Kuru princes, sons of Dhritarashtra, were one hundred, of whom Duryodhana was the eldest. Drona was learned in all the Vedas, and he specially taught his students Dhanurveda, the science and art of warfare ...

... sacred text, which in ancient times Indians used every time they bathed: Page 1 Gangecha Jamunechaiva Godavari Sarasvatee Narmada Sindhu Kaveri jalesmin sannidhim kuru And it means: May the Ganges, the Yamuna, the Godavari, the Sarasvatee, the Narmada, the Sindhu and the Kaveri enter into this water. These are the great rivers of the Indian subcontinent ...

... or Charkha. Does the name then mean something like one who owns or plies a Charkha, just as we term Kamliwalla an ascetic with a Kambal or blanket? However that may be, here is the story. The Kuru country where Ushasti had his abode was hit by a natural calamity. Homeless, he wandered about with his young wife in search of food. On reaching the village of Ibhya, he found someone belonging to ...

... Arjoona and Parikshit and his sons Whom God descended to enthrone, and all Who shall come after us, my heirs and thine Who choosest me, and a great nation's multitudes, And the Kuru ancestors and long posterity Who all must give consent. 89 And he could be hers only when they are in Cosambie, and she becomes his Queen. All Mahasegn's calculations go wrong, all ...

... त्वया धृता लोका देवि त्वं विष्णुना धृता। त्वं च धारय मां देवि पवित्रं कुरु चासनम् ॥ ॐ ह्रीं चण्डिकायै नमः। om pṛthvi tvayā dhṛtā lokā devi tvaṁ viṣṇunā dhṛtā, tvam ca dhāraya māṁ devi pavitraṁ kuru cāsanam. om hrīṁ caṇḍikāyai namaḥ. Devimahatmyam – Purvangavidhi O Earth goddess! Peoples are borne by thee: thou art borne by Vishnu. Bear me as well and purify the seat. Om, salutations ...

... here, accept my worship. ( Source unknown ) प्रसीद भगवत्यम्ब प्रसीद भक्तवत्सले । प्रसादं कुरु मे देवि दुर्गे देवि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥९॥ prasīda bhagavatyamba prasīda bhaktavatsale, prasādaṁ kuru me devi durge devi namo'stu te.9 Be pleased O Goddess the Mother Be pleased O Affectionate to the Devotees. Bestow bliss on me O Goddess Durga Devimahatmyam (mulam) Aparadhakshamapanastotram ...

... The Rig-Veda emphasizes the need of people's approval if the rule were to be stable. In short, India developed a citizen-oriented Page 97 governance. So much so that the arrogant Kuru prince Duryo-dhana never neglected the welfare of his subjects during his reign. Naturally, all those systems of governance had taken thousands of years to take shape. At first when people settled ...