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Kushikas : Vedic Rishis, descendants of Kushika. Vishwāmitra was the most important of them. The Kushikas are repeatedly referred to in the third Mandala of the Rig-Veda, & figure in the legend of Shunashepa in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa.
... guard the worlds of thy session. Page 202 SUKTA 26 वैश्वानरं मनसाग्निं निचाय्या हविष्मन्तो अनुषत्यं स्वर्विदम् । सुदानुं देवं रथिरं वसूयवो गीर्भी रण्वं कुशिकासो हवामहे ॥१॥ 1) We the Kushikas, bringing the offering, desiring the Treasure, call by our words Fire, the universal godhead, discerning him by the mind, as the follower of the truth, who finds the world of the sun, the great giver... ः समिध्यते वैश्वानरः कुशिकेभिर्युगेयुगे । स नो अग्निः सुवीर्यं स्वश्व्यं दधातु रत्नममृतेषु जागृविः ॥३॥ 3) As if the neighing Horse by the mothers, the universal godhead is kindled high by the Kushikas from generation to generation; may that Fire wakeful in the Immortals give to us the hero-strength and good power of the Horse and the ecstasy. प्र यन्तु वाजास्तविषीभिरग्नयः शुभे संमिश्लाः... द्युम्नवद् ब्रह्म कुशिकास एरिर एकएको दमे अग्निं समीधिरे ॥१५॥ 15) Fighting down the unfriendly powers like the marching hosts of the life-gods the first-born of the Word come to know all that is: the Kushikas have sent forth the luminous word, one by one they have kindled the Fire in the house. यदद्य त्वा प्रयति यज्ञे अस्मिन् होतश्चिकित्वोऽवृणीमहीह । ध्रुवमया ध्रुवमुताशमिष्ठाः प्रजानन् विद्वाँ ...
... 14 Q Queen Eleanor 49 R Rakshasas 5 Ramayana 103 Ramprasad 78 Rex Warner 47 Rishi 12 Rishi, Vedic 8, 16, 33, 34, 37, 72, 79, 82, 93 Rishi Kushika 50 Romeo 25 Rousseau 39 S Sacrifice, Vedic I Sadhu 97 Sanskrit 32 Sat-chit-Ananda — (Satya-Tapas-Jnana) 14 Satan 16 Semele 34 Shakespeare 16 ...
... fallen in love with darkness and blackness—have become adorers, although they do not know, of Shyama and Shyama. Here, for example, is a hymn from the Rig Veda, a whole hymn addressed by Rishi Kushika to Night. Listen how the Rishi invokes his black goddess: Night and Light are unified—almost one—in his consciousness. The Vedic Rishis considered Night as only another form or function of Day— naktosasa ...
... love with darkness and blackness—have become adorers, although they do not know, of Shyāmā and Shyāmā. Here, for example, is a hymn from the Rig Veda, a whole hymn addressed by Rishi Kushika to Night. Listen how the Rishi invokes his black goddess: Night and Light are unified—almost one—in his consciousness. The Vedic Rishis considered Night as only another form or function of Day— naktoṣasa ...
... fallen in love with darkness and blackness -have become adorers, although they do not know, of Shyama and Shyama. Here, for example, is a hymn from the Rig Veda, a whole hymn addressed by Rishi Kushika to Night. Listen how the Rishi invokes his black goddess: Night and Light are unified - almost one -in his consciousness. The Vedic Rishis considered Night as only another form or function of Day ...
... Kant, 246 Kanwa, 162 lOIn., 162, 170, Kasyapa, 133 Keats, 68, 78n., 98 -"Ode on the Poets", 78n Ken, 68n -"A Morning Hymn", 68n Krishna, 180, 218 Kronos, 159 Kushika, 220 Kutsa, 162 LAKSHMI, 293 Lalan the Fakir, 223 Lamartine, 54 Laocoon, 170 Lao Tzu, 132 Lawrence, D. H., 88 London, 127, 163 Lucifer, 5, 125 Lucretius, 52, 70, 101 ...
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