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LaoTse : Lao-Tse/ Lao-tzu (Lao=old), founder of Taoism. He, like Confucius, simply laid down a system of moral & social behaviour.

4 result/s found for LaoTse

... quite sound—the processes recommended can, if one can carry them out, help greatly in the quieting of the mind. The Tibetan Nirvana as described in the last extract is very much like the Tao of Laotse. It is more and more said now that that is the real teaching of Buddha and of Buddhism. People here became very enthusiastic about that book by Evans-Wentz. But I think their reading of it ...


... is sometimes made between culture and civilisation; what the moderns have achieved is progress with regard to civilisation, that is to say, the outer paraphernalia; but as regards culture a Plato, a Laotse, a Yajnavalkya are names to which we still bow down. Page 18 One can answer however that even if in the last eight or ten thousand years which, they say, is the extent of the present ...

... PURANI: As an authority on Buddhism, Mrs. Rhys Davies seems to be the best person. SRI AUROBINDO: No, she is not very reliable. The Mahayana conception of Nirvana seems to be something like Laotse's Tao. Tao, according to him, is a condition of nothingness that is beyond all present construction, and that is the nothingness which contains everything. (Addressing Purani) Do you know anything ...

... care to achieve it had no spirituality. Beautiful conduct — not politeness which is an outer thing, however Suable — but beauty, founded upon a spiritual realisation of ________________ * Cf. Laotse's famous epigram: The one who knows the Secret does not speak: The one who speaks does not the Secret know. Page 199 unity and harmony projected into life, is certainly part of ...