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Laomedon : king of Troy, father of Priam. He employed Apollo & Poseidon to build the walls of Troy, but cheated them on their payment, so Poseidon sent a sea monster to ravage the land. Heracles killed the monster, but he too was refused the promised reward, so he attacked Troy & slew Laomedon & all his sons except Priam. Laomedon’s grave lay over Troy’s Scaean Gate which, when opened, signified war.
... and my dreaming, Leaned to the unsatisfied chant of my heart and the rhythms of ocean, Sung to by hopes that were sweet-lipped and vain. For Polyxena's brothers Still are the brood of the Titan Laomedon slain in his greatness, Engines of God unable to bear all the might that they harbour. Awe they have chid from their hearts, nor our common humanity binds them, Stay have they none in the gods... the mansion, Page 353 Grey he sat and endured the food and the wine of his foemen, Chiding his spirit that murmured within him and gazed undelighted, Vexed with the endless pomps of Laomedon. Far from those glories Memory winged it back to a sward half-forgotten, a village Nestling in leaves and low hills watching it crowned with the sunset. So for his hour he abode in earth's palace... with the gold of the morning, Columns triumphant of Ilus, domes of their greatness enamoured, Stones that intended to live; and her citadel climbed up to heaven White like the soul of the Titan Laomedon claiming his kingdoms, Watched with alarm by the gods as he came. Her bosom maternal Thrilled to the steps of her sons and a murmur began in her high-roads. Life renewed its ways which death and ...
... Laomedon: A legendary king of Troy, grandson of Tros and father of Priam. He employed Apollo and Poseidon to build the walls of Troy, but cheated them of their payment, as a result of which Poseidon sent a sea monster to ravage the land. Heracles killed the monster, but he too was refused the reward Laomedon had promised him, whereupon Heracles attacked Troy and slew Laomedon and all... Greek god of the sea, also of earthquakes and horses; brother of Zeus and wielder of the trident. With Apollo, he built the walls of Troy for Laomedon, whose failure to pay for the work turned Poseidon against the Trojans. Priam: Son of Laomedon and king of Troy. In Ilion, he is pictured as an old man of imposing presence who has retired from active rule. Pyrrhus: an alternative... the sun and mystic illumination (see also his epithets Phoebus and Loxias); sometimes identified with Helios. His chief oracle was at Delphi. With Poseidon he built the walls of Troy for Laomedon. He was on the side of the Trojans in the war despite Laomedon's treachery, but in Ilion he finally deserts the city, though he stands behind Paris in the battle, leaving it open to destruction ...
... Ganymede, the best looking boy ever born, So handsome the gods caught him up to Olympus, that he Might live with them there and be the cupbearer of Zeus. And Ilus in turn begot peerless Laomedon, father Of Priam, Tithonus, Clytius, Lampus, and Hicetaon, Scion*of Ares. And Assaracus' son was Capys, Who sired Anchises, who next begot me, and Priam Begot Prince Hector. Such ...
... Page 119 Grey he sat and endured the food and the wine of his foemen,— Chiding his spirit that murmured within him and gazed undelighted, Vexed with the endless pomps of Laomedon. Far from those glories Memory winged it back to a sward half-forgotten, a village Nesding in leaves and low hills watching it crowned with the sunset. 1 And what shall we say of ...
... the city, Rapid there neared a running of feet, and the cry of the summons Beat round the doors that guarded the domes of the splendour of Priam. "Wardens charged with the night, ye who stand in Laomedon's gateway, Waken the Ilian kings. Talthybius, herald of Argos, Parleying stands at the portals of Troy in the grey of the dawning." High and insistent the call. In the dimness and hush of his chamber... goddess white-limbed and bright on a hill-top, Looking far out at the sea and the foe and the prowling of danger. Over the brow he mounted and saw the palace of Priam, Home of the gods of the earth, Laomedon's marvellous vision Held in the thought that accustomed his will to unearthly achievement And in the blaze of his spirit compelling heaven with its greatness, Dreamed by the harp of Apollo, a melody ...
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