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2 result/s found for Le Sage

... going round telling people, "It is there, you know, it is like this"? They will reply, as in that play which was staged here: "But I can see nothing!" Do you remember, it was in Le Sage ? Don't you remember that in Le Sage the messenger says that the Divine is there listening to you, that He is present? And then someone replies, "But I don't see Him!" It is like that. It is like those people who ...


... I have translated the first four pieces of Maurice Magre's "L'Ashram de Pondichéry" 1 into Gujarati. There are some exaggerations in his perceptions: "les hommes les plus sages de la terre" and "Ce sont des Parfaits entre les hommes". This is too much to say about us sadhaks. I find it almost impossible to put such sentiments in Gujarati, as people there would find them overblown. ...
