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Loxias : epithet of Apollo as interpreter of Zeus’ will.
... shall die and the hero. Troy shall fall in her sin and her virtues shall not protect her; Argos shall grow by her crimes till the gods shall destroy her for ever. Now have I fruit of thy love, O Loxias, dreadful Apollo. Woe is me, woe for the flame that approaches the house of my fathers! Woe is me, woe for the hand of Ajax laid on my tresses! Woe, thrice woe to him who shall ravish and him who ...
... and the Trojans. Apollo: Greek god of music, poetry, archery and prophecy, son of Zeus and Latona; originally a god of the sun and mystic illumination (see also his epithets Phoebus and Loxias); sometimes identified with Helios. His chief oracle was at Delphi. With Poseidon he built the walls of Troy for Laomedon. He was on the side of the Trojans in the war despite Laomedon's treachery ...
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