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Madras Times : English daily started in 1860; merged later in Madras Mail.

5 result/s found for Madras Times

... bring about. We have yet to gauge the extent of damage the Anglo- Page 250 Indian press inflicted upon the Indian consciousness. A typical Anglo-Indian newspaper was the Madras Times. It led the chorus of hysterics over the activities of the Swadeshis which, if one were to go by it, led to the assassination of Ashe. Wildly piling conjecture upon hearsay, the paper targeted... publish a libelous leatherette and subsequently an article openly arraigning me as a director of Anarchist societies, a criminal and an assassin. Neither the assertions nor the opinions of the Madras Times carry much weight in themselves and I might have passed over the attack in silence. But I have had reason in my political career to suspect that there are police officials on the one side and ... as I have been practising it for the last six years. It is untrue that any Balkrishna Lele or any Lieutenant of Mr. Tilak is at Pondicherry; nor do I know, I doubt if anybody in India except the Madras Times knows, of any Mara-tha politician of that name and description. The statement about Madras Anarchists is unsupported by facts or names and therefore avoids any possibility of reply. It is untrue ...

... the Hindu on 8 November. [2] 23 February 1911. This letter was published in the Hindu on 24 February 1911, the day after Sri Aurobindo wrote it. [3] July 1911. On 10 July 1911, the Madras Times published a short editorial ("leaderette") entitled "Anarchism in the French Settlements", which dealt with "political suspects" who had taken refuge in Pondicherry and were carrying out anti-British... criminal and an assassin", thus connecting him with the assassination of the British Collector Robert Ashe, which had taken place on 17 June 1911. Sri Aurobindo wrote a letter to the editor of the Madras Times denying these charges, but was not given "the opportunity of reply". He therefore wrote this letter to the editor of the Hindu . Published in that newspaper on 20 July 1911, it probably was ...


... Page 266 leaderette and subsequently an article openly arraigning me as a director of Anarchist societies, a criminal and an assassin. Neither the assertions nor the opinions of the Madras Times carry much weight in themselves and I might have passed over the attack in silence. But I have had reason in my political career to suspect that there are police officials on the one side and ... just as I have been practising it for the last six years. It is untrue that any Balkrishna Lele or any lieutenant of Mr. Tilak is at Pondicherry; nor do I know, I doubt if anybody in India except Madras Times knows, of any Mahratta politician of that name and description. The statement about Madras Anarchists is unsupported by facts or names and therefore avoids any possibility of reply. It is untrue... uselessly hampering the Government experiment of coercion and reform and wasting their own strength by the continuance of their old activities, and it is well known, to use the language of the Madras Times , that I have myself observed this rule to the letter in Pondicherry. I have practised an absolute political passivity. I have discountenanced any idea of carrying on propaganda from British India ...


... I have since lived here as a religious recluse." 30 In a subsequent letter (20 July 1911) to the Hindu, Sri Aurobindo had to reply to certain slanderous accusations against him in the Madras Times, and affirm that he was but "a simple householder practising Yoga without Sannyas", and not a dangerous revolutionary "masquerading ... as an ascetic". 31 While he was thus removed from the ...


... moreover with a patch on the back. A local passer-by commented with a shrug, 'Quel Gouverneur!' "I am pleased to send you the translation of an article published on 20 September in The Madras Times and the anti-English movement In its conclusion, the Madras newspaper explains that the territory of Pondicherry 1 It was the same A. Martineau who edited the diaries ...