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Magi : pl. of Magus, priestly class of ancient Media & Persia, having occult powers.
... Magnifico", Leonardo found an art-loving patron who generously promoted all the arts, literature and philosophy. 2 But after executing a few major works — the large panel painting The Adoration of the Magi 3 is a revealing example of his early mastery and remarkable talent — Leonardo left his hometown in 1482 to work for Ludovico Sforza, "II Moro", duke of Milan. 4 The motives for this decision are... Europe and were exceptional patrons of art. Lorenzo (1449- 1492) continued the tradition of his father Cosimo and surrounded himself with philosophers, poets and artists. 3. The Adoration of the Magi is a popular theme of Christian mythology. Leonardo's painting should be seen in contrast with those of Sandro Botticelli (1475) and of Albrech Durer (1483). 4. Ludovico Sforza (1452-1505), an... 260-61 and pp. 273-275. A few dates 1452(April) - Birth of Leonardo. 1469 - Leonardo's family moves to Florence. 1481 -Adoration of the Magi. 1482 - Leonardo goes to Milan and works for Ludovico, Regent of Milan. 1483 - The Virgin of the Rocks. 1500-1 - Leonardo goes back to Florence ...
... said in legend to have manifested his divine light to the three magi (pronounced "mayjai") who had come from afar, led by a stellar sign. The relevance of this legend to Parsis is not generally known, though the word "magi" is the plural of the old Persian word "magus" which denotes a member of an ancient Persian priestly caste. The magi were Zoroastrian priests and the earliest tradition 1 about the... the three "wise men", as the English Bible translates the term "magi", is that their names were typically Parsi-sounding: Hormiz-dah, Yazdegerd and Perozadh. 2 Later, the names Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar came into vogue. 3 So the Epiphany-day, 1. The Birth of the Messiah by Raymond E. Brown, S.S. (Image books. Garden City, New York, 1979), p. 198. 2. Ibid. 3.Ib id. ...
... miscalculations. 7 B.C. is particularly appropriate if we are to credit the legend of the unusual star which the Magi, the Wise Men of the East, are said by Matthew (2:1-2) to have followed as a guide towards the one "who is born king of the Jews". The visit of the Magi may not be history, but, as Kepler calculated in 1603, there was indeed an abnormal phenomenon in the night-sky in 7 B.C.... constellation of Pisces, carefully marking in Jupiter and Saturn over a period of five months in what would be reckoned as 7 B.C. in our calendar. 4 As Jesus is said to have been already born before the Magi saw the impressive astral phenomenon, his birth must have preceded this phenomenon's most concentrated and brightest development - that is, it must have been sometime prior to December 4 in that year ...
... The Historicity of Christ A Letter of January 6,1981 Today is Epiphany Day on which, according to the New-Testament legend, the Magi, the Wise Men of the East - perhaps "Parsis" like me, since "Magi" originally meant Persian highpriests - brought gifts to the infant Jesus. The occasion is appropriate for me to reply to your many-faceted letter, expressing doubt ...
... is distinctly the idea of the Messiah at the world's termination. Possibly there was a hint of a movement towards incarnationism in the legend of Luke's Three Wise Men who go by the Persian title of Magi and who in the earliest tradition have all Iranian names. Everything I had prized both in Zoroastrianism and in Christianity I found in Sri Aurobindo's spiritual vision and in his Integral Yoga and... in the narrative of the Infancy". (Ibid.) Evidently, Matthew Aramaic was lacking in Matthew Greek's most characteristic initial points: the Holy Spirit's activity in Mary's pregnancy, the three Magi and the star, Herod's order to massacre the innocents. These points arose from traditions which were no part of the original Christian kerygma, whether Petrine or Pauline, where there was no dwelling ...
... "Panchakanya: Women of Substance" at Page 196 occurred on May 29 and October 3 in 7 B.C., tallying with the legend of the Magi following the star. Augustus' birthday was celebrated as tidings of joy, "euangelion" - precisely the word used for the birth of Jesus in the NT - connoting the birth of the divine saviour of the world ...
... and as for me, give me enough, give me much, so that I may give largely to all.” Mother Mira Christmas 1972 To the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, brought to the Christ-child by the Magi, the Mother gave the following meanings: Gold — Wealth of the world and Supramental Knowledge. Frankincense — Purification of the vital. Myrrh — Immortalization of the body] Gauri ...
... religions. This took different forms in different countries: in Greece there was the Orphic and the Eleusinian Mysteries, in Egypt and Chaldea the priests and their occult lore and magic, in Persia the Magi, in India the Rishis. The preoccupation of the Mystics was with self-knowledge and a profounder world knowledge; they found that in man there was a deeper self and inner being behind the surface of ...
... grants it generously. Give each one the material object he desires, and as for me, give me enough, give me much so that I may give largely to all. ( Significances of the gifts offered by the three Magi to Jesus at the time of his birth ) Gold: wealth of the world and supramental knowledge. Frankincense: purification of the vital. Myrrh: immortalisation of the body. ...
... Magha (Devaputra), 432 Maghā, Maghā-century, 7, 8, 11, 46, 47, 49, 104, 225 Maghā, Nakshatra, 99 Maghadhavasi, 544 Maghas of Baghelkund and Kauśāmbi, 30, 335, 432, 464 Magi, Magus, 277 Magism, 366 Mahābhārata, iv, 48, 92, 107, 130, 162, 165, 254, 255, 257, 274, 286, 289, 309, 373, 379, 397, 426, 427, 455, 507, 528, 530, 566, 568-9, 572 Mahābhāshya of ...
... spiritual. PURANI: Haven't they got Meher Baba? SATYENDRA: Oh yes, one example. SRI AUROBINDO: But this one example is considered the Saviour of the world! Zoroastrians claim to have had seers and magi among them. They ought to have some spiritual figures. NIRODBARAN: Have you read of J. L. Banerji's death during the Congress election? SRI AUROBINDO: I thought he had been long dead and I took ...
... an attack is imminent? SRI AUROBINDO: They must have got some private information. Even if there is a chance, Japan won't say anything. They will simply make arrests. But the old Japan during the Magi regime would have said something. ...
... Page 208 society, the light and power of consciousness, characteristic of that age, found expression among a few only: it was the age of representative individuals, leaders – Rishi, Magi, Patriarch, Judge, King. Next a stage came when the cultural consciousness widened and, instead of scattered individuals or some families, we have a large group, a whole class or section of society ...
... human Page 98 society, the light and power of consciousness, characteristic of that age, found expression among a few only: it was the age of representative individuals, leaders—Rishi, Magi, Patriarch, Judge, King. Next a stage came when the cultural consciousness widened and, instead of scattered individuals or some families, we have a large group, a whole class or section of society ...
... this earth in a diviner image and make, in the words of the Rishis, "Heaven and Earth equal and one." There is a Secret, that is clear. All traditions bear witness to it, whether the Rishis or the Magi of Persia, the priests of Chaldea or Memphis or Yucatan, the hierophants of Eleusis or even our Celts. We have forgotten. We have lost the Word. ...I perceived the Law, The Truth, the Vast, From ...
... religions. This took different forms in different countries; in Greece there were the Orphic and Eleusinian Mysteries, in Egypt and Chaldea the priests and their occult lore and magic, in Persia the Magi, in India the Rishis. The preoccupation of the Mystics was with self-knowledge and a profounder world-knowledge; they found out that in man there was a deeper self and inner being behind the surface ...
... They are supernormal only in the way in which aviation is supernormal or motoring or the Chinese alphabet. Nor is there anything magical in them except in so far as magic, the science of the Persian Magi, means originally & properly the operations of superior power or superior knowledge. And in that sense the occultism of the Page 16 present day is magic precisely in the same sense as the ...
... name. The one connected with Old Camels is the present favourite with scholars, but the one bringing in a Golden Star appeals to me more. It has a poetic justice about it when one hears of the three Magi - Persian priests - guided by a star to the cradle of the infant Jesus - Jesus who was to start a religion so very much in tune with the doctrines of Zarathustrianism. The only fault I can ...
... priest: we read, in the Purānas, of the Śakadvīpa - Śaka-territory - where dwell the Maga dvijas who worship the sun-god; 2 we have in India of later times the Maga-Brahmanas, the Persian priests (Magi) who migrated to India and appear to have contributed to the growth of the Ujjain school of astronomy. 3 The Mah ā bh ā rata (VI.l2,33) enumerates the peoples of Śakadvīpa as Maga, MaŚaka ...
... Page 159 A lonely splendour from the invisible goal Atmost was flung on the opaque Inane. Epiphany is a manifestation of God; originally the word signified the day when the Magi saw Christ; it is, I believe, January 6th. Now at the moment when the first dawn breaks, the manifestation to come is also disclosed, glimpsed. This is the herald of manifestation of which our human ...
... Page 78 merely by their intuition, though they had not known what and where Jerusalem was. I never heard of Rishis from India going there. There is a legend of some Magi getting an intuition that a divine Birth was there on earth and following a star that led them to the stable in which Christ was born. But this is a legend, not history. Since you and the Mother ...
... Aurobindo for his own purposes is from the New Testament, "epiphany". Though like "advent" and other words, "epiphany" has acquired a general meaning of manifestation; it refers to Christ before the Magi, the Wise Men from the East. The manifestation is an equivalent of Sakshatkara. There are quite a few occasions when Sri Aurobindo employs the word. We may cite one or two significant ones. A magnificent ...
... might have expressed. Considering, however, that there was, in the earlier stages, a remarkable tradition of mysteries, Orphic and Eleusinian in Greece, of occult lore and magic in Egypt and Chaldea, of Magi in Persia, and of the Rishis in India, there might have been in them something common but what could have been their contents, can probably be imagined only with the aid of the Veda, which is the only ...
... a joke which was flat enough to have put the fire out: he said it was no wonder the temple of Artemis was destroyed, since the goddess was busy attending to the birth of Alexander. But those of the Magi who were then at Ephesus interpreted the destruction of the temple as the portent of a far greater disaster, and they ran through the city beating their faces and crying out that day had brought forth ...
... Descent and set out for Jerusalem merely by their intuition, though they had not known what and where Jerusalem was. I never heard of Rishis from India going there. There is a legend of some Magi getting an intuition that a divine Birth was there on earth and following a star that led them to the stable in which Christ was born. But this is a legend, not history. Since you ...
... sake of duty—duty to their country. NIRODBARAN: How far back in history do the Japanese rulers go? SRI AUROBINDO: The Mikado claims to be a descendant of the Goddess of the sun. The Mikado named Magi used to believe that and feel that the inspiration above was doing whatever was necessary. There are two types of men in Japan. One is tall, with a long nose and finely cut aristocratic face. It ...
... Aurobindo for several lives together. We cannot but believe this. This feeling gets confirmed when we read his 'Smritikatha'. His wonderful vision, standing beside the pond at dusk—reminds us of the Magis of the Bible. I had occasion to see him a couple of times with Sri Aurobindo. I remember once he had come with all his papers to Sri Aurobindo for his signature. He waited at the door for permission ...
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