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English [75]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Bande Mataram [1]
Beyond Man [2]
By The Body Of The Earth or The Sannyasin [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Poems [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [3]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Essays Divine and Human [2]
Evolution II [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Gods and the World [1]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Letters on Poetry and Art [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
On The Mother [1]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Overhead Poetry [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Record of Yoga [2]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [1]
Sri Rama [1]
Talks on Poetry [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Secret Splendour [6]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Thinking Corner [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [2]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
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English [75]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Bande Mataram [1]
Beyond Man [2]
By The Body Of The Earth or The Sannyasin [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Poems [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [3]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Essays Divine and Human [2]
Evolution II [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Gods and the World [1]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Letters on Poetry and Art [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
On The Mother [1]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Overhead Poetry [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Record of Yoga [2]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [1]
Sri Rama [1]
Talks on Poetry [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Secret Splendour [6]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Thinking Corner [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [2]
Words of the Mother - III [1]

Mars : Roman deity, later god of War. In literature & art he is hardly distinguished from the Greek Aries. Fourth major planet from the sun, revolving in an orbit outside that of the earth, it is glaring red in colour. (cf. Maṇgaḷ above.)

75 result/s found for Mars

... ऐरवतः Iravat (ऐरावणः), rainbow.. a kind of lightning orange tree (therefore not motion) Page 616 (इश्) ईशानं light, splendour. (इल्) एलविलः (ऐडविडः, -लः) Kuvera ऐलविलः, ऐलः, ऐलेयः Mars Roots in ‘k’ [1] क क      class meaning कः      Brahman, Vishnu      the soul      mind      body knot, joint      Kamadeva          कं happiness, joy, pleasure      wealth...      name of plant कंदुः      boiler, oven. कदुकः, कं      ball      mass कंदुकं      pillow      mass [3] The Vowel Group.      कु (1) कुः earth.      Inclusion      (कुजः Mars, a tree कुजा Sita, Durga)      Roundness *कु      (vague कुतः whence.. where..      existence why .. how ..      or direction) कुतस्त्य whence come; how happened      कुत्र where.      कुत्रत्य... कूचिका, कूची      a pencil, small brush      Substance (rough, thick, hairy) +कोच      drying, becoming dry      कोचः drying, withering, aridity. कुजः      a tree.      Light (colour)      Mars      a name of Naraka कुजा      Sita, Durga.      Light? (colour) कुजंभलः, कुजंभिलः      housebreaker. (जंभ?) cf कुंजः      Cover, Contain. कुज्झटिः, कुज्झटिका, कुज्झटी      mist, fog      ...


... l'esprit humain. introduction. Périod I. 4. Heilbronner, The future as History, p. 24. 5. The Communist Manifesto. 6. " Le mieux-vivre dans la societe riche”, Diogene, No. 33, jan.-mars 1961. 7. The problem of the right use of wealth and leisure has begun to seriously engage the attention of economists and sociologists. The reader is referred to John Kenneth Galbraith's book... Leisure and New Class". which contains a good deal of provocative thought. See also Georges Hourdin, une Civilisation des loisirs, and the article of Bertrand de Jouvenel in Diogène. No. 33, jan-mars 1961. 8. Billy Graham, Life Magezine, 15 August 1960 9. See Sri Aurobindo, The Ideal of Human unity, Ch, XXXIV. "The Religion of humanity. 10.the Bible says "In the sweat of thy face... 354. 9. Ibid. 10. Heilbronner, The Future as History. See also chapter II of the first section of this book. 11. "Le mieux-vivre dans la société riche", in Diogene, No. 33, jan-mars 1961. 12. The author, pp. 18-19 of this book. 13. Heilbronner, The Future as History, pp. 18-19. 14. Sri Aurobindo, SABCL vol. 18, pp. 3-4. 15. See the author's compilation ...

... circling in its own sphere round the central, fixed, but revolving earth. But a better term is the Indian word graha, those that have a hold on the earth. There are seven old planets, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and two others in process of creation, Rahou & Ketou. In addition there are two dead planets corresponding to Uranus & Herschel and two others not yet discovered. These... seriously modify them. They are known but ignored by Indian astrology. Different names are given to the planets by the Indian astronomers and for astrological purposes they are much more appropriate. Mars is Mangal, the auspicious, euphemistically so termed because of his great malignancy; Mercury is Budha, the clever, intellectual god, son of the Moon and Tara wife of Brihaspati; Jupiter is Brihaspati... still wanderers, homeless. But they are still more powerful and auspicious when elevated. The Sun is elevated in the Ram, dejected in the Balance; the Moon elevated in the [ ], dejected in the [ ]; Mars elevated in the Jar, dejected in the Crab; Mercury elevated in the Balance, dejected in the Ram; Brihaspati elevated in the Crab, dejected in the Jar; Shukra elevated in the Twins, dejected in the Archer; ...


... strike me. EVENING SATYENDRA: The 13th seems to be an important date because Mars and Saturn are coming very close together on that day. Already they are pretty close. Astrologers fear some catastrophic destruction on that occasion, a great upheaval. But Jupiter and Venus are coming together on the 21st counteract Mars and Saturn. NIRODBARAN: How can they counteract after the upheaval has taken... SATYENDRA: Yes NIRODBARAN: On 21st February it can only be my long expected Supramental Descent. (Sri Aurobindo smiled.) SATYENDRA: N is not satisfied with anything less. NIRODBARAN: Mars and Saturn must be Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: And Stalin? By the way, the author of that book, Inside Europe , seems pro-Stalin. He says that Stalin is almost ideal except for a touch of blood thirstiness ...


... of Saturn and Mars which foreboded a great event. SATYENDRA: Saturn and Mars came close to each other on the 13th, but nothing happened. Girdharlal says that it does not mean that the results will be immediate. They may happen long after. SRI AUROBINDO: Something may have happened already. Some more Finns were probably killed. And this Altmark incident may be due to Saturn and Mars! DR. MANILAL: ...


... eyelids stirred. Childe Thaliard saw the burning stars     Vermilion grown like blood, Thrice drew the serpent cross of Mars,     Thrice clamoured where he stood. But Thaliard saw a milkwhite star     Grow large against the moon, Quelled by whose candid flames, afar     Mars' ruby paled in a swoon. "Not here" he faltered like the wind, "Not here, where murmurs poison sleep, When haunted memories ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... liberal, as remorselessly complete as that of Carthaginian parents who passed their children through the fire to Moloch. If any reservation mars the completeness of our self-abandonment, if any bargaining abridges the fullness of our sacrifice, if any doubt mars the strength of our faith and enthusiasm, if any thought of self pollutes the sanctity of our love, then the Mother will not be satisfied and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... two of "abundance" as spondaic though the ear flatly contradicts the eye's illusion of a retarding of the voice by a clutter of consonants. When this illusion gets the better of the stress-sense it mars the intended rhythm, as in the line of Sidney s protege, Abraham Fraunce:   The first three feet can admit of no hexametrical reading of the classical type (dactyls or spondees) if we observe... without the structure provided by this precise manipulation of the metre they would not embody so perfecdy the poetic stuff of the line. And it is worth noting that none of the departures from the base mars the typical hexameter flow: every foot starts with the impulsion of a distinct long and all of them combined keep time with the lines before and after.   It would be purblind to inveigh on a ...

... right. PURANI: There is the combination of Sun and Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Sun and Jupiter being more powerful will counteract the evil influence of the others. There will be a dash for peace. SRI AUROBINDO: Peace? Peace has been dashed all right, in Norwegian waters by the Allies and in the Baltic by Germany. Saturn and Mars are said to have dashed, aren't they? They seem to be more powerful than ...


... observation changed in, respect of the observed fact with his change of position. The sun rises and sets to the observer on earth: to an observer on Mars, for example, the sun would rise and set, no doubt, but earth too along with, in the same way as Mars and sun appear to us now, while to an observer on the sun, the sun would seem fixed while the planets would be seen moving round. Again, we all know ...

... link between the life and the spirit. The present earth in its turn appears as the scene of life, Mars being its last theatre.’ 15 These words are from an essay written by Sri Aurobindo in 1914 under the title ‘ The Evolutionary Scale’. Might this be the reason why we are still so fascinated by Mars? Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have seldom given much attention to speculations about other planets ...


... of Epirus and not his 1. Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 1966, pp. 440-451; Journal Asiali-que. 1966, pp. 437-458. 2. Academie des Inscriptions el Belles Lettres, Janvier-Mars, 1970, pp. 158-173. 3. Chandragupta Maurya and His Times, p. 74. Page 235 namesake of Corinth for Alikasudara, remarks: "There were several kings of Asia Minor of equal... properly interpreted by Dupont-Sommer as "that is to say". For, it always comes between 1. Académie des Inscriptions el Belles-Lettres: Comptes rendus des S é ances de l'ann é e 1970. Janvier-Mars, Paris, p. 163. 2. Ibid., pp. 166-67. Page 350 an Indian term and an Aramaic one. Here the unknown quantity KNPTY answers to what in Aramaic seems to be GNT which follows SHYTY ...


... observation changed in respect of the observed fact with his change of position. The sun rises and sets to the observer on earth: to an observer on Mars, for example, the sun would rise and set, no doubt, but earth too along with, in the same way as Mars and sun appear to us now, while to an observer on the sun, the sun would seem fixed while the planets would be seen moving round. Again, we all know ...

... The Mother's message for 15 August 1969 was taken from a letter of Sri Aurobindo written on 13 January 1934 in answer to the question whether the Mother had established a direct connection with Mars or any other far-off planet. The answer was that, although "a long time ago" the Mother used to go everywhere in the subtle body, she found it after all of a "very secondary interest". Then came... begun on 4 October 1957 when the first sputnik started orbiting the earth, and since then space-technology made astonishing advances culminating in the feat of 21 July 1969. After the moon, what next? Mars? Space-shuttles? Space fuelling stations? Space colonial wars? There was doubtless room for limitless speculation. And yet a sense of proportion was called for. As Sri Aurobindo had said years earlier: ...


... pen His novel lithograph and write in you Songs bubbling with the music of a name. Oh, I am faster tangled in his eyes Than, in the net smoke-blasted Vulcan threw, Foam-bosomed Cytherea to her Mars. GUENDOLEN But will he push his fancy to your bent? ALACIEL How else? for in the coy glance of a girl A subtle sorcery lies that draws men on Page 768 As with a thread, nor ...


... sense; for the termination त may have either force. मर्तः undoubtedly means mortal in the Veda, but it is possible that it bears also the sense of slayer, smiter, deadly one like मर्त् in the Latin Mars, like the transitive sense in mortal, which means either subject to death or deadly. In any case I cannot follow Sayana in taking तनूनाम् as subject to अभि. I take it subject to ईशानो which is otherwise ...


... conscious creation; Lucretius sees only the out, and that too without its bliss, except only when sometimes he sees Venus (Empedocles's Love; Nature's creative enlivening activity) prevailing over Mars (Empedocles's Strife, Nature's disintegrating disheartening movement). From Lucretius to Dante the transition is from naturalism to supematuralism which finds its sublimest expression in ...

... than impatience. Eckhart is the first teacher I have come across who has spoken specifically about the unconscious and pervasive state of waking that characterizes the normal consciousness and that mars the joy of being. This profound psychological insight has enabled me to appreciate Eckhart's message, "Just be and enjoy being," which is reminiscent of what the Mother has inspiringly said about the ...

... anxiety of common life is our being centred in the "habitual self".   You speak of your "proclivity to observe and hold aloft the negative aspect of people's personality", a proclivity which "mars the budding warmth and growing closeness of a relationship". This means you have a hypercritical temper. And perhaps such a temper inclines you to see also the negative aspects of your own personality ...


... "come a cropper". On the highest divine level an everlasting Song that is God goes on simultaneous with God the everlasting Quiet. No inadequacy to capture the very secrets of the Eternal in language mars that interminable Harmony.   Can poetry give us this celestial music? The ancient Indian rishis held that it could, and it is precisely the type of poetry possessing the power to do so that they ...


... Divina Commedia, closing on that unforgettable note which one may venture to English, a little freely, thus: Then vigour failed the towering fantasy; Yet, like a wheel whose speed no tremble mars. Desire rushed on, its spur unceasingly The love that moves the sun and all the stars. Page 15 Reading your latest letter I remembered Sri Aurobindo's line to Ahana, the Dawn ...


...  Till Thy mercy flashed a beam on its dark eye And the heart found the ineffable knowledge sought!... Then vigour failed the towering fantasy; Yet, like a wheel whose speed no tremble mars,  Desire rushed on-—its spur unceasingly The Love that moves the sun and all the stars.     This poem was composed piecemeal and the last part Page 195 written first ...


... peace." Nought travels down the roadway save the breeze; And though beyond our gloom—throb after throb— Gathers the great heart of a silver mob, There is no haste in heaven, no frailty mars The very quiet business cf the stars.   SRI AUROBINDO'S COMMENT   'It is very successful—the last wo lines are very fine and the rest have their perfection. I should call it a mixture ...


... winging music-rush Upon thought's track.   Though syllables sweep Like golden birds, Far lonelihoods of sleep Dwindle my words.   Beyond life's clamour, A mystery mars Speech-light to a myriad stammer Of flickering stars.—   it is certainly the inner mind that has transformed the idea of stammering into a symbol of inner phenomena and into that operation ...


... impinges on us as right because of certain words used - "chaste breast", "quiet mind" - and because of the hell-let-loose of war which stands opposed to the peacetime pursuits of love, the violences of Mars which make the excitements of Eros seem in comparison an almost conventlike calm occupation. Any metaphysical poet would have envied the many-faceted ingeniousness of this lyric, but what is present ...


... imitated it amazingly well. The paintings of Velazquez—"The Toilet of Venus (Rokeby Venus)" and "The Immaculate Conception"—were charming. Then there was an attractive painting by Botticelli—"Venus and Mars". Matteo di Giovanni expressed in painting "The Assumption of the Virgin", which was ethereal. I viewed minutely the various portraits of great, noble ladies, who had placid faces—so content with their ...


... place of manifestation for Manu, the mental being, who is the nodus of manifest life-existence and the link between the life and the spirit. The present earth in its turn appears as the scene of life, Mars being its last theatre. In the Bhumi Agni Twashta is again the first principle, Matariswan the second, finally, Prajapati appears in the form of the four Manus, chatváro manavah. Not in the physical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... as Lila. Does Theosophy answer to this description? Everyone knows that it does not and cannot. The modern Theosophist tells us Page 73 much about Mahatmas, Kamaloka, Devachan, people on Mars, people on the Moon, astral bodies, precipitated letters, Akashic records and a deal of other matters, of high value if true and of great interest whether true or not. But what on earth, I should like ...


... Letters on the Mother Some Occult and Spiritual Experiences I have been wondering whether the Mother has been able to establish a direct connection with Mars or any other far-off planet which is probably habitable and inhabited. A long time ago Mother was going everywhere in the subtle body but she found it of a very secondary interest. Our attention ...

... psychic being, which is the result of the direct intervention of the Supreme, has been created here exactly for the necessities of this symbolic action. Are there really any beings on Jupiter or Mars? For me, if you ask me, there are beings everywhere. Everywhere. One doesn't see them, that's all. But they are everywhere. But certainly I don't think they are like what we see in the pictures—the ...


... and the door was shattered to pieces. Then the supramental Light and Force and Consciousness rushed down upon earth in an uninterrupted flow. 1 Page 94 1956 29 février—29 mars Seigneur, Tu as voulu et je réalise. Une lumière nouvelle point sur la terre, Un monde nouveau est né, Et les choses promises sont accomplies. 29 February—29 March Lord, Thou hast willed ...


... Page 111 Grand Frere, C'est Abhay Singh qui m'avait appris votre Nouvel fitat. Grand Frere, j'ai de la peine a la pensee de ne plus le voir a notre prochain voyage a Pondy en Mars, si je ne devais pas me faire operer de l'oeil gauche, je ne sais meme pas si j'irais en Inde l'annee prochaine. Dans mon coeur la certitude qu'il est pres de Mere et de Sri Aurobindo, alors tout ...


... " Nought travels down the roadway save the breeze; And though beyond our gloom—throb after throb— Gathers the great heart of a silver mob, There is no haste in heaven, no frailty mars The very quiet business of the stars. Sri Aurobindo's Comment "It is very successful—the last two lines are very fine and the rest have their perfection. I should call it a mixture ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... Journal Asiatique, CCXLVI, 1, 1958 (Paris) In Journal Asiatique, 1966 (Paris) In Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres: Comptes Rendus des Séaces de l'année 1970, Janvier- Mars, Paris Durant, Will, The Story of Civilization, I: Our Oriental Heritage (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1954) Encyclopedia Americana, The (New York, 1966), 20 Encyclopaedia ...


... it's far too personal—I said no. I am just showing it to you, but I told him, "No, I don't want." Q. "I have been wondering whether the Mother has been able to establish a direct connection with Mars or any other far off planet which is probably habitable and inhabited." Someone put this question to Sri Aurobindo. So now that people have landed on the moon... A. "A long time ago Mother ...


... mist wreathed waves turning round. Turning the colour of ashes and assuming a stern aspect, its rays grown faint, the sun appeared with a headless trunk in its lap and united with a comet. The planet Mars too evidently stood assailing in the heavens the constellation visakha, presided over by the gods Indra and Agni (the god of fire), which is propitious to the kings of Kosala. A bow held tightly (in ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... the lore of the mind and all the lore of the eye; and this mind was at the same time always that of a great poet and artist. There is not in his work the touch of pedantry or excessive learning that mars the art of some other Sanskrit poets, he knows how to subdue all his matter to the spirit of his art and to make the scholar and observer no more than a gatherer of materials for the poet, but the richness ...

... for the completion of the Yoga of Transformation and manifestation of the Supermind. In Nishikanto’s words, she was: O quintessential Fire of the universe, Primeval Queen, whose youth no ravage mars, Vicegerent of Lord Shiva! thou rainest still All boons—faith, courage, power invincible And yet remain’st ethereal, robed by skies: At thy flower-like feet the Soul, in homage, lies. A young sun-glint ...

... ----- t o evolve hereafter, not for immediate fruition and fulfilment. It is the Light that shines always even in this naughty world, a spark of the Grace that still relieves the blight that mars an otherwise sinful earth. She is the symbol of a promise or prophecy that will justify itself sometime in the future, but for the moment the burden of the gloom is too much upon her and she is engulfed ...

... Mahalakshmi, 275 Mahasaraswati,271 Mahashakti, 327 Maheshwari, 275 Maitreyi, 160 Manchester Guardian, the, 163n Mao-tse-Tung,242 Mara,280 Mars, 323 Maruts, 222 Marx, 128 -Dos Kapital, 118 Marxism, 326 Mathura, 91 Maupassant, 145 Maxwell, 308 Maya, 50, 55, 67, 280, 284, 361, ...

... pit as coagulated as basalt and as strident as neuralgia? One generally dies of it, or one has to be on one's deathbed to know what it is. There is nothing more unknown than the body – why go to Mars and the Moon when all universes are there? And all the secrets of all universes in a single little cell. Page 23 But we must go down there . * There is the other end of human experience ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolution II

... cell to the north of the village, on a piece of island sailing at some ninety thousand kilometres an hour round a sun, in the Bay of Bengal, on a great blue sea strewn with stars, somewhere between Mars and Venus, destruction and love, its two sisters... And then what?... We die and others come—who will remember? what does it matter? We last less than a stone, less than a crow. Oh! I saw that so clearly ...

... at random, Mirra visited distant planets, we learn from Sri Aurobindo. It was way back in 1934 when a disciple was "wondering whether the Mother has been able to establish a direct connection with Mars or any other far-off planet." Sri Aurobindo wrote back, "A long time ago Mother was going everywhere in the subtle body but she found it of a very secondary interest. Our attention must be fixed ...

... qualities, but varies from every other planet, and if Venus be the name and the star be feminine, is a dovelike white in complexion and yields an effulgence more tender than a girl's blush, but if he is Mars, burns with the sanguine fire of battle and rolls like a bloodshot eye through space, and if he is Saturn, has seven moons in his starry seraglio, and is richly orange in complexion like vapour coloured ...


... The phantoms serpentine as if in pain, And the dogs raised their dreadful heads. Then spoke Yama: "And what needs Love in this pale realm, The warm great Love? All worlds his breath confounds, Mars solemn order and old steadfastness. But not in Hell his legates come and go; His vernal jurisdiction to bare Hell Extends not. This last world resists his power Youthful, anarchic. Here will he ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... the lore of the mind and all the lore of the eye; and this mind was at the same time always that of a great poet and artist. There is not in his work the touch of pedantry or excessive learning that mars the art of some other Sanskrit poets, he knows how to subdue all his matter to the spirit of his art and to make the scholar and observer no more than a gatherer of materials for the poet, but the richness ...


... On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 110 110—To see the composition of the sun or the lines of Mars is doubtless a great achievement; but when thou hast the instrument that can show thee a man's soul as thou seest a picture, then thou wilt smile at the wonders of physical Science as the playthings of babies. This is the continuation of what ...


... and Bliss of existence. For this immense task it is equipped only with the instruments of its original Ignorance. Its limited being is the cause of all the difficulty, discord, struggle, division that mars life. The limitation of its consciousness, unable to dominate or assimilate the contacts of the universal Energy, is the cause of all its suffering, pain and sorrow. Its limited power of consciousness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... winging music-rush     Upon thought's track. Page 60 Though syllables sweep     Like golden birds, Far lonelihoods of sleep     Dwindle my words. Beyond life's clamour,     A mystery mars Speech-light to a myriad stammer     Of flickering stars. It is a very true and beautiful poem—the subject of the outward stammer seems to be only a starting point or excuse for expressing an ...


... Nought travels down the roadway save the breeze; Page 510 And though beyond our gloom—throb after throb— Gathers the great heart of a silver mob, There is no haste in heaven, no frailty mars The very quiet business of the stars. It is very successful—the last two lines are very fine and the rest have their perfection. I should call it a mixture of inspiration and cleverness—or perhaps ...


... he quite certain whether poetic composition is conscious or unconscious (p. 348 and ff.) Psychologically it is both, or let us say, partly conscious and partly subconscious. and he sometimes mars the utility of his criticism by taking refuge in such phrases as "the rhythmic rendering of significance" (p. 360) and "the native utterance of things seen" which "conveys by significant sound its natural ...


... rupa now manifest with considerable perfection and frequency. There is a movement towards the expulsion of the fragmentary recurrence of discomfort in particular sights, sounds, touches, smells which mars the perfection of the vishayananda (bhoga) in the indriyas. Manas in physical prana & manas in psychical prana may still keep recurrences of discomfort for a time, so that discomfort of physical pain ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Teilhard wants us to take this statement "quite literally". 21 A literal interpretation conjures up at once the historical background of Stoic thought to Paul's pronouncements in the midst of Mars' Hill. As everybody knows, Paul himself refers to it when immediately after that great formula he declares: "As certain of your own poets have said, for we also Page 108 are ...

... The Adventure of the Apocalypse Full moon The full moon comes to make all life complete, But ever a shadow on the broad white disk Mars the one perfect and entire dream Earth-nature strives to reach through changing lights— High beauty haunted by a nameless lack! I look within and bear the same bliss-break. The full moon like some ...

... distancing of "misery" from "mighty" weakens the alliterative suggestions on which we have dwelt. And the placing of "dead" right in the middle of the line robs the line of its prolonged pathos and mars the development of the tragedy: the phrase about misery seems tagged on, an after-thought if not even a superfluity. Besides, there is a weak trailing away of the metrical movement: the stress in "misery" ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... alert exploitation of man's folly and frailty. The term "frailty" recalls to me lines of another poet, indicative of God's work through the cosmic process: There is no haste in heaven, no frailty mars The very quiet business of the stars. I used to quote fairly often from this poet during the first year of my professorship and give his name as Narik Lama. The name intrigued a Dutch lady ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... above his attained level, & they are hard to his unaided effort; but they become at once easy & simple when God in man takes up the contract. 110) To see the composition of the sun or the lines of Mars is doubtless a great achievement; but when thou hast the instrument that can show thee a man's soul as thou seest a picture, then thou wilt smile at the wonders of physical Science as the playthings ...


... music-rush Upon thought's track. Though syllables sweep Like golden birds. Far lonelihoods of sleep Dwindle my words. Beyond life's clamour, A mystery mars Speech-light to a myriad stammer Of nickering stars.— it is certainly the inner mind that has transformed the idea of stammering into a symbol of inner phenomena and into that operation ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... Till Thy mercy flashed a beam on its dark eye And the heart found the ineffable knowledge sought!... Then vigour failed the towering fantasy; Yet, like a wheel whose speed no tremble mars. Desire rushed on—its spur unceasingly The Love that moves the sun and all the stars. This poem was composed piecemeal and the last part written first, starting with the line, "What ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... music-rush Upon thought's track. Though syllables sweep Like golden birds, Far lonelihoods of sleep Dwindle my words. Beyond life's clamour, A mystery mars Speech-light to a myriad stammer Of flickering stars. Sri Aurobindo's remark on the poem is revealing: "It is certainly the inner mind that has transformed the idea of stammering ...


... travels down the roadway save the breeze; And though beyond our gloom - throb after throb - Gathers the great heart of a silver mob, There is no haste in heaven, no frailty mars The very quiet business of the stars. (The Secret Splendour, p. 167) As Aurobindo aptly explains, images like "thrilling birdnews”, "grassy shops", "silver mob" are "an ...


... has never a name, Are gone when the face is earth Too clear in the sun's flame.   O lie in the arms of night, And the darkness may wed  Your mouth to the Mouth daylight  Mars even in Helen's bed. Page 701 ...


... voile, si come rota ch'igualmente e mossa, l'Amor che move il sole e 1'altre stelle. 1 1. Then vigour failed the towering fantasy; Yet, like a wheel whose speed no tremble mars. Desire rushed on, its spur unceasingly The Love that moves the sun and the other stars. Page 181 ...


... aspects according to the countries and civilisations,’ said the Mother. The cosmic forces are evidently the same in the whole cosmos, but in the conceptual world of the humans they are called Demeter, Mars, the archangel Gabriel, Anubis or Krishna. The Spirit’s truths take form as living Gods And each can build a world in its own right. 2 — Savitri ‘The Gods … are in origin and essence ...


... increase of the human population which seems unstoppable. Gaia in Trouble James Lovelock (°1919) is a scientist and inventor who at one time collaborated with NASA in their search for life on Mars. He became sincerely worried because of the damage done to the terrestrial environment by a careless humanity, increasing beyond all proportions. He formulated the analysis of his worries in Gaia: ...

... Underneath my letter Roger wrote: C' etait it y a longtemps, au debut. L' important c' est de prevoir une piece pour elle dans les jardins. Mère le 15 mars 1973 That was long ago, at the beginning. The important thing is to plan a room for her in the gardens. The Mother 15 March 1973 ...


... physically."—"Oh, that..." Immediately their eyes open wide, it becomes something unreal! Then Mother prepares the next aphorism: 110—To see the composition of the sun or the lines of Mars is doubtless a great achievement; but when thou hast the instrument that can show thee a man's soul as thou seest a picture, then thou wilt smile at the wonders of physical Science as the playthings ...


... back The winging music-rush Upon thought's track. Though syllables sweep Like golden birds Far lonelihoods of sleep Dwindle my words.- Beyond life's clamour A mystery mars  Speech-light to a myriad stammer Of flickering stars. Page 191 equally good! For the White Goddess is Infinity calling. She is the endless Creatrix and from each creature ...


... energy. But his boldness never overshoots its mark or becomes ugly or discordant. Study the Satanic council in Book II and you will find no ugliness in this power, no distorting clumsiness that mars by its impudent and disharmonic puissance the texture and drama of the epic. Rather there is a control in all his passionate utterances. There is nobility in all his power. Further, Milton is conscious ...

... silence in our heart? We are heaven-haunted wanderers apart For whom earth's lures have ceased since that strange hour. Speak over our graves within you: "Never breath Of sorrowful longing mars their passion-death."   20.6.32     * The first stanza is a free translation of some lines of Lucretius:    Iam iam non domus accipiet te laeta, neque uxor  Optima nec dulces ...


... The Secret Splendour   The full moon comes to make all life complete, But ever a shadow on the broad white disk Mars the one perfect and entire dream Earth-nature strives to reach through changing lights— High beauty haunted by a nameless lack!   I look within and bear the same bliss-break. The full moon like some mighty mirror hangs ...


... Ilion he finally deserts the city, though he stands behind Paris in the battle, leaving it open to destruction by the Greeks. Ares: the Greek war-god, identified with the Roman Mars. The Greeks had a less exalted conception of him than the Romans, however, tending to see him as a mere instigator of strife. He was the son of Zeus and Hera, and sided with the Trojans against ...


... planet the little prince came from was scarcely any larger than a house! But that did not really surprise me much. I knew very well that in addition to the great planets — such as the Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Venus — to which we have given names, there are also hundreds of others, some of which are so small that one has a hard time seeing them through the telescope. When an astronomer discovers one of these ...

... Harper and Brothers, 1960. Hourdin, Georges. Une civilisation des loisirs. Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1961. Jouvenel, Bertrand de. "Le mieux-vivre dans la société riche" in Diogene, No. 33, jan-mars 1961. Marx, Karl, and Engels, Friedrich. The Communist Manifesto. 1848. Muresanu, C. L'education de ['adolescent par la composition libre. Neuchâtel and Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé Nehru ...

... but it must be correct to the minute." Lagna [ascendant] in karkata [cancer]; lagnapati [lord of the ascendant], the Moon, is in the sixth ( = enemy) [Mangal = Mars; Brihaspati = Jupiter; Ravi = Sun; Sukra = Venus; Budh = Mercury; Sani = Saturn; Chandra = Moon] Page 100 Many of us have heard of world-renowned astrologers and their striking ...