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Matariswan Matarisvan : Vedic Vāyu (q.v.); as Prāṇa, he extends himself in Matter & vivifies it; he brought down / produced Agni for the Bhrigus’ Yajñas.
... Brahman, the Supreme Entity, that Matariswan orders the waters. By this, as Shankara points out, it is meant that only so long as the Supreme Self is there, can the activity of Matariswan be conceived as possible. As ether, the matrix, is the continent and condition of Matariswan and his works, so is Brahman the continent and condition of ether and its evolution. Matariswan is born out of ether and works... matter, is able to take up the pursuit and investigate the secrets of psychic existence in a subtler and freer world. VIII. Matariswan and the Waters. We are now in a position to consider what may [be] the precise meaning of the Upanishad when it says that in It Matariswan ordereth the waters. Shankara takes apah in a somewhat unusual and peculiar sense and interprets, "Air orders or arranges... matter and as soon as that state is overpassed, Prana is impossible. Throughout there is this close identification of Prana with activity. It may well be said, therefore, that Matariswan is that which arranges actions. Matariswan is the philosophical expression for Vayu, the aerial principle. It means that which moves in the mother or matrix and the word implies the three main characteristics of the ...
... uncompleted exegesis, it would be premature. I shall first indicate the principle on which the roots of the devabhasha were formed. All shabda (vak) as it manifests out of the akasha by the force of Matariswan, the great active and creative energy, and is put in its place in the flux of formed things (apas) carries with it certain definite significances (artha). These are determined by the elements through ...
... Mahavishnu is the Virat Purusha who as Agni pours Himself out into the forms of sun and star. He is Agni Twashtá, Visvakarman, he is also Prajápati and Matariswan. These are the three primal Purushas of the earth life,—Agni Twashta, Prajápáti & Matariswan, all of them soul bodies of Mahavishnu. Agni Twashta having made the Sun out of the Apas or waters of being, Prajapati as Surya Savitri enters into... nce and the link between the life and the spirit. The present earth in its turn appears as the scene of life, Mars being its last theatre. In the Bhumi Agni Twashta is again the first principle, Matariswan the second, finally, Prajapati appears in the form of the four Manus, chatváro manavah. Not in the physical world at first, but in the mental world which stands behind the earth-life; for earth has ...
... 225, 382 Mahalakshmi, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Mahasaraswati, 44, 207-10, 225 Mahashakti, 67, 198 Mahavira, 44, 207 Maheshwari, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Manicheism, 127 Mary, 82 Matariswan, 44 Michael Angelo, 210 Middle Ages, the, 134, 139, 149, 421 Milton, 156n. – Paradise Lost, 156n Mimansakas,137 Mitra, 207 Morgan, 56-7 Mother, The, 63, 65-6, 270, ...
... Not at all; it is the explicit statement of the Veda itself: "One existent, sages"—not the ignorant, mind you, but the seers, the men of knowledge,—"speak of in many ways, as Indra, as Yama, as Matariswan, as Agni." The Vedic Rishis ought surely to have known something about their own religion, more, let us hope, than Roth or Max Muller, and this is what they knew. We are aware how modern scholars ...
... in truth, is the Brahman. He says "There is One who unmoving is swifter than mind, neither have the gods reached It for it goes always in front. Standing, it outstrips others as they run. In It Matariswan sets activity. That moves & that does not move; that is far & the same that is verily near; That is within all this, the same that is outside all this." Not only the stable but the unstable; not... it explicitly; for, unless it is assumed, the second movement of the Sage's thought cannot be entirely understood by us. It is, indeed, the foundation of all Vedantic thinking. In this Brahman Matariswan sets activity. Tasminn apo Matariswa dadhati. Tasmin, in the containing, stable & fulfilling active Brahman already described; Apas, work or activity (Latin opus), this Vedic word being used in ... the culminating phrase of this shloka, is the Sage's intention to emphasise the divineness of that particular movement of Prakriti which is the basis of karmani, human action in this mortal life. Matariswan is the energy of God in Prakriti which enters into as into a womb or matrix (Matar), is first concealed in,—as a child in the womb—& then emerges out of the static condition of extension, represented ...
... tad ekam , That One; tat satyam , That Truth. "The Existent is One," says Rishi Dirghatamas, "but the sages express It variously ; they say Indra, Varuna, Mitra, Agni ; they call it Agni, Yama, Matariswan ..." (I.164.46). This solar vision does not annul our earth, but fulfils it: "Then, indeed, they awoke and saw all behind and wide around them, then, indeed, they held the ecstasy that is enjoyed ...
... of the world, as the unity and as the multiplicity, through Vidya & through Avidya, in the Spirit and in the world, by God above Nature and by Nature in God. Ishwara, Brahman, the Life-principle Matariswan, the Bright and Pure Stillness, the supreme & absolute Personality, the triple Purusha, Surya, Sachchidananda, Agni,—successively he presents to us in the course of his thought these names, aspects ...
... counts for much less than this pranic energy. Subsequently the basis of the telepathic trikaldrishti Page 290 was shown to reside in the perception of the movements of this pranic energy, Matariswan, which governs action, apo Matariswa dadhati. An ant was climbing up the wall in an upward stream of ants; there was no sign of its reversing its progress; but the trikaldrishti saw that the ant ...
... ) were indeed acknowledged to be but different names and forms of one supreme godhead ( devā ) it is the one god, says Rishi Dirghatamas, who is called multifariously whether as Agni or Yam a or Matariswan; it is the one god, again, who is described as having a thousand heads and a thousand feet. And yet they are separate entities, Page 44 each has his own distinct and distinctive character ...
... were indeed acknowledged' to be but different names and forms of one supreme godhead (devah): it is the one god, says Rishi Dirghatamas, who is called multifariously whether as Agni or Yama or Matariswan; it is the one god, again, who is described as having a thousand heads and a thousand feet. And yet they are separate entities, Page 43 each has his own distinct and distinctive character ...
... were indeed acknowledged to be but different names and forms of one supreme godhead (devah) : it is the one god, says Rishi Dirgha-tamas, who is called multifariously whether as Agni or Yama or Matariswan; it is the Page 42 one god, again, who is described as having a thousand heads and a thousand feet. And yet they are separate entities, each has his own distinct and distinctive ...
... g the best souls from life, by discouraging through their thought & example,—the thought & example of the best, yad yad acharati sreshthah,—the sraddha of life, the full confident self-acting of Matariswan even in those who have practically accepted & cling to the burden of worldly existence, he has enlarged the original Vedantic seed of ascetic tendency into a gigantic growth of stillness & world-disgust ...
... pervasion which the अ only involves and implies. Vayu is he who exists or moves pervading the whole world. The meaning “to blow” is of subsequent development and attached only to the physical aspect of Matariswan manifesting in gross matter as the Wind. It is more prominent in the word वातः. Page 349 आयाहि । Come! य, या express general motion to or from as opposed to the intenser and narrower ...
... at first, a dualism of Force & Matter, but we know in our hearts that the two are one & we are driven at last to admit that ultimate unity. But what is this energy? It is, says the Vedanta, Prana, Matariswan, Life-Force or Vital Energy, that which organises itself in man as nervous energy & creates & carries on the processes & activities of life in material form. We find this same nervous & vital energy ...
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