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Memphis : capital of Lower Egypt, & centre of the Old Kingdom (c. 2686-2160 BC). It was south of the Nile Delta, near modern Cairo.
... hypothetical Indian component of the Memphis-garrison which, according to Herodotus, who visited the city in 453 B.C., consisted largely of Persians but also of "others" - a small component which T. Balakrishnan Nayar, discussing the find, considers to have left in 405 B.C. (long before the time of Philadelphus): "When the Persian occupation ceased, the Indian colony at Memphis also would have ceased." 1 ... for this complete lack of interest here when interest is abundantly shown in so many Indian things? It will not help at all to deny the lack by asking: "What about the 'Buddha-head' found in Memphis and dated by Sir Flinders Petrie as far back as the 5th century B.C. when that city was the capital of Egypt under the Persians? Does it not show sufficient Buddhist influence in the land of Ptolemy ...
... truth breaks out at last. Page 257 PHAYLLUS This is a slave the surplus mud of Nile Engendered. Shall we wrong the Queen by hearing her? MENTHO I was a noble Egyptian's wife in Memphis, No slave, thou Syrian mongrel, and my word May stand against a perjured queen's. EUNICE ( leaning forward ) Is't done? Nicanor who has been hesitating, observes her action and stands forward ...
... younger born than she are dead and only their monuments left behind them. Greece and Egypt exist only on the map and in name, for it is not the soul of Hellas or the deeper nation-soul that built Memphis which we now find at Athens or at Cairo. Rome imposed a political and a purely outward cultural unity on the Mediterranean peoples, but their living spiritual and cultural oneness she could not create ...
... who serves Aton’ and ‘reflection of Aton.’ And not only did he change his name, he founded a totally new city, Akhetaton, ‘Horizon of Aton,’ on the right bank of the Nile, halfway between Thebes and Memphis. The name of the city may be understood as the projection of the Sun World into the material world of the earth. This splendid city, entirely dedicated to the new creed, was built in an incredibly ...
... writes Sethna, "and Moses parleying with the Pharaoh in some city to which he comes from the Israelites and which, not having to be Raamses, could be anywhere in Egypt." This city he identfies as Memphis, the capital of Thutmose III and his two successors Amenhotep (Amenophis II) and Thutmose (Tuthmosis IV), located near Goshen. It is evidence of Sethna's unflinching dedication to seeking out the truth ...
... suspected of not being genuine, they have gradually gained acceptance as expressions of the authentic wisdom in such centres of ancient Egypt as Heliopolis, Hermopolis, and the great temples of Luxor and Memphis. “Or are you ignorant, Asclepius,” one reads in the text of the same name, “that Egypt is the image of heaven? Moreover, it is the dwelling place of heaven and all the forces that are in heaven ...
... only worshipped the Light, pure and free. In 1369 B.C., this "modern" couple founded the new city of Amarna, which means Horizon. It became the capital of Egypt. It was situated midway between Memphis (Cairo) and Thebes (Luxor), on the eastern bank of the Nile. At this place, the cliffs of the high desert shift away from the river and form a wide hemicircle of fertile soil, some 12 kms long and ...
... image—in the words of the Rishis, 'make earth and heaven equal and one.' There is obviously a Secret, and all the traditions bear witness to it—the Rishis, the Mages of Iran, the priests of Chaldea or Memphis or Yucatan.... When he first read the Vedas—translated by Western Sanskritists or Indian pandits—they appeared to Sri Aurobindo as 'an important document of [Indian] history, but seemed of scant ...
... the aspect of Fate: the Shakti who had sustained Indian culture through millenniums and endowed it with a living continuity from a past beyond that of Egypt or Greece or Rome to a present in which Memphis is but a wonderful momory, Periclean Athens no more than a mass of magnificent ruins and the Rome of the Caesars only the windswept and grass-covered Coliseum - the perpetual Shakti tore the veil between ...
... younger born than she are dead and only their monuments left behind them. Greece and Egypt exist only on the map and in name, for it is not the soul of Hellas or the deeper nation-soul that built Memphis, which we now find at Athens or at Cairo. Rome imposed a political and a purely outward cultural unity on the Mediterranean peoples, but their living spiritual and cultural oneness she could not create ...
... words of the Rishis, "Heaven and Earth equal and one." There is a Secret, that is clear. All traditions bear witness to it, whether the Rishis or the Magi of Persia, the priests of Chaldea or Memphis or Yucatan, the hierophants of Eleusis or even our Celts. We have forgotten. We have lost the Word. ...I perceived the Law, The Truth, the Vast, From which we came and which we are; I heard ...
... "By the form of the columns and the carvings on them, by the paintings, so magnificent and yet so sober, that adorn the walls, I realize that I am in one of those superb palaces of ancient Egypt, in Memphis or Thebes. "The hall is filled with a picturesque crowd; bright-coloured loincloths and plumed headdresses, jewels and draperies make up a rich and strange harmony. All eyes are turned to the ...
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