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Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]

Navakishan : Navakrishna Deb (1733-97): born in Gobindapur: father died while he was still young: at 18 he was Persian Munshi to Warren Hastings: he early entered the service of Lokhhi (Lakshmi) Kānta (alias Naku Dhur), Baniā of Clive: subsequently became a Munshi to Clive who had made a fortune after the Battle of Plassey (23Jun1757) & founded the Sobhabazar Deb House in Calcutta: in 1765 Clive procured from Emperor Shah Alam the title of Raja Bahadur for him, besides appointing him Political Diwan to the E.I. Company: in 1766 he was made Maharaja Bahadur & began to preside over Caste Tribunals: his appointments were continued under Warren Hastings, who, in 1780s, appointed him manager of the Burdwan zamindari. [Buckland; s/a Horu Thakur] A report of Sri Aurobindo’s speech on “Bande Mataram” in Amraoti on 29th Jan.1908: “The song, he said, was not only a national anthem to be looked on as the European nations look upon their own, but one replete with mighty power, being a sacred mantra, revealed to us by the author of Ananda Math, who might be called an inspired Rishi. He described the manner in which the mantra had been revealed to Bankim Chandra, probably by a Sannyasi under whose teaching he was. He said that the mantra was not an invention, but a revivification of the old mantra which had become extinct, so to speak, by the treachery of one Navakishan.” [SABCL Vol.1:666]

1 result/s found for Navakishan

... by a Sannyasi under whose teaching he was. He said that the mantra was not an invention, but a revivification of the old mantra which had become extinct, so to speak, by the treachery of one Navakishan." Page 258 Mahakali at Lalgola's temple Now, by a strange coincidence, a newspaper article 1 came into my hands, which describes how Bankim and the Raja ...