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Nereid : daughters of the sea-god Nereus & of Doris: They preside over the Ocean, & protect sailors in distress in the form of nymphs.

10 result/s found for Nereid

... firmly persuaded that he was under the special protection of the gods, and therefore _______________ 1 Achilles in Greek mythology, son of the mortal Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and the Nereid, or sea nymph, Thetis. He was the bravest handsomest, and greatest warrior of the army of Agamemnon in the Trojan War. During the first nine years of the war, Achilles ravaged the country around Troy ...


... we will inquire into the beauty of a Greek design, for the Greeks were the only painters who understood the value of design, and we will as usual take an example of perfect beauty. Do you know the Nereid and Sea-Horse? Wilson —Very intimately. Keshav —Then, if you have not forgotten how in that in comparable work of art to every mass there is another and answering mass and to the limbs floating ...


... son of Telamon, he was also called the Telamonian Ajax. He was the leader of the warriors of Salamis and is already slain by Penthesilea at the opening of Ilion. Amphitrite: one of the Nereids, queen of the sea, wife of Poseidon and mother of Triton. Ananke: personification of compelling Necessity or ultimate Fate to which even Zeus and the gods are subject. Anchises: a... Zeus to repopulate the island of Aegina (the kingdom of his son Aeacus, Achilles' grandfather) after a plague. They later migrated to Phthia, and Achilles was their leader in the Trojan war. Nereids: the daughters of the sea-god Nereus, and of Doris. They were nymphs who presided over the sea, protecting sailors in distress. Page 120 Nymphs: Any of the minor divinities of Nature... Highest Mountain range in the Peloponnesus. Themis: Titaness who came to personify law and justice; her name probably meant "steadfast". Page 124 Thetis: A sea goddess, one of the Nereids. She was desired by Zeus, but he learned that she was destined to have a son who would be greater than his father. He consequently gave her in marriage to Peleus, king of Phthia, to whom she bore ...

... of genius for a poet to bring in any word again which has already been used close-by. Thus, Coleridge looks at those phrases in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra - Her gentle women, like the Nereides, So many mermaids, tended her i' the eyes, And made their bends adornings: at the helm A seeming mermaid steers - Page 130 and noting the occurrence of "mermaids" ...

... of genius for a poet to bring in any word again which has already been used close-by. Thus, Coleridge looks at those phrases in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra– Her gentle women, like the Nereides, So many mermaids, tended her i' the eyes, And made their bends adornings: at the helm A seeming mermaid steers– and noting the occurrence of "mermaids" and "mermaid" with no more ...

... than heaven's that are bare and undying, Marvels of Time on the crest of the moments to Infinity flying. Earth has her godheads; the Tritons sway on the toss of the billows, Emerald locks of the Nereids stream on their foam-crested pillows, Dryads peer out from the branches, Naiads glance up from the waters; High are her flame-points of joy and the gods are ensnared by her daughters. Artemis calls ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... and the food of her love and her laughter. Is He then first? Was there none before Him? shall none come after? We too have gods,—the Tritons rise in the leap of the billows, Emerald locks of the Nereids stream on their foam-crested pillows, Dryads sway out from the branches, Naiads glance up through the waters; Heaven has dances of joy and the gods are ensnared by her daughters. Artemis calls as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Up from the seats of the Mighty the Earth-shaker rose; his raiment Round him purple and dominant rippled and murmured and whispered, Whispered of argosies sunk and the pearls and the Nereids playing, Murmured of azure solitudes, sounded of storm and the death-wail. Even as the march of his waters so was the pace of the sea-god Flowing on endless through Time; with the glittering ...

... worlds of mind or it could not maintain its existence. From this idea to the peopling of the world with innumerable mental & vital existences,—existences essentially vital like the Naiads, Dryads, Nereids, Genii, Lares & Penates of the Greeks and Romans, the wood-gods, river-gods, house-gods, tree-deities, snake-deities of the Indians, or mental like the intermediate gods of our old Pantheon, would ...

... the ocean." Up from the seats of the Mighty the Earth-shaker rose. His raiment Round him purple and dominant rippled and murmured and whispered, Whispered of argosies sunk and the pearls and the Nereids playing, Murmured of azure solitudes, sounded of storm and the death-wail. Even as the march of his waters so was the pace of the sea-god Flowing on endless through Time; with the glittering symbol ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems