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Nicias : (d.413 BC), Athenian statesman who opposed Cleon after Pericles’ death.

2 result/s found for Nicias

... 427 BC — Birth of Plato. 423 BC — Aristophanes's play Clouds, satirizing Socrates, is performed for the first time. 421 BC — Peace of Nicias is signed between Sparta and Athens proposing fifty years of peace. 420 BC — Alcibiades is named commander-in-chief. 416 BC — Athenian forces attack the... refers to pro-Spartan youth as "socratified." 413 BC — Sparta, supported by Persia, declares war on Athens. Sparta claims the Athenians had repeatedly violated the Peace of Nicias. 411 BC — Alcibiades overthrows democracy in Athens and the dictatorship of the Four Hundred takes over. 410 BC — After four months in power, the dictatorship ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... fixed hierarchy. The natural social type of the small community is such as we see in Athens, where not only Cleon, the tanner, exercised as strong a political influence as the highborn and wealthy Nicias and the highest offices and civic functions were open to men of all classes, but in social functions and connections also there was a free association and equality. We see a similar democratic equality ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle