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Olynthian : of Olynthus, Greek city on the peninsula of Chalcidice.
... Within its ruined house to stay immured, With parallel disaster and o'erthrow Hadst daunted and their conjured strength laid low. But time was adverse. Thus too Heracles In exile closed by the Olynthian seas, Not seeing Thebes nor Dirce any more, His friendless eyelids on an alien shore. Yet not unbidden of heaven the men renowned Have laboured, though no fruit apparent crowned Nor praise c ...
... liberty To his Philistian foes, refer, of course, to Samson, with an elliptical Latinism in "who" for "Him who"; while the reference in Thus too Heracles In exile closed by the Olynthian seas, Not seeing Thebes nor Dirce any more, His friendless eyelids on an alien shore, is to Hercules, called Heracles by the Greeks, a native of Page 335 Thebes ...
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