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Ossian : Scottish Gaelic name for Oisin, an Irish warrior-poet called Ossian. MacPherson (q.v.) produced two epics, Fingal & Tremor, purporting to be translations from the Gaelic of Ossian. They were much admired by Goethe & others for their romantic spirit & rhythm, but their authenticity was challenged notably by Dr. Johnson. The epics infuriated Irish scholars because they mixed Fenian & Ulster legends indiscriminately & because Macpherson claimed the Irish heroes were Caledonians & a glory to Scotland’s rather than Ireland’s past.
... Chatterton. 3) Describe the character of Chatterton's forgeries and estimate their effects on the value of his poetry. 4) Discuss the conflicting estimates of Chatterton's poetry. 5) What is the Ossian controversy? What stage has the controversy reached at present? 6) Macpherson's work is often condemned as empty and turgid declamation. How far is this view justified? 7) State the author & ...
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