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9 result/s found for Overmind Gnosis

... idea as to what quality of rhythm, language and substance would constitute the differences in expression from the several levels. I should like particularly to know about the Overmind Gnosis.) "As for the Overmind Gnosis, I cannot yet say anything—I am familiar with its workings, but they are not easily describable and, as for poetry, I have not yet observed sufficiently to say whether it... distinguished from the Overmind itself. In one letter you make four divisions: mental Overmind, intuitive Overmind, true Overmind and supramentalised Overmind. You have also used the expression: "Overmind Gnosis." This must correspond to "Overmind itself" and "true Overmind". But, if "intuitive Overmind" is different from "mental Overmind", "mental Overmind" must now mean something other than a massive... called a mental Overmind—then it lifts these lower movements and the intuitive mind together into a higher reach of itself, forming there the Overmind Intuition, and then all that into the Overmind Gnosis awaiting the supramental transformation. The Overmind 'touch' on the Higher Mind and Illumined Mind can thus raise towards the O.I. or to the O.G. or leave in the M.O.; but estimating at a glance ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overhead Poetry

... idea as to what quality of rhythm, language and substance would constitute the differences in expression from the several levels. I should like particularly to know about the Overmind Gnosis.)   "As for the Overmind Gnosis, I cannot yet say anything—I am familiar with its workings, but they are not easily describable and, as for poetry, I have not yet observed sufficiently to say whether it enters... distinguished from the Overmind itself. In one letter you make four divisions: mental Overmind, intuitive Overmind, true Overmind and supramentalised Overmind. You have also used the expression: "Overmind Gnosis." This must correspond to "Overmind itself" and "true Overmind". But, if "intuitive Overmind" is different from "mental Overmind", "mental Overmind" must now mean something other than a massive... be called a mental Overmind—then it lifts these lower movements and the intuitive mind together into a higher reach of itself, forming there the Overmind Intuition, and then all that into the Overmind Gnosis awaiting the supramental transformation. The Overmind 'touch' on the Higher Mind and Illumined Mind can thus raise towards the O.I. or to the O.G. or leave in the M.O.; but estimating at a glance ...


... from there? If not, is it possible to give some idea as to what quality of rhythm, language and substance would constitute the difference between the expression of the Overmind Intuition and the Overmind Gnosis? Those four lines I quoted to you from yourself the other day—where do they hail from? Arms taking to a voiceless supreme delight,     Life that meets the Eternal with close breast,     An... really very difficult for me to say anything in this respect about my own poetry; there is too complex a working of the Consciousness for it to be possible for me to classify and define. As for the Overmind Gnosis, I cannot yet say anything—I am familiar with its workings, but they are not easily definable or describable and, as for poetry, I have not yet observed sufficiently to say whether it enters in... be called a mental Overmind—then it lifts these lower movements and the intuitive mind together into a higher reach of itself, forming there the Overmind Intuition, and then all that into the Overmind Gnosis awaiting the supramental transformation. The overmind "touch" on the Higher Mind and Illumined Mind can thus raise towards the O.I. or to the O.G. or leave it in the M.O.; but, estimating at a ...


... movement and all movements, with a constant extension and play of possibilities which is infinite, even in its multitude of determinations endless and indeterminable. If the power of an ordering overmind Gnosis intervenes, then there is a cosmic structure of the consciousness and action, but this is not like the rigid mental structures; it is plastic, organic, something that can grow and develop and ...


... movement and all movements, with a constant extension and play of possibilities which is infinite, even in its multitude of determinations endless and indeterminable. If the power of an ordering overmind gnosis intervenes, then there is a cosmic structure of the consciousness and action, but this is not like the rigid mental structures; it is plastic, organic, something that can grow and develop and stretch ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... movement and all movements, with a constant extension and play of possibilities which is infinite, even in its multitude of determinations endless and indeterminable. If the power of an ordering overmind Gnosis intervenes, then there is a cosmic structure of the consciousness and action, but this is not like the rigid mental structures; it is plastic, organic, something that can grow and develop and ...

... planes of overmind that are more and more connected with the supermind and have a Page 153 partly supramental character. Highest in the overmind ranges is the supramental Overmind or Overmind gnosis. But these are things you cannot understand until you get a higher experience. It [ the overmind ] can for convenience be divided into four planes—mental overmind and the three you have ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... them. Several of their elements leave us in a blur. We might have been helped if there had been private records of Sri Aurobindo himself, such as those which yielded to us the mention of the Overmind Gnosis. Unfortunately no diary-notes of the Master from 1920 to 1926 exist. All we are left with is the sense of the time-span within which the process must have taken place. ¹. Purani, ...

... sporadic recurrence of its reflex action in the Subconscient, one has then to rise into the Overmind which is beyond the Higher Mind, Illumined Mind and the plane of Intuition, and bring down the Overmind gnosis into the Subconscient and the Inconscient. The Overmental widening of consciousness is a global universalisation, and its perfection marks the snapping of all egoistic bonds, and a considerable ...