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Panchatantra : animal fables for children in prose & verse by Vishnu Sharma.
... Jonaraja's history of Cashmere, the collections of religious or romantic or realistic tales, the Jatakas, the Kathasaritsagara with its opulence and inexhaustible abundance of narrative in verse, the Panchatantra and the more concise Hitopadesha which develop the form of the animal fable to make a piquant setting for a mass of acute worldly wisdom and policy and statecraft, and a great body of other less ...
... Nirodbaran, 188-9 Nepal , 254 Nishikanta, 195-6 Nripendrakrishna, 190-1 ODYSSEY, 22 PADMA,287 Palit, Labanya, 169 Panchatantra, 77 Panis, 272 Paraclete, 23 Parasurama, 148 Parvati, 152, 154 Pondicherry , 11n., 12 Pulastya, 149 RADHA, 307 ...
... taught the lessons of long flight – perhaps now they could fly some thousands of miles at a stretch without rest. One day the pioneer bird – let us give him a name "Shobhanaka", à la manière de Panchatantra e.g. Damanaka, Karataka, Bhasunaka etc. for he was very fine to look at, so Shobhanaka told his comrades: Long flight is not sufficient, not only horizontal flight but a vertical flight should ...
... Mahabharata and the Ramayana, Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti and Bhartrihari and Jayadeva and the other rich creations of classical Indian drama and poetry and romance, the Dhammapada and the Jatakas, the Panchatantra, Tulsidas, Vidyapati and Chandidas and Ramprasad, Ramdas and Tukaram, Tiruvalluvar and Kamban and the songs of Nanak and Kabir and Mirabai and the southern Shaiva saints and the Alwars,—to name ...
... patient and know what we ask for. For if our mind is cluttered with the wants, our life will be joyless and barren. Contentment, in one word, is the secret of the consolation of life. The tales of Panchatantra teach us a lesson when we are told, for instance, the entire world is spread with leather to the person who wears merely a pair of shoes. La Fontaine had a story to tell on contentment ...
... punarmusika: a Sanskrit idiom which literally means, "going back to the state of being a mouse", signifying a lapse into one's original state. The expression is derived from a story in the Panchatantra about a mouse that sought a boon from a Rishi to be able to take any form as desired to overcome the limitations of its puny existence but runs into life- threatening situations in every other ...
... written "around 300 A.D." What is more, Mehendale's inference is itself arbitrary. The time of the original need not have been so close to that of the translation. Between the translations of the Panchatantra and the original, more than four centuries could elapse. Between the translation by Somadeva (c. 1070 A.D.) and the original Brihatkathā of Gunādhya more than five centuries at the least and ...
... 201, 202 Palirhda/Palinda/Parimda/Pulinda/ Paulinda, 272-3, 274 Pallava, 274 Palmyra, 235, 350, 352 Panchalas, 97, 209 Panchasiddhāntikā, 50, 53, 227. 464, 600 Panchatantra, 561, 564-5 Pandae, 166 Pandaia, 95 Pāndava brothers, 3 Pandey.R. B., 501, 517, 586 Pandugati, Panduka, 175 Pāndus, Pāndya, 95 Pāndyas. 211, 283.378-81, 597 Pāndya ...
... residuary school, the parents should always be at their best behaviour, leading their children gently on, never shirking the truth and illustrating precepts by simple tales, fables or parables (as in Panchatantra, Hitopadesha or the Mother's own Tales of All Times), - and equally parents should refrain from scolding children, or being despotic, impatient or ill-tempered with them. Physical education ...
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