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5 result/s found for Paradise Heaven

... upper side, the place of light & pleasure. So the worlds of utter bliss begin from the Sun and rise above the Sun to Brahmalok. But these are all words & dreams, since Hell & Patal & Earth & Paradise & Heaven are all in the Jivatma itself and not outside it. Nevertheless while we are still dreamers, we must speak in the language & terms of the dream. THE STUDENT What then are these worlds of nether ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... on with Jarasandha, some lines at least stand out: Is there a man in all the world whose mind Like thine is violent, like thine is blind?... For what is Indra's heaven, what Paradise? heaven in noble deeds and virtue lies. 47 Why was Sri Aurobindo drawn particularly to these episodes in the main Mahabharata story? Wasn't it because they gave a clue to the working of the ...

... force seek such a peace? The world is "A language mispronounced, misspelt, yet true". "The world is not cut off from Truth and God". "Man's soul crosses through thee to Paradise". Heaven's sun and its light force their way through death and night. "How sayst thou Truth can never light the human mind" when from the meaningless Void creation arose, from a bodiless Force Matter was... was like "an ineffectual beam of suffering light". The will-to-be seemed there "the original sin" for which Savitri must atone. The greatest sin was to think that being "made of dust" she could equal heaven, to claim "to be a living fire of God", to harbour "the will to be immortal and divine". In that region of darkness "a great Negation was the Real's face. "Prohibiting the vain process of Time... is one from which thy "yearnings came". It is a dream-world and it is from there that the ideal is formed by the human being. But it is not based upon any Reality. "The ideal dwells not in heaven, nor on the earth, A bright delirium of man's ardour of hope Drunk with the wine of its own phantasy." It is "thy mortal longing" that "made for thee a soul". Love is nothing but ...

... 42 Ibid. Page 456 In vain thou hast dug the dark unbridgeable gulf, In vain thou hast built the blind and doorless wall: Man's soul crosses through thee to Paradise, Heaven's sun forces its way through death and night; Its light is seen upon our being's verge... How sayst thou Truth can never light the human mind And Bliss can never invade the mortal's... be expressed, then how is a bridge to be constructed between the Unmanifest and the Manifest? Must this gulf remain unbridgable? If so, how can earth receive the blessing of heaven? Who will bring down the light of heaven on earth? Here now Death poses a direct question to Savitri. He says: Is thine that strength, O beauty of mortal limbs, O soul who flutterest to escape my net? ... Our love is the heavenly seal of the Supreme. I guard that seal against thy rending hands. Love must not cease to live upon the earth; For Love is the bright link twixt earth and heaven... Love is man's lien on the Absolute. 22 Savitri says she is guarding the seal of the Supreme which the Supreme has put on their love. Her great mission on earth is to see that love ...

... enemies of the living light and liberty of Supernature. The decisive question now is: Does Blake's supernatural mythology accept a bright-burning anger making war in Heaven against Heaven's enemies? Like Adam and Eve in Paradise Lost, are readers of Blake to prepare themselves to hear of things to their thought So unimaginable as hate in heav'n, And war so near the peace of God... shadowy: "The history of this is written in Paradise Lost, & the Governor or Reason is call'd Messiah... "It indeed appear'd to Reason as if Desire was cast out; but the Devil's account is, that the Messiah fell, & formed a heaven of what he stole from the Abyss." 76 Here, in addition to the explicit acceptance of the "history" in Paradise Lost, the critical turn for us is: "was cast out... anti-divine obscurity, prior to that creation and existing in Eternity, the symbol of a Fall in Heaven before the Fall from Heaven, exactly as in Milton's epic Satan and his crew are called "Sons of Darkness" 152 even when they have not yet been driven out from "all Heav'n's bounds". Of course, in Paradise Lost the designation "Sons of Darkness" gets a subtle support and rationale from the fact ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger