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Parnell, Charles Stewart : (1846-91), nationalist leader who united Irish patriots, & promoted boycott as a means of bringing pressure on landlords & land agents. Parnell was arrested & put in prison; from there he issued a no-rent manifesto, the popularity of which caused him to be referred to as the “uncrowned king of Ireland”.
... 221, 223, 235, 237, 244, 245-46, 299, 301, 302, 334, 399 Pandit, M.P, 579, 690, 747 Panikkar, K. M., 722 Parabrahman, 158 Paradise Lost, 614, 664 Parnell, Charles Stewart, 42-3,191,281,328 Partition of Bengal, 201, 204ff, 282, 294 Patkar. R.N.,51,52,53,195 Patwardhan, Annasaheb, 276 Pavitra (P. B. de St. Hilaire), 539ff, 576 ...
... England and Baroda (1883-1898) England and Baroda (1883-1898) Songs to Myrtilla Collected Poems Charles Stewart Parnell 1891 O pale and guiding light, now star unsphered, Deliverer lately hailed, since by our lords Most feared, most hated, hated because feared, Who smot'st them with an edge surpassing swords! Thou too wert then a child of ...
... of Brahman 616 Bliss of Identity 601 The Blue Bird 533 The Body 617 Bride of the Fire 532 Bugles of Light 673 The Call of the Impossible 595 Charles Stewart Parnell 17 The Children of Wotan 641 A Child's Imagination 211 Chitrangada 309 Contrasts 593 Cosmic Consciousness 603 The Cosmic Dance 590 The Cosmic ...
... 29 The Indian Majlis There was, apart from poetry, another subject in which Sri Aurobindo's interest was far from 'sporadic' It was in 1891 that Charles Stewart Parnell (born 1846) died. He had led a movement in favour of home rule in Ireland. From A. A. Ghose's pen flowed the following lines: "O pale and guiding light, now star unsphered, Deliverer ...
... soul's immensity, Sri Aurobindo had other things too to occupy his thoughts, politics,— for instance, and the career of poets and political leaders. Hic Jacet (Glasnevin Cemetery) and Charles Stewart Parnell (1891) are both vigorous expressions of Sri Aurobindo's political sensibility, and are immediately effective by reason of their clarity and strength. Like Macaulay's A Jacobite's Epitaph... read it even twice. 55 Yet the parallelism is striking enough, and the two poems deserve to be read together. The six lines on Parnell, again, have a pointed adequacy in phrasing, and their juxtaposition with The Lost Deliverer would be very suggestive. Parnell, even he — once most feared and most hated — even he was to prove but a "child of tragic earth"! No less deserving of praise is the... with calm, inimitable paces, Critic with judgment absolute to all time, A complete strength when men were maimed and weak, German obscured the spirit of a Greek. 56 Admirer of Parnell and Goethe, lover of Greece and Ireland, young Sri Aurobindo wanted to lay deep the foundations of his faith, to plan and work out the details of his future course of action. Even when he was gripped ...
... socialist leader, was killed in a duel over a woman. Charles Stewart Parnell. Dated 1891, the year of the Irish nationalist leader's death. Hic Jacet. Dated 1891 in the manuscript; subtitled in the manuscript Page 694 and in all printed editions: "Glasnevin Cemetery". This is the cemetery in Dublin where Parnell is buried. Lines on Ireland . Dated 1896 ...
... an important role in the social life of Indian students in England and ¹ Ibid.; also cf. Sri Aurobindo, Supplement (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1973), p. 419. ² The poem, "Charles Stewart Parnell", is reproduced in Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1972), pp. 15-16. Page 22 very often moulded their political outlook. Aurobindo took ...
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